
mtPaint是一个绘画程序,马克泰勒从头开发,所以他可以轻松创建像素艺术和操纵数码照片。(mtPaint is a painting program which Mark Tyler developed from scratch so he could easily create pixel art and manipulate digital photos.)

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它使用GTK +工具包(版本1或2),并通过 GNU/Linux或Windows操作系统在PC上运行。由于其高效的设计,它可以在较旧的PC硬件上运行(例如200MHz CPU和16MB空闲RAM)。


目前mtPaint由Dmitry Groshev维护。


  • 只需按一下按钮即可打开或关闭工具栏。
  • 水平或垂直分割视图模式。
  • 像素网格,用于高级别缩放的引导。
  • 使用箭头键以精确的精度移动鼠标指针。
  • 广泛的快捷键用于提高生产力。
  • 12图像剪贴板。
  • 最多1000个撤消步骤。
  • 缩放级别在10%到2000%之间。
  • 平移窗口,用于快速导航大图像或高速变焦。
  • 浏览在命令行传递的不同文件。
  • 翻译:中文(简体),中文(台湾),捷克语,荷兰语,英语(英国),法语,加利西亚语,德语,意大利语,日语,波兰语,葡萄牙语,葡萄牙语(巴西),俄语,斯洛伐克语,西班牙语,瑞典语,土耳其语。
  • 使用压敏图形输入板。
  • 限制用于撤消图像的内存。
  • 抓取截图。
  • 编辑索引调色板或RGB图像。
  • 广泛的调色板功能 - 加载,保存,排序,编辑,分色,量化,删除重复的颜色,删除未使用的颜色,颜色保护,调色板移位。
  • 图像通道:Alpha,选择,蒙版。全部保存到PNG文件。
  • 最多100层。
  • 通过移动图层或移动调色板来创建动画。
  • 使用Gifsicle创建动画GIF。
  • 81刷预设。
  • 100个画笔图案。
  • 用户定义的渐变。
  • 使用矩形或多边形形状进行复制和粘贴。
  • 用于随机播放像素,填充填充,绘制直线,涂抹,克隆,粘贴文本,绘制/填充矩形/椭圆的工具。
  • 从单个对话框快速转换图像灰度,亮度,对比度,饱和度,色调,海报大小,并实时预览结果。
  • 应用各种效果,如反转,灰度,等距变换,边缘检测,锐化,非锐化蒙版,柔化,高斯模糊,浮雕,细菌。
  • 对效果使用伽马校正可以提高各种效果的质量。
  • 只需按一下按钮即可裁剪。
  • 调整画布大小。
  • 使用多种过滤方法重新缩放画布,放大或缩小。


Name With Ownermypaint/mypaint
Primary LanguagePython
Program languageMakefile (Language Count: 5)
PlatformLinux, Windows
License:GNU General Public License v2.0
Release Count52
Last Release Namev2.0.2-alpha (Posted on 2020-05-29 22:19:11)
First Release Namev0.2 (Posted on 2005-04-24 10:55:28)
Created At2014-06-11 14:29:35
Pushed At2024-03-23 09:10:29
Last Commit At2024-02-24 21:16:27
Stargazers Count2.6k
Watchers Count163
Fork Count382
Commits Count6.2k
Has Issues Enabled
Issues Count1034
Issue Open Count183
Pull Requests Count145
Pull Requests Open Count10
Pull Requests Close Count48
Has Wiki Enabled
Is Archived
Is Fork
Is Locked
Is Mirror
Is Private

See 'Credits' section for a list of the authors.

mtPaint is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

mtPaint is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

mtPaint is a simple GTK+1/2 painting program designed for creating icons and pixel based artwork. It can edit indexed palette or 24 bit RGB images and offers basic painting and palette manipulation tools. It also has several other more powerful features such as channels, layers and animation. Due to its simplicity and lack of dependencies it runs well on GNU/Linux, Windows and older PC hardware.

There is full documentation of mtPaint's features contained in a handbook. If you don't already have this, you can download it from the mtPaint website.

If you like mtPaint and you want to keep up to date with new releases, or you want to give some feedback, then the mailing lists may be of interest to you:


In order to compile mtPaint on a GNU/Linux system you will need to have the libraries and headers for GTK+1 and/or GTK+2, libpng and zlib. If you want to load or save GIF, JPEG, TIFF, JPEG2000 and WebP files you will also need giflib, libjpeg, libtiff, libopenjpeg or libjasper, and libwebp. If you want to compile the international version you will need to have the gettext system and headers installed. You may then adjust the Makefile/sources to cater for your needs and then:

For GTK+2

su -c "make install"

For GTK+1

./configure gtk1
su -c "make install"

If you want to uninstall these files from your system, you should type:

su -c "make uninstall"

There are various configure options that may be useful for some people. Use "./configure --help" to find out what options are available. If you are compiling a binary for distribution to other peoples systems, the option 'asneeded' is particularly useful (if the gcc option -Wl,--as-needed is available, i.e. binutils >=2.17), as it only creates links to libraries which are absolutely necessary to mtPaint. For example, without this option if you compile mtPaint against GTK+2.10 you will find it will not run on GTK+2.6 systems because Cairo doesn't exist on the older system.

Use "./configure release" to compile mtPaint with the same optimizations we use for distribution packages; this includes the "asneeded" option. To enable internationalization, add the "intl" option.

If you are compiling mtPaint on an older system without gtk-config, you may need to adjust the configure script so that the GTK+1 settings are done manually. I have provided an example in the configure script to demonstrate.

