
Cairo是一个支持多输出设备的2D图形库。(Cairo is a 2D graphics library with support for multiple outputdevices. )

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Cairo是一个支持多输出设备的2D图形库。当前支持的输出目标包括X Window系统(通过Xlib和XCB),Quartz,Win32,image buffers,PostScript,PDF和SVG文件输出。实验后端包括OpenGL,BeOS,OS/2和DirectFB。

Cairo旨在在所有输出媒体上产生一致的输出,同时利用显示硬件加速(如通过 X Render Extension)。cairo API提供与PostScript和PDF的绘图操作类似的操作。在开罗的操作包括抚摸和填充立方Bézier样条,转换和合成半透明图像,和抗锯齿文本渲染。所有绘图操作可以通过任何仿射变换(比例,旋转,剪切等)。Cairo实现为用C编程语言编写的库,但绑定可用于几种不同的编程语言。Cairo是免费软件,可根据GNU宽通用公共许可证(LGPL)2.1或Mozilla公共许可证(MPL)1.1版的条款重新分发和/或修改。


Name With OwnerD-Programming-Deimos/cairo
Primary LanguageC
Program languageC++ (Language Count: 3)
Release Count0
Created At2012-04-27 02:12:17
Pushed At2016-06-08 23:45:57
Last Commit At2016-06-08 23:45:56
Stargazers Count15
Watchers Count15
Fork Count9
Commits Count22
Has Issues Enabled
Issues Count0
Issue Open Count0
Pull Requests Count5
Pull Requests Open Count0
Pull Requests Close Count0
Has Wiki Enabled
Is Archived
Is Fork
Is Locked
Is Mirror
Is Private


Cairo is a 2D graphics library with support for multiple output devices. Currently supported output
targets include the X Window System (via both Xlib and XCB), Quartz, Win32, image buffers,
PostScript, PDF, and SVG file output. Experimental backends include OpenGL, BeOS, OS/2, and

Alterations to Original interface

Enums have been renamed to allow for a more sane invocation. The enum types have been camel-cased
and the members have been shortened appropriately. If shortening the name would result in a syntax
error (such as it shortening to 1_2) then an underscore is added to the beginning.

D-specific keywords have an _ appended to the name to prevent syntax errors.


Currently many surfaces are un-implemented, all planned surfaces are in the c/ directory, supported
ones are listed in the deimos/cairo/ directory.

Some existing bindings are unsupported due to a lack of complementary bindings to other libraries.

The features list is currently just set to a common set, you will have to manually edit this to suit
your needs. This will later be replaced with an script that automatically generated the list from
your existing Cairo install.


The basic usage has no dependencies, however some of the backends have dependencies that require you
to have other deimos bindings installed.

  • The Xlib and XRender surfaces require deimos.X11.
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