TYPO3 CMS是一个企业级的、开放源码的内容管理系统。(The TYPO3 Core - Enterprise Content Management System. )

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TYPO3 CMS是一个企业级的、开放源码的内容管理系统。这是国际上用于构建和管理所有类型的网站——从小型网站、非营利组织到大型企业的多语言企业解决方案。

TYPO3 是一个免费的开源内容管理框架。它是根据 GNU 通用公共许可证发布的。它可以运行在多个 web 服务器上, 如 Apache 或 IIS;它可以在许多操作系统之上, 其中包括 Linux、Microsoft Windows、FreeBSD 或 MacOS x。TYPO3 最初是由 Kasper Skaarhoj 创作的, 现在由一个小型 TYPO3 CMS 团队的活跃贡献者社区进一步开发。


由于精简的核心和可选插件 (扩展) 的分离, 内容管理框架不仅仅是内容管理系统。TYPO3 有一个开放的 API, 允许您扩展前端 (网站) 和/或后端 (管理) 功能。扩展的概念使 TYPO3 能够在几乎任何方式下被开发和使用, 无论是通过使用可以下载的许多扩展, 还是通过编写您自己的方法。

TYPO3 系统要求

TYPO3 基于 PHP, 并使用 MySQL 数据库。有关这些要求的详细信息, 请参阅 "install.md" 文件。使用数据库抽象层 (DBAL), 可以将 TYPO3 与其他数据库管理系统 (如 PostgreSQL、Oracle 和 MSSQL) 一起使用。\t


为您的网站使用CMS(内容管理系统)的最大优势是能够独立于布局或设计来控制您的内容。有了像TYPO3 CMS这样强大的CMS,您可以在您的网站上添加,更改和删除文本,图像和插件,而无需安装任何专有软件或支付第三方费用。由于TYPO3 CMS的管理和编辑工具非常简单,您可以在不学习HTML,CSS,编程或网页设计的情况下运行和编辑任何类型的网站,个人或企业。当然,还有其他的CMS解决方案,但TYPO3 CMS具有一些独特的功能,使它成为任何规模的网站(从小到大)的理想选择:


  • 开源 -- 在贵公司使用TYPO3没有许可成本,因此您可以将您的资源和预算投入到TYPO3调整和个性化业务中。
  • 安全第一 -- 安全首先是TYPO3项目的重中之重,我们非常重视安全问题。通过TYPO3安全公告,您可以了解TYPO3内核和扩展中可能存在的漏洞。
  • HTML5+ Mobile Ready -- 自4.7版以来,TYPO3支持未来的现代Web开发标准--HTML5。内容可以在编辑或网站运营商的未来证明中发布。 TYPO3既是原生移动应用程序的内容供应商,也是用于在各种设备上优雅地扩展的所谓响应式网站。
  • 响应式图像渲染 -- TYPO3 6.2增加了对前端渲染“响应式图像”的支持。该功能可以通过单个复选框启用。通过TypoScript将渲染模式更改为srcset,picture,通过数据属性)。
  • 移动设备预览 -- 编辑人员现在可以使用Web> View模块查看前端,以不同设备宽度预览网页。这使您可以模拟智能手机和平板电脑上的网站。预览的不同宽度可由集成商完全自定义。
  • 多地点管理 -- 使用TYPO3安装,您可以组织和管理来自单个管理后端的任意数量的网站或应用程序。它允许您分开或共享多个站点上的各种内容和访问权限。 TYPO3是分销商网站,产品网站,单独的微型网站或跨企业网应用的理想工具。
  • 文件抽象层2.0 -- 文件抽象层(FAL)为TYPO3内核和处理文件的扩展提供统一接口,无论它们存储在本地还是云中(例如Amazon S3,Dropbox,ownCloud)。
  • 多种语言 -- TYPO3网站或应用程序可以用世界上任何语言发布和操作。此外,TYPO3用户界面目前有50多个本地化版本可供选择,随时可添加更多翻译。
  • 工作流,版本控制,工作区 -- 通过使用工作流程,内部审批流程可以与内容管理集成在一起,允许编辑在将其发布到现场之前审查他人的工作。版本控制功能可以保存TYPO3内容的每一项变化,并提供无缝的历史记录,并可通过按钮返回到以前的版本。通过使用工作空间,即使是大型结构变化(例如导航或复杂的布局变化),也可以通过集成部署的功能实时提供TYPO3。
  • 广泛的编辑功能 -- TYPO3通过真正的“你所看到的是什么”和前端编辑,以及具有自动化功能的集成图像处理,为您或您的编辑创作内容提供支持。使用TYPO3时,可以使用其他功能,例如“复制和粘贴”,自动缩略图生成或各种内容和媒体元素。
  • 基于API的框架具有很高的可扩展性 -- 无论您的公司规模或您对内容管理的需求如何,TYPO3都可以根据您的需求灵活扩展和配置。通过基于API的框架,您可以基于最佳实践开发自己的TYPO3应用程序,并针对经过单元测试并记录在案的核心。
  • 无限可扩展性与“App Store” -- 凭借超过6,000个可免费使用的扩展程序,TYPO3为扩展您的TYPO3网站或应用程序提供了几乎无限的可能性。内置的扩展管理器可帮助您安装所需的扩展,这些扩展在“应用商店”中免费提供,也称为TYPO3扩展存储库(TER)。
  • 全面的粒度访问权限 -- TYPO3允许您为整个网站,单个页面,子域,甚至是扩展和特定内容元素设置个人用户或组权限。这提供了前所未有的控制权,以便谁可以在您的网站的任何位置查看,编辑和添加内容。
  • 分发管理 -- 通过新的“分发管理”,可以运行“准备就绪”的TYPO3 CMS安装程序,例如“简介”或“政府”软件包。下载并安装分发程序并在几分钟内运行TYPO3。
  • 专业支持 -- 在全球范围内,有超过60,000名注册的TYPO3开发人员,1,200名经过认证的TYPO3集成商和约1,000名TYPO3协会成员和机构专业执行您的TYPO3项目。


