Unified XUL Platform (UXP)

统一 XUL 平台(UXP)。(Unified XUL Platform)

  • Owner: MoonchildProductions/UXP
  • Platform: Linux, Windows
  • License:: Other
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此存储库包含基于 XUL 的应用程序的统一应用程序平台的代码。它是来自 Mozilla 代码库(mozilla-central)的硬分支,带有 ESR-52 分支点。

除了在 Mozilla 上游代码的基础上进行进一步的开发,以及对直接适用的补丁进行选择性挑选之外,这个存储库还有自己的开发,并为 XUL 应用程序使用的维护平台奠定了基础。

有关使用 Unified XUL 平台的活动项目的列表,请访问 http://thereisonlyxul.org/


可以在 /docs 目录中找到与此源代码相关的其他文档。这将包含有关贡献,使用和分发此代码及其二进制文件的相关文档。

如果您对开发和构建方面感兴趣,可以在Pale Moon 开发人员维基上获得一些信息。


虽然此存储库是根据 Mozilla Public License v2.0 获得许可的,但此处包含的商标和品牌仍归其各自所有者所有。有关更多详细信息,请参阅相应目录中的通知。


该存储库已由 Moonchild(M.C. Straver)创建并维护。如果您将此存储库分叉以执行您自己的工作,请考虑在其源头上游提供改进补丁,以相互改进平台并为 XUL 构建未来。

寻找Pale Moon 和 Basilisk?

Issue #969(发行版本分别为28.9.0和2020.03.04)开始,它们已被拆分成位于 MoonchildProductions/Pale-MoonMoonchildProductions/Basilisk 的专用存储库。


Name With OwnerMoonchildProductions/UXP
Primary LanguageC++
Program languageC++, Python (Language Count: 0)
PlatformLinux, Windows
Release Count102

Unified XUL Platform (UXP)

This repository holds the code for a unified application platform for XUL-based
applications. It is a hard fork from the Mozilla code repository (mozilla-central)
with an ESR-52 fork point.

In addition to further development based on the Mozilla upstream code, and
selective cherry-picking of directly-applicable patches, this repository has its
own development and holds the base for a maintained platform to be used by XUL

For a list of active projects making use of the Unified XUL Platform, checkout http://thereisonlyxul.org/.

Additional documentation

Additional documentation relevant to this source code can be found in the /docs
directory. This will contain relevant documentation regarding contributing,
using and distributing this code and its binaries.

If you are interested in the development and building side of things, some
information will be available on the Pale Moon developer site.
You are also always welcome to get in touch with our community on the Pale Moon forum.

A note about trademarks and branding

Although this repository is licensed under Mozilla Public License v2.0, the
trademarks and brands contained herein remain the property of their respective
owners. For more details, please see the notifications in the respective directories.

Foundation and maintainership

This repository has been founded by Moonchild (M.C. Straver) and is maintained by him
and other community members.
If you fork this repository to perform your own work on it, please consider offering
improvement patches upstream to its origin to mutually improve the platform and build
a future for XUL.

Looking for Pale Moon and Basilisk?

As of Issue #969, release versions 28.9.0 and 2020.03.04 respectively, they have been split off into their own dedicated repositories located at MoonchildProductions/Pale-Moon and MoonchildProductions/Basilisk.

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