
Must-watch videos about javascript

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This is a list of must-watch videos devoted to JavaScript


  1. Rich Harris: Rethinking reactivity [36:44]
  2. Mathias Bynens & Sathya Gunasekaran: What's new in JavaScript? [36:32]
  3. Maxim Koretskyi: JSConf EU: A sneak peek into super optimized code in JS frameworks [23:20]
  4. Una Kravets: CSS Houdini & The Future of Styling [25:42]


  1. Jake Archibald: In The Loop [35:11]
  2. Malte Ubl: Designing very large JavaScript application [28:55]
  3. Ryan Dahl: 10 Things I Regret About Node.js [26:41]
  4. Mathias Bynens & Benedikt Meurer: JavaScript Engines: The Good Parts™ [23:09]
  5. Ronen Amiel: Build your own webpack [39:38]
  6. Addy Osmani: The Cost Of JavaScript [20:07]
  7. Erin Zimmer: Further Adventures of the Event Loop [21:15]
  8. Laurie Voss: npm and the Future of JavaScript [55:00]


  1. Lin Clark: A Cartoon Intro to Fiber [31:47]
  2. Yoav Weiss: Caches All the Way Down! [30:58]


  1. Brendan Eich: JavaScript in 2016: Beyond Harmony [15:31]
  2. André Staltz: Brains as building blocks [21:26]
  3. Cheng Lou: On the Spectrum of Abstraction [35:31]


  1. Dr. Axel Rauschmayer: Using ECMAScript 6 today
  2. Brendan Eich: ECMAScript Harmony: Rise of the Compilers [19:17]
  3. Andreas Gal: Dirty Performance Secrets of HTML5 [14:15]
  4. Andre Staltz: What if the user was a function? [32:19]
  5. Gilmore Davidson: Time zone of your life [23:40]
  6. Elijah Manor: Eliminate JavaScript Code Smells [29:15]
  7. Dan Abramov: Live React: Hot Reloading with Time Travel [30:40]
  8. Brain Ford: Problem solving in the open source world [29:57]
  9. Kris Kowal: A General Theory of Reactivity [35:38]


  1. Ilya Grigorik: Website Performance Optimization (Udacity course) [1:13:57]
  2. Mark DiMarco: User Interface Algorithms [27:41]
  3. Neil Green: Writing Custom DSLs [29:07]
  4. Eric Bidelman: Polymer and Web Components change everything you know about Web development [36:12]
  5. Alex Russell, Jake Archibald: Bridging the gap between the web and apps [48:40]
  6. Scott Hanselman: Virtual Machines, JavaScript and Assembler [25:56]
  7. Jafar Husain: Async JavaScript with Reactive Extensions [26:38]
  8. John-David Dalton: Unorthodox Performance [43:39]
  9. Gary Bernhardt: The Birth & Death of Javascript [29:22]
  10. Addy Osmani: Memory Management Masterclass [55:06]
  11. Reginald Braithwaite: Invent the future, don't recreate the past [39:16]
  12. Kyle Simpson: Syncing Async [42:25]
  13. Ariya Hidayat: JavaScript and the Browser: Under the Hood [29:13]
  14. Jafar Husain: Version 7: The Evolution of JavaScript [1:11:53]
  15. David Nolen: Immutability: Putting The Dream Machine To Work [22:05]
  16. Pete Hunt: OSCON 2014: How Instagram.com Works [40:18]
  17. Philip Roberts: JSConf EU: What the heck is the event loop anyway? [26:52]


  1. Nat Duca, Tom Wiltzius: Jank Free: Chrome Rendering Performance [40:53]
  2. Ilya Grigorik: Automating Performance Best Practices with PageSpeed [46:58]
  3. Eric Bidelman: Web Components [32:39]
  4. Alex Komoroske, Matthew McNulty: Web Components in Action [41:28]
  5. Paul Lewis, Peter Beverloo: Device Agnostic Development [40:44]
  6. John McCutchan, Loreena Lee: A Trip Down Memory Lane with Gmail and DevTools [42:09]
  7. Joe Marini: Upgrading to a Chrome Packaged App [43:49]
  8. Pete Hunt: React: Rethinking best practices [29:31]
  9. Martin Kleppe: 1024+ Seconds of JS Wizardry [31:01]
  10. Yehuda Katz: A tale of two MVC's [31:06]
  11. Vyacheslav Egorov: Performance and Benchmarking [25:41]
  12. Brendan Eich: JavaScript at 18: Legal to Gamble [25:44]
  13. Mathias Bynens: JavaScript ♥ Unicode [26:12]
  14. Mark Trostler: Testable JavaScript - Architecting Your Application for Testability [45:35]


  1. Ryan Sandor Richards: Garbage Collection & Heap Management [32:57]
  2. Addy Osmani: Scaling Your JavaScript Applications
  3. John-David Dalton: Lo-Dash [25:08]
  4. Gary Bernhardt: WAT [4:17]
  5. Angus Croll: Break all the rules [31:29]
  6. Nicholas Zakas: Maintainable JavaScript [47:04]
  7. Douglas Crockford: Principles of Security [59:52]
  8. Brian Leroux: WTFJS [18:26]


  1. Douglas Crockford: Level 7: ECMAScript 5: The New Parts [57:18]
  2. Douglas Crockford: Section 8: Programming Style and Your Brain [1:06:45]
  3. Ryan Dahl: Introduction to Node.js [1:06:33]
  4. Alex Russell: Learning to Love JavaScript [1:03:25]


  1. Douglas Crockford: Volume One: The Early Years [1:42:08]
  2. Douglas Crockford: Chapter 2: And Then There Was JavaScript [1:30:22]
  3. Douglas Crockford: Act III: Function the Ultimate [1:13:28]
  4. Douglas Crockford: Episode IV: The Metamorphosis of Ajax [1:33:54]
  5. Douglas Crockford: Part 5: The End of All Things [1:24:42]
  6. Douglas Crockford: Scene 6: Loopage [51:52]


  1. Nicholas Zakas: Scalable JavaScript Application Architecture [52:22]
  2. Douglas Crockford: JavaScript: The Good Parts [1:03:47]


Name With Ownerbolshchikov/js-must-watch
Primary Language
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License:Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal
Release Count0
Created At2014-06-21 09:56:48
Pushed At2022-01-20 09:29:27
Last Commit At2022-01-20 11:29:27
Stargazers Count13.2k
Watchers Count872
Fork Count890
Commits Count132
Has Issues Enabled
Issues Count15
Issue Open Count0
Pull Requests Count24
Pull Requests Open Count0
Pull Requests Close Count50
Has Wiki Enabled
Is Archived
Is Fork
Is Locked
Is Mirror
Is Private
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