  • 灵活的设计 -- 为整个网站使用一个模板,或者通过为自己的模板提供一些模板来使页面和部分独一无二。
  • 广泛的文档 -- TYPO3已经拥有大量在线文档,教程视频和多种语言的书籍库。
  • 直观的AJAX拖放 -- 使用拖放编辑可以在后端移动页面或编辑后端和前端的内容元素。
  • 容易模板化 -- 设计师友好的模板系统可让您快速轻松地将现有的HTML和CSS文件映射到动态内容。
  • 简单的网站结构 -- TYPO3允许您将您的网站整理到后端的页面和文件夹中,以动态更新菜单。
  • 自动缓存 -- 高级缓存系统为您提供完全控制,包括手动刷新和静态页面生成的选项。
  • 社区和商业支持 -- TYPO3使用户和开发人员可以通过社区或专业人员轻松找到支持。
  • 内置图像编辑 -- 自动生成图形菜单或使用工具编辑图像,以在TYPO3中调整大小,裁剪等等。
  • 前端编辑 -- TYPO3允许您在访问者看到的同一前端编辑内容,以便您可以更快速地进行更新并在上下文中查看您的更改。
  • 综合搜索 -- TYPO3会自动为您的内容编制索引,使其可以在后端和前端使用内置搜索工具进行搜索。
  • 真正的所见即所得编辑 -- 使用TYPO3中的高级富文本编辑器,在全功能,可定制的书写环境中编写所有内容。


Name With OwnerTYPO3/typo3
Primary LanguagePHP
Program languagePHP (Language Count: 9)
PlatformBSD, Linux, Mac, Solaris, Unix-like, Windows
License:GNU General Public License v2.0
Release Count732
Last Release Namev13.1.0 (Posted on 2024-04-23 09:10:48)
First Release NameStart (Posted on )
Created At2011-03-02 10:02:23
Pushed At2024-04-28 14:29:49
Last Commit At
Stargazers Count1k
Watchers Count112
Fork Count636
Commits Count39.4k
Has Issues Enabled
Issues Count0
Issue Open Count0
Pull Requests Count0
Pull Requests Open Count0
Pull Requests Close Count484
Has Wiki Enabled
Is Archived
Is Fork
Is Locked
Is Mirror
Is Private


Build Status

TYPO3 is an open source PHP based web content management system released
under the GNU GPL. TYPO3 is copyright (c) 1999-2020 by Kasper Skaarhoj.

This document provides a basic introduction to TYPO3.

Getting Started

TYPO3 requires a web server with PHP and a database (e.g. MySQL).
Accessing the backend through a supported browser.

