
新的“Brave”浏览器会自动拦截广告和跟踪器,使其更快,更安全。(The new Brave browser automatically blocks ads and trackers, making it faster and safer than your current browser.)

Github stars Tracking Chart

Brave是基于Chromium网络浏览器及其Blink引擎的免费开源网络浏览器。Brave是开源的,目前有 Brave browser for Desktop and Laptop、Brave for IOS和 Brave for Android三种平台版本。Brave浏览器台式机和笔记本电脑版支持Windows,OSX和Linux操作系统。

新的“Brave”(勇敢)浏览器会阻止那些使您失望、浪费您的带宽并入侵您的隐私的广告和跟踪器。 现在,Brave可以根据您访问最多的网站自动为您最喜爱的发布商做出贡献。.


  • Brave阻止有害广告 -- 城里有一个新的广告游戏。 这被称为“恶意广告”。 最新的显示广告技术可以在您的笔记本电脑上安装恶意软件,而无需向您告知。但不是勇敢就可以保证不出问题。
  • Brave将站点重定向到HTTPS -- 我们已经将HTTPS Everywhere集成到每个Brave浏览器中,以确保您始终将位移动到最安全的管道中。
  • Brave的块跟踪像素和跟踪Cookie -- 当你看到几天前买的东西的广告时,你有没有看到有人在看你? 我们确保您在网上购物并浏览您最喜欢的网站时不被跟踪。


Name With Ownerbrave/browser-laptop
Primary LanguageJavaScript
Program languageJavaScript (Language Count: 9)
Release Count623
Last Release Namev0.27.3 (Posted on )
First Release Namev0.0.7 (Posted on )
Created At2015-11-25 22:55:10
Pushed At2019-04-11 05:59:09
Last Commit At2019-04-10 22:09:21
Stargazers Count8k
Watchers Count420
Fork Count1k
Commits Count9.4k
Has Issues Enabled
Issues Count11675
Issue Open Count298
Pull Requests Count3122
Pull Requests Open Count0
Pull Requests Close Count542
Has Wiki Enabled
Is Archived
Is Fork
Is Locked
Is Mirror
Is Private

Unit Tests
JavaScript Style Guide
Open Source Helpers

Brave Browser

Desktop browser for macOS, Windows, and Linux.

Deprecation notice: this repository is for the older Muon (our fork of Electron) version of Brave.
The newer version of the browser (brave-core) can be found here.
Development is being wound down on this version as issues are migrated to the new code-base

If you're experiencing issues with Brave or would like to contribute, please check out the new code-base instead

For other versions of our browser, please see:


To download the latest release, see our releases page.

You can also visit our website to get the latest stable release (along with a more user-friendly download page).

The Muon version of Brave has only one active release channel: Release. This will be deprecated as we move to brave-core. Both the Beta channel and Developer channel are already using the brave-core code-base.


Join the Q&A community if you'd like to get more involved with Brave. You can ask for help,
discuss features you'd like to see, and a lot more. We'd love to have your help so that we can continue improving Brave.

Useful documentation

Running from source

If you're setting up using Windows, please see the Building on Windows wiki entry for a full walkthrough.

For other platforms (macOS, Linux) You'll need certain packages installed before you can build and run Brave locally.


  1. the current LTS version of nodejs

    Install from your package manager, nvm, or download from

  2. npm version 5 or greater (to make use of the package-lock.json)

On Debian / Ubuntu /Mint

apt-get install build-essential rpm ninja-build

On Fedora

dnf install rpm-build
dnf group install "Development Tools" "C Development Tools and Libraries"


After installing the prerequisites:

  1. Clone the git repository from GitHub:

     # For beta testers:
     git clone --depth 1
     # For devs over HTTPS:
     git clone
     # For devs over SSH:
     git clone
  2. Open the working directory:

     cd browser-laptop
  3. Install the Node dependencies:

     npm install

Instead of npm install you may also install with yarn running yarn install.


Additional notes on troubleshooting installation issues are in the Troubleshooting page in the Wiki.

Preconfigured VMs

Some platforms are available as pre-configured VMs. See the readme for details.

Running Brave

To run a development version of the browser requires a few steps. The easiest way is just to use two
terminals. One terminal can be used just to watch for changes to the code

npm run watch

Now actually run Brave in another terminal

npm start

Some errors related to brave/electron update can be fixed by doing a clean install:

rm -rf node_modules/
npm install

If this does not work, please clear out your ~/.electron first and try again.

Running webdriver tests

To run the webdriver tests

npm run watch-test  or  npm run watch-all

Now run tests in another terminal

npm test

See docs/ for more information.


Brave uses port 8080 to communicate between its client and server sides by default. If you are using port 8080 for something else (e.g. a web proxy) then you can set the node config to make it use a different one.

npm config set brave:port 9001

Additional notes on troubleshooting development issues are in the Troubleshooting page in the Wiki.

Running inside of a development version of Muon

By default, we provide pre-built binaries when you npm install with our own fork of electron-prebuilt.

If you want to modify the code to Muon (Brave's Electron fork), then you'll need to build it. An example of why you might do that would be exposing a new event to the webview (from Muon).

To start this process, you'll want to check out our browser-laptop-bootstrap repo. From there, you can follow the steps in our wiki to get up and running.

Packaging for bundles, installers, and updates

Please see our wiki entry for more information about packaging.

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