
Converter tools for Core ML.

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Core ML Community Tools

Core ML community tools contains all supporting tools for Core ML model
conversion, editing and validation. This includes deep learning frameworks like
TensorFlow, Keras, Caffe as well as classical machine learning frameworks like
LIBSVB, scikit-learn, and XGBoost.

To get the latest version of coremltools:

pip install --upgrade coremltools

For the latest changes please see the release notes.

Table of Contents

Neural Network Conversion

Link to the detailed NN conversion guide.

There are several converters available to translate neural networks trained
in various frameworks into the Core ML model format. Following formats can be
converted to the Core ML .mlmodel format through the coremltools python
package (this repo):

  • Caffe V1 (.prototxt, .caffemodel format)
  • Keras API (2.2+) (.h5 format)
  • TensorFlow 1 (1.13+) (.pb frozen graph def format)
  • TensorFlow 2 (.h5 and SavedModel formats)

In addition, there are two more neural network converters build on top of coremltools:

  • onnx-coreml: to convert .onnx model format. Several frameworks such as PyTorch, MXNet, CaffeV2 etc
    provide native export to the ONNX format.
  • tfcoreml: to convert TensorFlow models. For producing Core ML models targeting iOS 13 or later,
    tfcoreml defers to the TensorFlow converter implemented inside coremltools.
    For iOS 12 or earlier, the code path is different and lives entirely in the tfcoreml package.

To get an overview on how to use the converters and features such as
post-training quantization using coremltools, please see the neural network

Core ML Specification

  • Core ML specification is fully described in a set of protobuf files.
    They are all located in the folder mlmodel/format/
  • For an overview of the Core ML framework API, see here.
  • To find the list of model types supported by Core ML, see this
    portion of the model.proto file.
  • To find the list of neural network layer types supported see this
    portion of the NeuralNetwork.proto file.
  • Auto-generated documentation for all the protobuf files can be found at this link

User Guide and Examples


We recommend using virtualenv to use, install, or build coremltools. Be
sure to install virtualenv using your system pip.

pip install virtualenv

The method for installing coremltools follows the
standard python package installation steps.
To create a Python virtual environment called pythonenv follow these steps:

# Create a folder for your virtualenv
mkdir mlvirtualenv
cd mlvirtualenv

# Create a Python virtual environment for your Core ML project
virtualenv pythonenv

To activate your new virtual environment and install coremltools in this
environment, follow these steps:

# Active your virtual environment
source pythonenv/bin/activate

# Install coremltools in the new virtual environment, pythonenv
(pythonenv) pip install -U coremltools

The package documentation contains
more details on how to use coremltools.


Name With Ownerapple/coremltools
Primary LanguagePython
Program languageC++ (Language Count: 11)
License:BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
Release Count39
Last Release Name7.2 (Posted on )
First Release Namev0.5.1 (Posted on 2017-08-04 18:09:06)
Created At2017-06-30 07:39:02
Pushed At2024-05-10 00:24:26
Last Commit At
Stargazers Count4.1k
Watchers Count119
Fork Count596
Commits Count1.1k
Has Issues Enabled
Issues Count1340
Issue Open Count288
Pull Requests Count739
Pull Requests Open Count22
Pull Requests Close Count111
Has Wiki Enabled
Is Archived
Is Fork
Is Locked
Is Mirror
Is Private
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