Please see the Installation Guide
in order to set up a basic TYPO3 installation on your web server.

What is TYPO3?

TYPO3 is a free and open source Content Management Framework. It is
released under the GNU General Public License. It can run on several web
servers, such as Apache, nginx or IIS, on top of many operating systems,
among them Linux, Microsoft Windows, FreeBSD or MacOS.

TYPO3 was initially authored by Kasper Skårhøj and is now further
developed by a community of contributors and the TYPO3 Core Development

To get more info about the GPL license, visit

What is a Content Management Framework?

A Content Management Framework is more than just a content management
system, due to the separation of the streamlined core and optional
plugins (extensions). TYPO3 has an open API that allows you to extend
the frontend (web site) and/or backend (administration) functionality.

The concept of extensions makes TYPO3 capable of being developed and
used in almost any way you can imagine, either by using any of the many
extensions which are available for download, or by writing your own.

TYPO3 System requirements

TYPO3 is based upon PHP and uses a database management system like

For more specific information regarding requirements see the
INSTALL.md file in this folder.

TYPO3 resources

Here is an overview of the most important TYPO3 resources to help you
get started:

Get more information

  • https://typo3.org is the main project website. It provides up to date
    official news, information about events, access to downloading the
    products and extensions.

  • https://docs.typo3.org/: TYPO3 is one of the most thoroughly
    documented OpenSource products around, with manuals covering basic
    tutorials, TypoScript, administration, development, core structure,
    etc. You should make the time to locate the various documents, and
    read those that apply to the work you want to do.

  • https://get.typo3.org/ is the platform where you can download TYPO3
    and find all release notes and change logs of TYPO3 releases.

  • https://extensions.typo3.org/ is the platform where you can search for
    and download TYPO3 extensions.

Chat with us

The TYPO3 community is using a tool called Slack to openly communicate
with each other and with the public. Several TYPO3 teams use Slack as a
way to communicate internally and most channels are a welcome place for
you to join and get yourself involved.

Exchange information, ask questions, get help

Slack is nice for short discussions, but when asking questions, most
answers are lost in the noise after a few minutes.


To let everyone profit from an answer, we recommend to ask questions
on StackOverflow
. If you like, you can then post a link into the
corresponding Slack channel to raise attention. And please, do not
forget to tag your questions correctly with typo3 (and possibly other
tags like typo3-9.5.x, Fluid or Extbase).

Official meet the TYPO3 Community overview:

Visit https://typo3.org/community/meet/


If you want to contribute to the TYPO3 source code, take a look at our
Contributors Walkthrough and Review System:

Please use the TYPO3 Slack chat, if you need help in
setting up your contribution environment. The community is very
helpful and get you up and running! (Please post your questions in
Slack Channel #typo3-cms-coredev regarding contribution support)

The repository at GitHub is a
synchronized mirror of the primary TYPO3 core git repository:

If you want to file a bug report, take a look at:


If you learn about a potential security issue in the TYPO3 core or in
an extension, please always contact the TYPO3 Security Team via security@typo3.org.
Please always include the version number where you've discovered the issue.
If we can confirm a problem in a third-party extension, we will inform the
author immediately.

If you discover a security problem in your own extension, please inform
the TYPO3 Security Team as well. They can help you to fix it, and they
may want to issue an advisory once it is fixed.

For more details see TYPO3 Security Team.

Final notes

TYPO3 is said to be one of the most sophisticated PHP / Internet related
applications available, and the more you play with it, the more you will

Due to the advanced level of the code and functionality, a degree of
study, time and perseverance is required to fully understand it, and get
the best from it. You should keep trying, as we say it's definitely
worth it. TYPO3 is the Enterprise Content Management System "for all".

The GPL license allows for developments that are based upon TYPO3 to
also be freely available under the GPL. Please remember this, because
TYPO3 is about "Inspiring People To Share". If you are making money with
TYPO3 you can donate or become a member of the TYPO3 Association.

By becoming a supporting member, individuals and organisations mainly
fund core development of TYPO3. The decision about what the funds are
used for, is made by all members of the Association and the Expert
Advisory Board (EAB). The decisions will be made transparent to the
community and especially the supporting members. Your funds will also
serve for other purposes as laid out in the bylaws.


This document is a part of the TYPO3 project.

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