
Diagramo - 纯HTML5 JavaScript图表/流程图编辑器。(Diagramo - pure HTML5 JavaScript diagram / flowchart editor )

  • Owner: alexgheorghiu/diagramo
  • Platform: Cross-platform, Linux, Mac, Windows
  • License:: Other
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该应用程序在Apache License,Version 2.0下发布



如果您想阅读如何安装应用程序,请阅读INSTALL.txt 如果您想阅读许可证,请阅读LICENSE.txt 如果您想了解有关Diagramo的更多信息,请阅读COPYRIGHT.txt


[/] - this folder
   |--[documents] - 与图表有关的所有文件:设计,规格,sql等
   |    |- [apache2_config] - 一些复制/粘贴Apache2设置 
   |    |- [compressor] - 用于压缩javascripts(基于YUI压缩器)
   |    |- [design] - 设计源文件(图像等)
   |    |- [google_web_store] - “夜间拍摄”尝试制作Diagramo云(y)
   |    |- [httpserver] - 一个Python尝试创建一个“包含电池”的图表服务器
   |    |- [jsdoc-toolkit] - JSDocumentation生成器 (参见http://code.google.com/p/jsdoc-toolkit/w/list)
   |    |- [mailserver] - 用于测试电子邮件的虚假Python邮件服务器
   |    |- [qa] - (旧)测试质量保证方案
   |    |- [specs] - 很多异构规范
   |    |- [sql]
   |         |- SQLiteSpy.exe - 帮助可视化SQLite数据库的Windows工具    
   |    |- keycoders.ods - JavaScript中的关键代码列表
   |    |- links.txt - 各种收集的链接
   |--[web] - Diagramo本身
   |    |--[assets] - css, images and othe look & feel files
   |    |--[editor] - the editor itself
   |    |   |--[assets] - css, images and othe look & feel files
   |    |   |--[common] - all the PHP files that makes the server side of the application
   |    |   |--[diagrams] - the place where all the diagrams will be stored
   |    |   |--[exporter] - the SVG to PNG exporter
   |    |   |--[lib] - all the JavaScripts of the web app engine
   |    |   |--[test] - all the tests developer created over time
   |    |   
   |    |--[install] - installer of the application
   |        |-- [assets] - installer's JS, images and CSS
   |        |-- [help] - a basic help for users
   |        |-- [sql]
   |        |       |-- db.bat - creates database, tables and add some fake data
   |        |       |-- create-database.sql - creates ONLY the database
   |        |       |-- create-tables.sql - creates ONLY the tables. Used by installer
   |        |       |-- fake-date.sql - creates some fake users
   |        |-- Echo.class - a simple Java program to see if Java is installed
   |        |-- stepX.php - different steps of installation process
   |        |-- + other
   |--README.txt - this file
   |--README.md - this file
   |--COPYRIGHT.txt - describe copyright
   |--LICENSE.txt - the text version of Diagramo Free License
   |--gpl-2.0.txt - GPL 2.0 text
   |--alex-to-do.txt - Alex's personal mind stack saved in file


Name With Owneralexgheorghiu/diagramo
Primary LanguageJavaScript
Program languageShell (Language Count: 5)
PlatformCross-platform, Linux, Mac, Windows
Release Count2
Last Release Name2.3.0 (Posted on )
First Release Name2.3beta4 (Posted on )
Created At2012-06-17 05:42:58
Pushed At2022-07-28 21:10:36
Last Commit At2014-08-18 15:37:28
Stargazers Count543
Watchers Count82
Fork Count193
Commits Count511
Has Issues Enabled
Issues Count0
Issue Open Count0
Pull Requests Count0
Pull Requests Open Count3
Pull Requests Close Count3
Has Wiki Enabled
Is Archived
Is Fork
Is Locked
Is Mirror
Is Private

The application is released under Apache License, Version 2.0


Bellow is an overview of the application.

If you want to read how to install application read INSTALL.txt
If you want to read the license read LICENSE.txt
If you want to know more about Diagramo copyright read COPYRIGHT.txt

This folder contains:

[/] - this folder, --[documents] - all documents related to diagramo: design, specs, sql, etc, - [apache2_config] - some copy/paste Apache2 settings, - [compressor] - used to compress javascripts (based on YUI compressor), - [design] - sources for design (images, etc), - [google_web_store] - a "shoot in the night" attempt to make Diagramo cloud(y), - [httpserver] - a Ptyhon attempt to create a "battery included" diagramo server, - [jsdoc-toolkit] - the JSDocumentation generator (see http://code.google.com/p/jsdoc-toolkit/w/list), - [mailserver] - a fake Python mail server to test emails, - [qa] - (old) testing QA scenarious, - [specs] - a lot of heterogeneous specifications, - [sql], - SQLiteSpy.exe - Windows tool to help visualize the SQLite databases, - keycoders.ods - a list of key codes in JavaScript, - links.txt - various collected links, --[web] - the Diagramo itself, --[assets] - css, images and othe look & feel files, --[editor] - the editor itself, --[assets] - css, images and othe look & feel files, --[common] - all the PHP files that makes the server side of the application, --[diagrams] - the place where all the diagrams will be stored, --[exporter] - the SVG to PNG exporter, --[lib] - all the JavaScripts of the web app engine, --[test] - all the tests developer created over time, --[install] - installer of the application, -- [assets] - installer's JS, images and CSS, -- [help] - a basic help for users, -- [sql], -- db.bat - creates database, tables and add some fake data, -- create-database.sql - creates ONLY the database, -- create-tables.sql - creates ONLY the tables. Used by installer, -- fake-date.sql - creates some fake users, -- Echo.class - a simple Java program to see if Java is installed, -- stepX.php - different steps of installation process, -- + other, --README.txt - this file, --README.md - this file, --COPYRIGHT.txt - describe copyright, --LICENSE.txt - the text version of Diagramo Free License, --gpl-2.0.txt - GPL 2.0 text, --alex-to-do.txt - Alex's personal mind stack saved in file

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