OAuth2 Server PHP文档

oauth2-server-php 库的文档。「documentation for the oauth2-server-php library」

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OAuth2 Server PHP Documentation

This repository hosts the documentation for the
oauth2-server-php library.

All submissions are welcome! To submit a change, fork this repo and send us a pull request.


Ruby 1.9 is required to build the site.

Get the nanoc gem, plus kramdown for markdown parsing:

bundle install

Compile the src into the output directory by running the following command:

nanoc compile

You can see the available commands with nanoc:

nanoc -h

Nanoc has some nice documentation to get you started. Though if you're mainly concerned with editing or adding content, you won't need to know much about nanoc.


Nanoc compiles the site into static files living in ./output. It's
smart enough not to try to compile unchanged files:

$ nanoc compile
Loading site data...
Compiling site...
   identical  [0.00s]  output/css/960.css
   identical  [0.00s]  output/css/pygments.css
   identical  [0.00s]  output/css/reset.css
   identical  [0.00s]  output/css/styles.css
   identical  [0.00s]  output/css/uv_active4d.css
      update  [0.28s]  output/index.html

Site compiled in 5.81s.

You can setup whatever you want to view the files. If you have the adsf
gem, however (I hope so, it was in the Gemfile), you can start Webrick:

$ nanoc view
$ open http://localhost:3000

Compilation times got you down? Use autocompile!

$ nanoc autocompile

This starts a web server too, so there's no need to run nanoc view.
One thing: remember to add trailing slashes to all nanoc links!


$ rake publish


Not sure how to structure the docs? Here's what the structure of the
API docs should look like:

# API title

## API endpoint title

    [VERB] /path/to/endpoint.json

### Parameters

: description

### Input (request json body)

<%= json :field => "sample value" %>

### Response

<%= headers 200, :pagination => true, 'X-Custom-Header' => "value" %>
<%= json :resource_name %>

Note: We're using Kramdown Markdown extensions, such as definition lists.

JSON Responses

We specify the JSON responses in ruby so that we don't have to write
them by hand all over the docs. You can render the JSON for a resource
like this:

<%= json :issue %>

This looks up GitHub::Resources::ISSUE in lib/resources.rb.

Some actions return arrays. You can modify the JSON by passing a block:

<%= json(:issue) {, hash, [hash] } %>

Terminal blocks

You can specify terminal blocks with pre.terminal elements. It'd be
nice if Markdown could do this more cleanly...

<pre class="terminal">
$ curl foobar

This isn't a curl tutorial though, I'm not sure every API call needs
to show how to access it with curl.


Name With Ownerbshaffer/oauth2-server-php-docs
Primary LanguageCSS
Program languageRuby (Language Count: 5)
Release Count0
Created At2013-07-15 14:42:03
Pushed At2023-10-02 19:53:43
Last Commit At2023-10-02 12:53:43
Stargazers Count231
Watchers Count25
Fork Count148
Commits Count160
Has Issues Enabled
Issues Count77
Issue Open Count41
Pull Requests Count36
Pull Requests Open Count7
Pull Requests Close Count23
Has Wiki Enabled
Is Archived
Is Fork
Is Locked
Is Mirror
Is Private
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