
Compilation of public failure/horror stories related to Kubernetes

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Kubernetes Failure Stories

A compiled list of links to public failure stories related to Kubernetes.
Most recent publications on top.


Kubernetes is a fairly complex system with many moving parts.
Its ecosystem is constantly evolving and adding even more layers (service mesh, ...) to the mix.
Considering this environment, we don't hear enough real-world horror stories to learn from each other!
This compilation of failure stories should make it easier for people dealing with Kubernetes operations (SRE, Ops, platform/infrastructure teams) to
learn from others and reduce the unknown unknowns of running Kubernetes in production.
For more information, see the blog post.


Please help the community and share a link to your failure story by opening a Pull Request!
Failure stories can be anything like blog posts, conference/meetup talks, incident postmortems, tweetstorms, ...

I would also be glad to hear about your failure stories on Twitter: my handle is @try_except_


Name With Ownerhjacobs/kubernetes-failure-stories
Primary LanguageHTML
Program languageDockerfile (Language Count: 5)
Release Count0
Created At2019-01-19 10:42:05
Pushed At2020-08-23 11:16:39
Last Commit At2020-08-23 13:16:38
Stargazers Count6.2k
Watchers Count472
Fork Count309
Commits Count92
Has Issues Enabled
Issues Count22
Issue Open Count0
Pull Requests Count31
Pull Requests Open Count0
Pull Requests Close Count1
Has Wiki Enabled
Is Archived
Is Fork
Is Locked
Is Mirror
Is Private
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