You can call mtpaint with the -v option and the program will start in viewer mode so there will be no palette, menu bar, etc. You can restore these items by pressing the "Home" key. After installation you can create a symlink to add a viewer command, e.g.

su -c "ln -s mtpaint /usr/local/bin/mtv"

Then you can open some graphics files with "mtv *.jpg". This is a shortcut to writing "mtpaint -v *.jpg". mtPaint can only edit one image at a time, but when you have more than one filename in the command line a window will appear with all of the filenames in a list. If you select one of the names, it will be loaded. I find this is helpful for editing several icons or digital photos.

After running mtPaint for the first time, a new file is created to store your preferred settings and previously used files etc. This file is named ".mtpaint" and stored in the user's home directory. If you rename or remove this file then the next time mtPaint is run it will use the default settings.

The easiest way to compile mtPaint for Windows is using MinGW cross-compiler on a GNU/Linux system, and the included "" shell script. The script will compile mtPaint and all required runtime files from source code, and prepare a binary package and a separate development package, with headers and development libraries; see "gtk/README" for details.

Another alternative is doing a manual build with MinGW on GNU/Linux, for which you'll need to have installed requisite library and header files, corresponding to the runtime libraries you intend to use. Since version 3.40, the official mtPaint package for Windows uses custom-built runtime files, and development libraries and headers, produced in the automated build process described above; with version 3.31 and earlier, you could use the packages listed below for MinGW/MSYS build. Either way, after the headers and libraries are installed where MinGW expects them, you configure mtPaint for cross-compiling, then run "make" as usual. Like this:

PATH=/usr/i586-mingw32/bin:$PATH ./configure --host=i586-mingw32 [options]

It should also still be possible to compile mtPaint for Windows the old way, using MinGW/MSYS on a Windows system. However this wasn't done for quite some time, so the description below still refers to older versions of MinGW, MSYS and library packages. mtpaint.exe compiled according to it, will only be compatible with runtime libraries packaged with mtPaint 3.31 or older; to use the newer runtime (of version 3.40+), you'll need to use library and header files produced while cross-compiling the runtime (see above).

If you want to do this you must first download the mtPaint 3.31 setup program and install the files to "C:/Program Files/mtPaint/" and then:

  1. Install MinGW and MSYS -
    MinGW-3.1.0-1.exe - to c:/MinGW/
    MSYS-1.0.10.exe - to c:/msys/

  2. Install the GTK+2 developer packages (and dependencies like libpng) - and

For GTK+2 you will need to download and extract the following zip files to c:/msys:

You will also need to download and extract the following zip files to c:/msys:

If you want to compile the internationlized version you will need to download and extract to c:/msys the following zip files from :

For some reason I needed to move c:/msys/bin/msgfmt & xgettext to c:/msys/local/bin/ in order to get it to run properly. If you have trouble running msgfmt you may need to do the same.

  1. Download the latest mtPaint sources and unpack them to c:/msys.

  2. To compile the code you must then use MSYS to "./configure", then "make" and "make install"

  3. If all goes well, you should have mtpaint.exe which you can run using the same method described above. You may have compiled mtPaint using more recent versions of libraries so you may need to change the filenames, such as libpng12.dll -> libpng13.dll and libungif.dll -> libungif4.dll.

Because I very rarely use Windows, I am sadly unable to support any other version of GTK+ but the one in the official package. That is, while mtPaint should in principle be able to compile and run with any version of GTK+2, only the packaged version has undergone real testing on Windows, and has been patched to fix all known Windows-specific bugs in it.


mtPaint is maintained by Dmitry Groshev.

The following people (in alphabetical order) have contributed directly to the project, and are therefore worthy of gracious thanks for their generosity and hard work:


Dmitry Groshev - Contributing developer for version 2.30. Lead developer and maintainer from version 3.00 to the present.
Mark Tyler - Original author and maintainer up to version 3.00, occasional contributor thereafter.
Xiaolin Wu - Wrote the Wu quantizing method - see wu.c for more information.

General Contributions (Feedback and Ideas for improvements unless otherwise stated)

Abdulla Al Muhairi - Website redesign April 2005
Alan Horkan
Alexandre Prokoudine
Antonio Andrea Bianco
Charlie Ledocq
Dennis Lee
Donald White
Ed Jason
Eddie Kohler - Created Gifsicle which is needed for the creation and viewing of animated GIF files
Guadalinex Team (Junta de Andalucia) - man page, Launchpad/Rosetta registration
Lou Afonso
Magnus Hjorth
Martin Zelaia
Pasi Kallinen
Pavel Ruzicka
Puppy Linux (Barry Kauler)
Victor Copovi
Vlastimil Krejcir
William Kern


Brazilian Portuguese - Paulo Trevizan, Valter Nazianzeno
Czech - Pavel Ruzicka, Martin Petricek, Roman Hornik
Dutch - Hans Strijards
French - Nicolas Velin, Pascal Billard, Sylvain Cresto, Johan Serre, Philippe Etienne
Galician - Miguel Anxo Bouzada
German - Oliver Frommel, B. Clausius, Ulrich Ringel
Hungarian - Ur Balazs
Italian - Angelo Gemmi
Japanese - Norihiro YONEDA
Polish - Bartosz Kaszubowski, LucaS
Portuguese - Israel G. Lugo, Tiago Silva
Russian - Sergey Irupin, Dmitry Groshev
Simplified Chinese - Cecc
Slovak - Jozef Riha
Spanish - Guadalinex Team (Junta de Andalucia), Antonio Sanchez Leon, Miguel Anxo Bouzada, Francisco Jose Rey, Adolfo Jayme
Swedish - Daniel Nylander, Daniel Eriksson
Tagalog - Anjelo delCarmen
Taiwanese Chinese - Wei-Lun Chao
Turkish - Muhammet Kara, Tutku Dalmaz

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