
Hibernate ORM是一个为应用程序、库和框架提供对象/关系映射(ORM)支持的库。(Hibernate ORM is a library providing Object/Relational Mapping (ORM) support to applications, libraries and frameworks.)


使用面向对象的软件和关系数据库可能既麻烦又耗时。由于数据在对象和关系数据库中的表示方式之间的范式不匹配,开发成本显着提高。 Hibernate是Java环境的对象/关系映射(ORM)解决方案。

Hibernate负责从Java类到数据库表的映射,以及从Java数据类型到SQL数据类型的映射。此外,它还提供数据查询和检索功能。它可以显着减少在SQL和JDBC中使用手动数据处理所花费的开发时间。 Hibernate的设计目标是通过消除使用SQL和JDBC进行手动,手工制作的数据处理的需要,使开发人员从95%的常见数据持久性相关编程任务中解脱出来。但是,与许多其他持久性解决方案不同,Hibernate不会隐藏SQL的强大功能,并保证您对关系技术和知识的投资与往常一样有效。


Hibernate ORM是一个为应用程序、库和框架提供对象/关系映射(ORM)支持的库。它还提供了JPA规范的实现,它是ORM的标准Java规范。

不仅仅是ORM,发现HIBERNATE “星系”。

  • Hibernate ORM -- 关系数据库的域模型持久性。
  • Hibernate搜索 -- 全文搜索您的域模型。
  • Hibernate验证器 -- 基于注释的域模型约束。
  • Hibernate OGM -- NoSQL数据存储区的域模型持久性。
  • Hibernate工具 -- 用于Hibernate使用的命令行工具和IDE插件。
  • Hibernate Shards -- 通过添加对Hibernate Core的水平分区支持来封装和最小化这种复杂性。
  • 等等。。。


編程語言Java (語言數: 7)
平台BSD, Cross-platform, Linux, Mac, Solaris, Windows
最新版本名稱7.0.0.Alpha2 (發布於 2024-05-03 16:39:22)
第一版名稱3.6.0.Beta1 (發布於 )
創建於2010-10-04 16:15:52
推送於2024-05-05 15:23:36

Hibernate ORM is a library providing Object/Relational Mapping (ORM) support
to applications, libraries, and frameworks.

It also provides an implementation of the JPA specification, which is the standard Java specification for ORM.

This is the repository of its source code: see Hibernate.org for additional information.

Build Status
Language grade: Java

Building from sources

The build requires a Java 8 JDK as JAVA_HOME.

You will need Git to obtain the source.

Hibernate uses Gradle as its build tool. See the Gradle Primer section below if you are new to

Contributors should read the Contributing Guide.

See the guides for setting up IntelliJ or
Eclipse as your development environment.

Check out the Getting Started section in CONTRIBUTING.md for getting started working on Hibernate source.

Continuous Integration

Hibernate makes use of Jenkins for its CI needs. The project is built continuous on each
push to the upstream repository. Overall there are a few different jobs, all of which can be seen at

Gradle primer

This section describes some of the basics developers and contributors new to Gradle might
need to know to get productive quickly. The Gradle documentation is very well done; 2 in
particular that are indispensable:

  • Gradle User Guide is a typical user guide in that
    it follows a topical approach to describing all of the capabilities of Gradle.
  • Gradle DSL Guide is unique and excellent in quickly
    getting up to speed on certain aspects of Gradle.

Using the Gradle Wrapper

For contributors who do not otherwise use Gradle and do not want to install it, Gradle offers a very cool
feature called the wrapper. It lets you run Gradle builds without a previously installed Gradle distro in
a zero-conf manner. Hibernate configures the Gradle wrapper for you. If you would rather use the wrapper and
not install Gradle (or to make sure you use the version of Gradle intended for older builds) you would just use
the command gradlew (or gradlew.bat) rather than gradle (or gradle.bat) in the following discussions.
Note that gradlew is only available in the project's root dir, so depending on your working directory you may
need to adjust the path to gradlew as well.

Examples use the gradle syntax, but just swap gradlew (properly relative) for gradle if you wish to use
the wrapper.

Another reason to use gradlew is that it uses the exact version of Gradle that the build is defined to work with.

Executing Tasks

Gradle uses the concept of build tasks (equivalent to Ant targets or Maven phases/goals). You can get a list of
available tasks via

gradle tasks

To execute a task across all modules, simply perform that task from the root directory. Gradle will visit each
sub-project and execute that task if the sub-project defines it. To execute a task in a specific module you can

  1. cd into that module directory and execute the task
  2. name the "task path". For example, to run the tests for the hibernate-core module from the root directory you could say gradle hibernate-core:test
  • build - Assembles (jars) and tests this project
  • buildDependents - Assembles and tests this project and all projects that depend on it. So think of running this in hibernate-core, Gradle would assemble and test hibernate-core as well as hibernate-envers (because envers depends on core)
  • classes - Compiles the main classes
  • testClasses - Compiles the test classes
  • compile (Hibernate addition) - Performs all compilation tasks including staging resources from both main and test
  • jar - Generates a jar archive with all the compiled classes
  • test - Runs the tests
  • publish - Think Maven deploy
  • publishToMavenLocal - Installs the project jar to your local maven cache (aka ~/.m2/repository). Note that Gradle
    never uses this, but it can be useful for testing your build with other local Maven-based builds.
  • eclipse - Generates an Eclipse project
  • idea - Generates an IntelliJ/IDEA project (although the preferred approach is to use IntelliJ's Gradle import).
  • clean - Cleans the build directory

Testing and databases

Testing against a specific database can be achieved in 2 different ways:

Using the "Matrix Testing Plugin" for Gradle.

Coming soon...

Using "profiles"

The Hibernate build defines several database testing "profiles" in databases.gradle. These
profiles can be activated by name using the db build property which can be passed either as
a JVM system prop (-D) or as a Gradle project property (-P). Examples below use the Gradle
project property approach.

gradle clean build -Pdb=pgsql

To run a test from your IDE, you need to ensure the property expansions happen.
Use the following command:

gradle clean compile -Pdb=pgsql

NOTE: If you are running tests against a JDBC driver that is not available via Maven central be sure to add these drivers to your local Maven repo cache (~/.m2/repository) or (better) add it to a personal Maven repo server

Running database-specific tests from the IDE using "profiles"

You can run any test on any particular database that is configured in a databases.gradle profile.

All you have to do is run the following command:

gradlew setDataBase -Pdb=pgsql

or you can use the shortcut version:

gradlew sDB -Pdb=pgsql

You can do this from the module which you are interested in testing or from the hibernate-orm root folder.

Afterward, just pick any test from the IDE and run it as usual. Hibernate will pick the database configuration from the hibernate.properties
file that was set up by the setDataBase Gradle task.
