
Skeleton: 一个用于移动友好开发的简单、响应式样板。「Skeleton: A Dead Simple, Responsive Boilerplate for Mobile-Friendly Development」

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Skeleton 是一个简单的、响应式的模板,可以启动任何响应式项目。



有两种方法可以下载 Skeleton。


下载中包含了 Skeleton 的 CSS、作为 reset 的 Normalize CSS、一个 favicon 示例和一个 index.html 作为起点。

├── index.html
├── css/
│   ├── normalize.min.css
│   └── skeleton.css
└── images/
    └── favicon.ico


Skeleton 是轻量级的,也是简单的,它只对原始的HTML元素进行样式设计(少数例外),并提供响应式网格。它只对原始的HTML元素进行样式设计(少数例外),并提供一个响应式网格。仅此而已。

  • 约有 400 行 CSS,未加注释。
  • 这是一个起点,而不是一个 UI 框架。
  • 无需编译或安装......只是普通的 CSS。


  • 最新 Chrome
  • 最新 火狐
  • 最新 Opera
  • 最新 Safari
  • 最新 IE

以上列表并非详尽无遗。Skeleton 可以完美地与上述几乎所有旧版本的浏览器配合使用,不过 IE9 之前的 IE 肯定有较大的退化。


Skeleton 的所有部分都可以在开源的 MIT 许可下自由使用和滥用。


以下是社区对 Skeleton 的扩展。它们并没有得到官方的支持,但都已经过测试,并与 v2.0 兼容(确切的版本已被注明)。

  • Skeleton on LESS:用 LESS 构建的骨架,更容易替换网格、颜色和媒体查询。(最后一次更新是为了匹配 v2.0.1)
  • Skeleton on Sass:使用 Sass 构建的 Skeleton,更容易替换网格、颜色和媒体查询。(上次更新是为了配合 v2.0.1)



Raleway Matt McInerney Pablo Impallari 创建。Prettify 。 The Noun Project羽毛 钢笔(带帽)钢笔(带点击器)由 Matthew Hall 创作,手表

Skeleton 使用 Sublime Text 3 构建,并使用 Sketch设计。字体 RalewayMatt McInerneyPablo Impallari代码高亮用的是 Google 的 Prettify 库。文档头部的图标都是 The Noun Project 的图标的衍生作品。Feather 由 Zach VanDeHey 创作,Pen (带帽) 由 Ed Harrison 创作,Pen (带点击器)由 Matthew Hall 创作,Watch 由 Julien Deveaux 创作。


Skeleton 是由 Dave Gamache 为了更好的网络而创建的。

(The first version translated by vz on 2020.08.30)

Main metrics

Name With Ownerdhg/Skeleton
Primary LanguageCSS
Program languageCSS (Language Count: 1)
PlatformWeb browsers
License:MIT License
Created At2011-04-30 20:04:24
Pushed At2023-11-14 19:22:32
Last Commit At2014-12-29 10:29:28
Release Count6
Last Release Name2.0.4 (Posted on )
First Release Namev1.2 (Posted on )
Stargazers Count19.1k
Watchers Count497
Fork Count3.1k
Commits Count167
Has Issues Enabled
Issues Count205
Issue Open Count79
Pull Requests Count25
Pull Requests Open Count61
Pull Requests Close Count129
Has Wiki Enabled
Is Archived
Is Fork
Is Locked
Is Mirror
Is Private


Skeleton is a simple, responsive boilerplate to kickstart any responsive project.

Check out for documentation and details.

Getting started

There are a couple ways to download Skeleton:

  • Download the zip
  • Clone the repo: git clone (Note: this is under active development, so if you're looking for stable and safe, use the zipped download)

What's in the download?

The download includes Skeleton's CSS, Normalize CSS as a reset, a sample favicon, and an index.html as a starting point.

├── index.html
├── css/
│   ├── normalize.min.css
│   └── skeleton.css
└── images/
    └── favicon.ico

Why it's awesome

Skeleton is lightweight and simple. It styles only raw HTML elements (with a few exceptions) and provides a responsive grid. Nothing more.

  • Around 400 lines of CSS unminified and with comments
  • It's a starting point, not a UI framework
  • No compiling or installing...just vanilla CSS

Browser support

  • Chrome latest
  • Firefox latest
  • Opera latest
  • Safari latest
  • IE latest

The above list is non-exhaustive. Skeleton works perfectly with almost all older versions of the browsers above, though IE certainly has large degradation prior to IE9.


All parts of Skeleton are free to use and abuse under the open-source MIT license.


The following are extensions to Skeleton built by the community. They are not officially supported, but all have been tested and are compatible with v2.0 (exact release noted):

  • Skeleton on LESS: Skeleton built with LESS for easier replacement of grid, color, and media queries. (Last update was to match v2.0.1)
  • Skeleton on Sass: Skeleton built with Sass for easier replacement of grid, color, and media queries. (Last update was to match v2.0.1)

Have an extension you want to see here? Just shoot an email to with your extension!


Skeleton was built using Sublime Text 3 and designed with Sketch. The typeface Raleway was created by Matt McInerney and Pablo Impallari. Code highlighting by Google's Prettify library. Icons in the header of the documentation are all derivative work of icons from The Noun Project. Feather by Zach VanDeHey, Pen (with cap) by Ed Harrison, Pen (with clicker) by Matthew Hall, and Watch by Julien Deveaux.


Skeleton was created by Dave Gamache for a better web.