
PhoneGap Developer应用程序是一个测试实用程序,适用于使用PhoneGap框架的Web开发人员和设计人员。(The PhoneGap Developer app is a testing utility for web developers and designers using the PhoneGap framework.)


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The PhoneGap Developer app is a testing utility for web developers and designers
using the PhoneGap framework. After installing the PhoneGap Developer app you
can connect to your PhoneGap desktop app to instantly view and test your project
on the device.

For more information, see Developer App Reference Guide on the PhoneGap Docs.





The repository includes everything required to compile the app. You can get
setup by:

$ git clone
$ cd phonegap-app-developer/
$ npm install

Compile and Run

The app bundles the phonegap npm module as a dependency. This means that
there is no need for a global installation of phonegap or cordova.
By editing the package.json, you can specify the exact version of phonegap
to compile the project.

Since a global install of the phonegap module is not required, we use
npm run scripts to compile and run the application. This allows the app's
platforms/ and plugins/ directories to be removed and rebuilt each time,
ensuring a consistent build using the correct PhoneGap, Cordova, platform,
and plugin versions.

The command structure is:

$ npm run phonegap -- <command> [args]

For example, you can check the version of phonegap:

$ npm run phonegap -- --version

You can compile and run iOS or Android:

$ npm run phonegap -- run ios
$ npm run phonegap -- run android

For developers wishing to use the platform SDKs (Xcode, Eclipse, Visual Studio),
please build once with the CLI to correctly populate the platform assets:

$ npm run phonegap -- build <platform>

Due to a Windows npm bug, the -- does not work. Therefore we have created
run script that will build Windows Phone 8, so it can run in Visual Studio.

$ npm run phonegap-wp8

Running the Tests

There are two types of test targets: the local app and served app.

Test the Local Application

The local application is the PhoneGap Developer App. To test the local
functionality, we build the application with mobile-spec. This allows us to
ensure that each plugin was correctly installed. Eventually, we would like
to add functional tests for the app logic.

You can run the local tests with:

$ npm run phonegap -- run android --test
$ npm run phonegap -- run ios --test

Again for Windows Phone, we have a run script that will build the app so it can run in
Visual Studio.

$ npm run phonegap-wp8-test

Test the Served Application

The served application is the app served by the CLI. To test the server
functionality, we serve an instance of mobile-spec. We can then use the manual
and automatic tests to ensure that the server provided the correct version of
Cordova, the plugins, and the navigation logic.

You can run the served tests with:

$ cd tests/
$ phonegap serve
# now connect with the latest build of the PG App

Updating the Tests

It's as easy as a copy and paste.

  1. Copy all content of cordova-mobile-spec
  2. Paste the content into tests/www

On your first run of the tests, you may see some modified files. This is expected
because the test runner invoked by --test modifies certain files to support
our app's configuration.

Adding Custom Plugins

If you're a developer interested in creating your own custom build of the
PhoneGap Developer App, then this section is for you!

Since the PhoneGap Developer app bundles phonegap as a npm dependency and
treats the platforms/ and plugins/ as artifacts, you'll find that it is very
easy to add your own plugins and alter other aspects of the app.

You may visit the PhoneGap docs for a more in-depth guide or follow the steps below.

First, Setup the project on your local system.

Second, edit the config.xml to add a custom plugin, change a preference, or
configure the app's name. You should also change the app's id to your own
unique app bundle id:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
<widget id="" version="1.6.2" xmlns="" xmlns:gap="">

Third, follow the Compile and Run section to
get the app onto your device.

If you run into any problems, feel free to submit an issue.


Releases are also generated using the npm scripts:

$ npm run release-android
$ npm run release-ios
$ npm run release-wp

In order to properly code-sign Android and iOS, you must setup the signing key.
This is accomplished by cloning the signing key repository and sym-linking each
platform directory with the PhoneGap Developer App repository:

# in your development directory
$ git clone

$ cd path/to/phonegap-app-developer/
$ ln -s /path/to/phonegap-app-developer-keys/keys/ios resources/signing/ios
$ ln -s /path/to/phonegap-app-developer-keys/keys/android resources/signing/android

Contributing, Commits, and Tags

See the file for details.


編程語言JavaScript (語言數: 7)
平台Android, WP
許可證Apache License 2.0
最新版本名稱1.8.1 (發布於 )
第一版名稱0.0.1 (發布於 )
創建於2013-03-14 22:35:17
推送於2022-05-21 09:52:55
最后一次提交2020-03-05 10:06:12