
delta3d 是一个广泛使用的、社区支持的开源游戏和模拟引擎。 delta3d适用于各种用途,包括培训,教育,可视化和娱乐。(delta3d is a widely-used, community-supported, open-source game and simulation engine. delta3d is appropriate for a variety of uses including trainin

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delta3d 是一个广泛使用的,社区支持的开源游戏和模拟引擎。 delta3d适用于各种用途,包括培训,教育,可视化和娱乐。

delta3d是独一无二的,因为它提供了一个现代化的高质量渲染引擎和特别适合建模和模拟和DoD社区的功能,如高级架构(HLA),后行动审查(AAR),大规模地形支持和SCORM学习管理系统 (LMS)集成。

delta3D 是使用开放标准和开源软件建立了一个强大的仿真平台。它具有完整的开发工具链支持各种免费和商业软件。

  • 商用级仿真引擎
  • 全部工具链和艺术设计
  • 使用开放标准和开源软件构建
  • 社区论坛,教程和维基在


Name With Ownerdelta3d/delta3d
Primary LanguageC++
Program languageCMake (Language Count: 13)
PlatformBSD, Linux, Windows
Release Count45
Last Release NameREL-2.8.0 (Posted on )
First Release Nameimport (Posted on )
Created At2016-10-15 17:32:04
Pushed At2020-06-05 01:58:21
Last Commit At2020-06-04 21:58:05
Stargazers Count110
Watchers Count7
Fork Count42
Commits Count8.1k
Has Issues Enabled
Issues Count5
Issue Open Count3
Pull Requests Count0
Pull Requests Open Count0
Pull Requests Close Count0
Has Wiki Enabled
Is Archived
Is Fork
Is Locked
Is Mirror
Is Private


Delta3D: The Open-Source Game Engine


Welcome to Delta3D! We hope to get you up and running with Delta3D as
quickly as possible. If you only wish run pre-built applications and have
already used the Windows installer, you are ready to rock.

Go ahead and try out the examples by running the executables found in
the build/bin folder.

There are also several useful utitilies also found in the build/bin folder.

Thanks for using Delta3D! Please visit our webpage at
and don't hesistate to use the forums for any problems you may have. We'll do
our best to respond as quick as possible.

The Delta3D Team


Building From Source


Delta3D uses CMake ( to generate projects for the
libraries, examples, and utilities. See for instructions on
how to build Delta3D from source and which CMake build options are available.

NOTE: You will not be able to compile the libraries or utilities
from the Delta3D SDK package, only the examples. See the Tutorials
page for help in deciding which Delta3D download is right for you.




Delta3D makes use of many different external dependencies; some are
required and some are optional.

If you are on Windows and are using a supported version of
Visual Studio, we have prepared pre-compiled dependency pacakges for you.
These will live in a folder called 'ext' that should reside inside
your Delta3D directory.

Note: if the external dependency is not found by CMake, the Delta3D
projects that rely on that dependency will not be generated.

Please see the latest information on the External Dependencies at:


Environment Variables


Delta3D requires environment variables at runtime (but not at compile-time).
The Windows installer will set these up for you, but if you use the zip
package or are on Linux you need to set them youself.

Microsoft Windows

Make sure the Delta3D environment variables are set. Note: Delta3D
libraries are typically contained under a "build" sub-folder that is
named based on the compiler. The DELTA_LIB and DELTA_BIN variables
may need to be customized based on the installation.

DELTA_ROOT = "C:\Program Files\delta3d" (or wherever Delta3D is installed)
DELTA_LIB = %DELTA_ROOT%\build\lib;%DELTA_ROOT%\ext\lib
DELTA_BIN = %DELTA_ROOT%\build\bin;%DELTA_ROOT%\ext\bin

By adding DELTA_BIN to your PATH environment, all Delta3D applications
will find the Delta3D .dll files.

Once set, these variables can be used in Visual Studio in the project properties
or in the global VC++ directories (Tools->Options->Projects) as shown below:

Include files: $(DELTA_INC)
Library files: $(DELTA_LIB)


DELTA_ROOT: path to your Delta3D installation
DELTA_LIB: $DELTA_ROOT/lib:$DELTA_ROOT/ext/lib:$DELTA_ROOT/ext/lib/osgPlugins



Build instructions



Requries RTI package to be installed! We cannot distribute RTI with
Delta3D, so you are on your own. The dtHLAGM module is compiled and tested
against RTI-S 1.3_D18 although any RTI supporting spec 1.3 should work.

The Python Bindings

Building the Delta3D Python bindings requires the following additional
packages: Python and Boost.Python.

See for information on
how to compile the non-distributed external dependencies required for
the Python bindings.


Building STAGE requires an additional download of:
-Qt 4.x, the Windows or Linux open-source release (

See for information on
how to compile the non-distributed external dependencies required for
building STAGE.

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