
Xournal是一个用于记笔记,草绘,使用手写笔记录日记的应用程序。(Xournal is an application for notetaking, sketching, keeping a journal using a stylus. )

  • Owner: dmgerman/xournal
  • Platform: Linux, Windows
  • License:: GNU General Public License v2.0
  • Category::
  • Topic:
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Xournal是一个用于记笔记,草绘,使用手写笔记录日记的应用程序。 它是免费软件(GNU GPL),可在Linux(最新发行版)和其他GTK+ / Gnome平台上运行。

它类似于Microsoft Windows Journal或其他替代品,如Jarnal,Gournal和NoteLab。


Name With Ownerdmgerman/xournal
Primary LanguageC
Program languageShell (Language Count: 5)
PlatformLinux, Windows
License:GNU General Public License v2.0
Release Count0
Created At2009-12-14 01:51:22
Pushed At2020-03-30 20:28:39
Last Commit At2016-04-20 11:04:36
Stargazers Count102
Watchers Count18
Fork Count47
Commits Count179
Has Issues Enabled
Issues Count0
Issue Open Count0
Pull Requests Count3
Pull Requests Open Count6
Pull Requests Close Count3
Has Wiki Enabled
Is Archived
Is Fork
Is Locked
Is Mirror
Is Private

#+STARTUP: showall

  • This is a testing repository for new features of Xournal

This is a mirror of the git repository of Xournal
(http://xournal.sourceforge.net) and contains experimental code that
is not yet in the official repo. Its purpose is to help in the
development of new features

It should not be used for code intended for further distribution.

  • Xournal

Xournal is hosted in sourceforge at [[http://sourceforge.net/projects/xournal/][http://xournal.sourceforge.net/]]
with a mailing list located at sourceforge too

The latest official version of xournal can always be found at

  • Where to find the code

** Official Repository

The official repository of xournal is managed under git. It can be
found in sourceforge at: [[git://git.code.sf.net/p/xournal/code%20xournal-code][git://git.code.sf.net/p/xournal/code

For compatibility reasons a CVS repo is still maintained and it mirrors the
git repository, but its use is deprecated.

** Experimental repository

The Xournal development team has an experimental repository where new
features of Xournal are tested before they are incorporated into the
official version. These features are not considered to be
stable enough for wider distributions and should be considered as
unstable and prone to crash.

The experimental repository is hosted at github in the
following repository

Currently this repository contains the following [[https://github.com/dmgerman/xournal/branches][branches]]:

  1. [[https://github.com/dmgerman/xournal][Master]]. DO NOT use this branch as the basis of your code.
  2. [[https://github.com/dmgerman/xournal/tree/upstream][upstream]]. Its purpose is to mirror the official repository. Use
    this branch as the basis to develop your new features.
  3. for-denis. This branch is expected to be merged into the official
    repository. It contains features that are ready to be included in
    his repository.
  4. [[https://github.com/dmgerman/xournal/tree/next][next]]. This branch is for integration of several features that have
    been considered solid, but not yet incorporated into the official
  5. [[https://github.com/dmgerman/xournal/tree/gtk3][gtk3]]. It is an advanced effort towards porting xournal to
    gtk3+. Currently Xournal uses gtk2+
  6. Other experimental branches. They will contain features that are
    being tested before they are deployed to a wider audience.

The repository is likely to contain other branches with other
experimental features.

** Summary of experimental branches

These branches are reliable and do not break compatibility with Xournal:, Name, Purpose, Rebased to head, Integrated into next, ------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+------------------+----------------------, Master, Identical to upstream except for this file, <2016-04-20 Wed>, yes, Upstream, Identical to Denis repo, <2016-04-20 Wed>, yes, ------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+------------------+----------------------, fix-update-width, Fixes annoyance: when rest the width of selected strokes, keep their variable width, <2016-04-20 Wed>, yes, glade, Uses XML glade interface for configuration files, <2016-04-20 Wed>, yes, horizontal-scroll-lock, Option to Lock the scroll horizontally, <2016-04-20 Wed>, yes, layers, Option to see layers above the current one, <2016-04-20 Wed>, yes, message, Add a pop up warning that you are using my code (used by next, useless stand alone), <2016-04-20 Wed>, yes, mru, Update the Most-Recently-Used list with the currently opened page, <2016-04-20 Wed>, yes, popupmenu, Add a menu to right click on next/prev page to improve stylus navigation, <2016-04-20 Wed>, yes, snap-to-grid, Defines a grid to which any annotation is snapped to., <2016-04-20 Wed>, yes, quick-zoom, Quickly zoom-in/zoom-out to a predefined zoom factor, <2016-04-20 Wed>, yes, ------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+------------------+----------------------, next, This branch integrates all the branches above plus current xournal code, <2016-04-20 Wed>, ------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+------------------+----------------------, cl-options, Command line options management, <2016-04-20 Wed>, NO, snap-to-grid, Any annotation snaps to grid, <2016-04-20 Wed>, NO, Some experimental branches, they are incomplete or break compatibility:, Name, Purpose, Todo, -----------------+---------------------------------------------------------+--------------------------, bookmarks, Tries to implement bookmarks, Code is a bit outdated, cmake, Replaces autogen/automake with cmake, Problems detecting glade, dot-paper-style, Implements dotted paper style, breaks XOJ compatibility, Fully implemented, gtk3, Attempts to replace gtk2 with gtk3, Performance issues, **

** How to contribute

One of the features that characterizes Xournal is its
robustness. Features that make it to the official repository should be
rock-solid and error-free (to the extent that this is feasible). In
order to guarantee this we propose the following workflow:

  1. New ideas should be posted as a short proposal to the mailing list
    (xournal-devel@lists.sourceforge.net, you can subscribe here
    http://sourceforge.net/p/xournal/mailman/). Xournal developers will
    be able to comment whether the idea fits within the vision of
    xournal. They might also provide valuable comments and advice, and
    direct to existing code (such as experimental branches).
  2. Make a clone of the upstream branch of the github repo
  3. Develop your feature, test it.
  4. When it is ready, submit a pull-request to Daniel (github user
    dmgerman). Make sure your commits are rebased to the upstream
    branch to facilitate integration. Submit only one feature per
  5. If the feature aligns with the short and long term goals of
    Xournal, Daniel will incorporate your changes as a branch, where
    they will be tested by others. At this point it becomes an
    experimental feature. The name of the branch will reflect the
    feature. Ideally each independent feature should be incorporated
    into a separate branch. That will facilitate testing and code
    review. Daniel will make sure the feature is continuously rebased
    to the front of official.
  6. Daniel will evaluate the feature for inclusion into next, where it
    can be used along many other features not yet in official (and
    further tested).
  7. Simultaneously, Denis will evaluate the feature for inclusion in
    official. If he accepts the feature, it will be submitted to him
    via the for-denis branch.
  8. Once the feature is merged into official (and hence into next) the
    branch is removed.
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