Rust 开发树莓派操作系统教程

学习用 Rust 编写嵌入式操作系统。「Learn to write an embedded OS in Rust」

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Operating System development tutorials in Rust on the Raspberry Pi

ℹ️ Introduction

This is a tutorial series for hobby OS developers who are new to ARM's 64 bit
ARMv8-A architecture. The tutorials will give a guided, step-by-step tour of
how to write a monolithic Operating System kernel for an embedded system
from scratch. They cover implementation of common Operating Systems tasks, like
writing to the serial console, setting up virtual memory and handling HW
exceptions. All while leveraging Rust's unique features to provide for safety
and speed.

Cheers, Andre (@andre-richter)

P.S.: In the future, Chinese :cn: versions of the tutorials will be maintained as by @colachg and @readlnh.

? Organization

  • Each tutorial contains a stand-alone, bootable kernel binary.
  • Each new tutorial extends the previous one.
  • Each tutorial README will have a short tl;dr section giving a brief
    overview of the additions, and show the source code diff to the previous
    tutorial, so that you can conveniently inspect the changes/additions.
  • Some tutorials have a full-fledged, detailed text in addition to the tl;dr
    section. The long-term plan is that all tutorials get a full text, but for now
    this is exclusive to tutorials where I think that tl;dr and diff are not
    enough to get the idea.
  • The code written in these tutorials supports and runs on the Raspberry Pi
    and the Raspberry Pi 4.
    • Tutorials 1 till 5 are groundwork code which only makes sense to run in
    • Starting with tutorial 6, you can load and run the
      kernel on Raspberrys and observe output over UART.
  • Although the Raspberry Pi 3 and 4 are the main target boards, the code is
    written in a modular fashion which allows for easy porting to other CPU
    architectures and/or boards.
    • I would really love if someone takes a shot at a RISC-V implementation!
  • For editing, I recommend Visual Studio Code with the Rust Language Server
  • In addition to the tutorial text, also check out the make doc command to
    browse the code with HTML goodness.

? Ease of use

This series tries to put a strong focus on user friendliness. Therefore, I made
efforts to eliminate the biggest painpoint in embedded development: Toolchain

Users eager to try the code will not be bothered with complicated toolchain
installation/compilation steps. This is achieved by using the standard Rust
toolchain as much as possible, and provide all additional tooling through an
accompanying Docker container. The container will be pulled in automagically
once it is needed. The only requirement is that you have installed Docker for
your distro

The development setup consists of the following components:

  • Compiler, linker and binutils are used from Rust nightly.
  • Additional OS Dev tools, like QEMU or GDB, are provided by this

If you want to know more about docker and peek at the the container used for the
tutorials, please refer to the repository's docker folder.

? Prerequisites

Before you can start, you must install a suitable Rust toolchain:

curl -sSf             \


Name With Ownerrust-embedded/rust-raspberrypi-OS-tutorials
Primary LanguageRust
Program languageMakefile (Language Count: 6)
License:Apache License 2.0
Release Count1
Last Release Nameoriginal_version (Posted on 2019-10-27 23:23:59)
First Release Nameoriginal_version (Posted on 2019-10-27 23:23:59)
Created At2018-03-31 17:08:56
Pushed At2024-02-10 03:24:45
Last Commit At2023-12-14 19:22:23
Stargazers Count13k
Watchers Count237
Fork Count761
Commits Count758
Has Issues Enabled
Issues Count86
Issue Open Count8
Pull Requests Count62
Pull Requests Open Count3
Pull Requests Close Count24
Has Wiki Enabled
Is Archived
Is Fork
Is Locked
Is Mirror
Is Private
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