
DOM Standard

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This repository hosts the DOM Standard.

Code of conduct

We are committed to providing a friendly, safe, and welcoming environment for all. Please read and
respect the WHATWG Code of Conduct.

Contribution opportunities

Folks notice minor and larger issues with the DOM Standard all the time and we'd love your help
fixing those. Pull requests for typographical and grammar errors are also most welcome.

Issues labeled "good first issue" are a
good place to get a taste for editing the DOM Standard and providing a pull request.

We'd be happy to mentor you through this process. If you're interested and need help getting
started, leave a comment on the issue or ask around on IRC.

Pull requests

In short, change and submit your patch, with a
good commit message. Consider
reading through the WHATWG FAQ if you are new here.

Please add your name to the Acknowledgments section in your first pull request, even for trivial
fixes. The names are sorted lexicographically.

Building "locally"

For quick local iteration, run make. To verify your changes locally, run make deploy. See more
in the
WHATWG Contributor Guidelines.


Use a column width of 100 characters.

Do not use newlines inside "inline" elements, even if that means exceeding the column width

<dfn method for=DOMTokenList lt=remove(tokens), remove()><code>remove(<var>tokens</var>&hellip;)</code></dfn>
method, when invoked, must run these steps:

is okay and

<p>The <dfn method for=DOMTokenList
lt=remove(tokens), remove()><code>remove(<var>tokens</var>&hellip;)</code></dfn> method, when
invoked, must run these steps:

is not.

Using newlines between "inline" element tag names and their content is also forbidden. (This
actually alters the content, by adding spaces.) That is


is fine and


is not.

An <li> element always has a <p> element inside it, unless it's a child of <ul class=brief>.

If a "block" element contains a single "block" element, do not put it on a newline.

Do not indent for anything except a new "block" element. For instance

 <li><p>For each <var>token</var> in <var>tokens</var>, in given order, that is not in
 <a>tokens</a>, append <var>token</var> to <a>tokens</a>.

is not indented, but

  <p>For each <var>token</var> in <var>tokens</var>, run these substeps:

   <li><p>If <var>token</var> is the empty string, <a>throw</a> a {{SyntaxError}} exception.


End tags may be included (if done consistently) and attributes may be quoted (using double quotes),
though the prevelant theme is to omit end tags and not quote attributes (unless they contain a

Merge policy

If you can commit to this repository, see the
WHATWG Maintainer Guidelines.


Tests can be found in the dom/ directory of


Name With Ownerwhatwg/dom
Primary LanguageHTML
Program languageMakefile (Language Count: 2)
Release Count0
Created At2012-08-28 05:59:06
Pushed At2024-05-07 15:49:11
Last Commit At
Stargazers Count1.5k
Watchers Count151
Fork Count282
Commits Count1.9k
Has Issues Enabled
Issues Count676
Issue Open Count187
Pull Requests Count331
Pull Requests Open Count21
Pull Requests Close Count110
Has Wiki Enabled
Is Archived
Is Fork
Is Locked
Is Mirror
Is Private
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