
uPortal 是一个最广泛部署的开源企业门户框架,已经在世界上数百个高等教育机构上、K-12学校和研究机构采用。

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uPortal 是建立于基于开放标准的技术,如 java 和 XML,启用简单的、基于标准的集成身份认证和单点登录的安全架构、安全访问、校园应用,基于Web的内容和最终用户定制。uPortal可以很容易地与其他企业系统集成,可根据当地具体的需求进行定制。强大的布局管理系统,使用户可以以多个角色进行动态的、个人的浏览。用户体验进一步增强,通过使用流体换肤系统(Fluid skinning)访问。uPortal 是一个最广泛部署的开源企业门户框架,已经在世界上数百个高等教育机构上、K-12学校和研究机构采用。

对于各种各样的移动设备,uPortal是“mobile-ready”!其响应性主题适用于任何大小的装置。原生移动应用程序可以很容易地使用伴侣—— uMobile 框架进行开发。这使得原生的 iPhone 或 Android 校园应用程序可以轻松部署,包括身份认证,个性化和用户定制功能。


你可以下载搭建并在您的网站使用它,没有任何费用。不同于我们的竞争对手,uPortal 是由 Apereo 管理的 100%免费的开源软件。我们社区有机会访问到 uPortal软件所有版本,绝对没有任何费用的。我们欢迎来自我们社区的所有类型和规模的贡献。参见:https://www.apereo.org/projects/uportal

uPortal 4 功能列表:

  • Based upon open-standards and Java,XML, XSLT, JSP and J2EE development
  • Scalable to over a million users
  • Pluggable API’s
  • Sophisticated layout management
  • Validate user credentials against multiple backing credentials stores, including databases and LDAP.
  • Ships with libraries and sample configuration for integration with Jasig’s Central Authentication Service (CAS)
  • Frequently integrated with single sign-on frameworks like PubCookie and Shibboleth
  • User attribute service draws data from multiple sources
  • Included LDAP and RDBMS query support.
  • Components and the framework for connecting together more complex identity management system
  • Powerful and flexible user group management system
  • Base groups dynamically on user attributes
  • Nested groups may be implemented
  • Layout system permits fragments and portlets to be presented to users in combinations determined by personal user attributes, preferences, group memberships, and the application of configurable and extensible layout component audience rules.
  • uPortal includes an exceptionally powerful authorization system used to define and check each user who is permitted to take what actions in what contexts.
  • uPortal supports permissions for access to layout fragments, individual portlets, group administration, and channel publication.
  • Images included via CSS
  • Flyout navigation menus and left-hand sidebar. The new flyout navigation menus now work with Internet Explorer, Firefox, and Safari.
  • Ability for most institutions to easily skin, configure, and lightly edit the default theme in order to achieve their desired results rather than having to start from scratch or maintain a large list of local changes.
  • AJAX preferences implementation has been migrated to the jQuery JavaScript toolkit for fast page loading times and JavaScript performance
  • ext messages abstracted to a messages XML file
  • Includes built-in support for channels presenting syndicated feeds, images, bookmarks, web proxies, inline frames, and custom standards-adherent JSR-286 and JSR-168 portlets.
  • One can now easily update or import channels, users, layouts.
  • The ease of migration between uPortal versions provides an easy method to clean the database and remove stranded items.


Name With OwneruPortal-Project/uPortal
Primary LanguageJava
Program languageGroovy (Language Count: 8)
License:Apache License 2.0
Release Count242
Last Release Namev5.16.1 (Posted on 2023-12-21 18:06:48)
First Release Namestart (Posted on 2000-03-20 16:36:51)
Created At2011-10-20 15:34:22
Pushed At2024-04-27 01:32:12
Last Commit At2024-04-18 08:53:40
Stargazers Count264
Watchers Count57
Fork Count272
Commits Count16.8k
Has Issues Enabled
Issues Count114
Issue Open Count50
Pull Requests Count2086
Pull Requests Open Count29
Pull Requests Close Count561
Has Wiki Enabled
Is Archived
Is Fork
Is Locked
Is Mirror
Is Private

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uPortal is the leading open source enterprise portal framework built by and for
the higher education community. uPortal continues to evolve through
contributions from its global community and is supported by resources, grants,
donations, and memberships fees from academic institutions, commercial
affiliates, and non-profit foundations. uPortal is built on open standards-based
technologies such as Java and XML, and enables easy, standards-based integration
with authentication and security infrastructures, single sign-on secure access,
campus applications, web-based content, and end user customization. uPortal can
easily integrate with other enterprise systems and can be customized for
specific local needs.

Forever Free!

You may download uPortal and use it
on your site at no cost. Unlike our competitors, uPortal is 100% free open
source software managed by Apereo. Our
community has access to all releases of the uPortal software with absolutely no
costs. We welcome
contributions from our community
of all types and sizes.


uPortal strives to conform with
Web Content Accessibility Guidelines Version 2.0
Level AA. The most recent accessibility audit results can be seen in

Help and Support

The uportal-user@apereo.org
email address is the best place to go with questions related to configuring or
deploying uPortal.

The uPortal manual is a collaborative resource which has more
detailed documentation for each uPortal release.


Additional information about uPortal is available in the Manual.


  • JDK 1.8 - The JRE alone is NOT sufficient, a full JDK is required
  • GIT


uPortal is now meant to be deployed via uPortal-start, which is responsible for
servlet container (ie Tomcat), DB, and portal configurations. uPortal-start
deals with the low-level configurations and setup, while letting the adopter
focus on the business configuration side of the deployment. However, it is
possible to run uPortal without uPortal-start. The uPortal manual explains

Building and Deploying

uPortal uses Gradle for its project configuration and build system. uPortal
comes with a Gradle wrapper if you don't want to install the build tool
(./gradlew in the root directory of the repo).

Gradle tasks

For a full list of Gradle tasks run ./gradlew tasks from the root directory.

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