
Looks after your pull requests, tells you when they're live

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"Has your pull request been deployed yet?" - Guardian blogpost

Tells you when your pull-requests are live. Tells you when they're not, and should be.

prout overduethenseen

Prout comes from the tenet that:

Developers are responsible for checking their changes on Production

This becomes more important, and easier once you move to a Continuous Deployment
release process. Important, because now a developer can break the site simply by
hitting 'Merge' on a pull request - but also easier because with such a small delay
(say, less than 10 minutes) between merging the work and having it ready to view in a
Production setting, the developer is in a much better place to review their work;
it's still fresh in their mind.

While everyone on your team may agree with this philosophy, that 10 minute lag
between merge and deploy can be enough time for a developer like me to get distracted
("Look, shiny thing!" or, more realistically, "What's the next bit of work?") and
forget about promptly reviewing their changes on Production.

Prout simply notifies developers in their pull request that the code has been seen
in Production (a slightly stronger statement than simply saying it's been deployed).


Follow the 4-step program:

  1. Give prout-bot write-access to your repo (so it can set labels on your pull request)
  2. Add one or more .prout.json config files to your project
  3. Add callbacks to prout - ie a GitHub webhook and ideally also a post-deploy hook
  4. Expose the commit id of your build on your deployed site

Add config file

Add a .prout.json file to any folder you want monitored in your repo:

  "checkpoints": {
    "DEV": { "url": "", "overdue": "10M" },
    "PROD": { "url": "", "overdue": "1H" }

When a pull-request changes a file anywhere under that folder, Prout will scan the
checkpoints defined in your config file, and update the pull-request with labels
and a comment as appropriate. The url you specify in the checkpoint will be fetched,
and the contents of the response will be read- so long as you embed the commit id
that response, Prout will be able to work out whether or not the PR has been deployed.

Add callbacks

Add Prout-hitting callbacks to GitHub and (optionally) post-deploy hooks to your deployment systems
so that Prout can immediately check your site.


Add a GitHub webhook
with these settings:

  • Payload URL :
  • Content type : application/json

The hook should be set to activate on Pull Request events.

Post-deploy hooks

Whatever deployment tool you use (RiffRaff, Heroku, etc) just set it to hit Prout
as a post-deploy hook (for your repo on[owner]/[repo]):[owner]/[repo]

Hitting that url (GET or POST) will always prompt Prout to
scan the repository for outstanding pull-requests.

Expose the commit id

You must embed the commit id in your site - we do this on
for instance.

I use the sbt-buildinfo plugin to store the Git commit id in my stored artifact, and then expose
that value on the production site. The ugly-looking SBT config is:

buildInfoKeys := Seq[BuildInfoKey](
      BuildInfoKey.constant("gitCommitId", Option(System.getenv("BUILD_VCS_NUMBER")) getOrElse(try {
        "git rev-parse HEAD".!!.trim
      } catch {
          case e: Exception => "unknown"


Users can configure a Slack hook for Prout
by creating a new Slack 'Incoming Webhook':

...this will get you a 'Webhook URL', which looks something like this:

...stick that url into a GitHub webhook for your repo as the 'Payload URL':

...and then (optionally) disable the hook in GitHub! You don't actually want to send GitHub
events to the hook - this is just a place to store the private url where Prout can find it.
Note that Prout needs repo-admin access in order to read the hook data!


Prout has a status page per repository available at{organisation}/{repository}. This lists useful information
like if it was able to find .prout.json, which commit it thinks is currently deployed in
production, etc.

Prout also logs lots of useful information which is available in the heroku backend.

Run your own instance of Prout

Deploy want to run your own instance of Prout - the instance at
is really only for the Guardian.


Name With Ownerguardian/prout
Primary LanguageScala
Program languageScala (Language Count: 3)
License:Apache License 2.0
Release Count2
Last Release NameherokuJdkVersion-1.8 (Posted on )
First Release Namebut-you-can-only-really-trust-saying-something-has-reached-a-place-and-not-that-it-has-correctly-done-something (Posted on )
Created At2014-09-04 07:41:19
Pushed At2024-05-02 09:56:22
Last Commit At
Stargazers Count145
Watchers Count50
Fork Count13
Commits Count456
Has Issues Enabled
Issues Count21
Issue Open Count14
Pull Requests Count82
Pull Requests Open Count1
Pull Requests Close Count15
Has Wiki Enabled
Is Archived
Is Fork
Is Locked
Is Mirror
Is Private
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