
Solr是基于Apache Lucene™的受欢迎的、速度极快的、开放的开源企业搜索平台。(Solr is the popular, blazing-fast, open source enterprise search platform built on Apache Lucene™)

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Solr是基于Apache Lucene™的受欢迎的、速度极快的、开放的开源企业搜索平台。

Solr具有高可靠性、可扩展性和容错性,可提供分布式索引、复制和负载平衡查询,自动故障转移和恢复,集中配置等功能。 Solr提供了许多世界上最大的互联网站点的搜索和导航功能。


Solr是一个独立的企业搜索服务器,具有类似REST的API。 您通过JSON,XML,CSV或二进制文件通过HTTP将文档放入其中(称为“索引”)。 您可以通过HTTP GET查询并接收JSON,XML,CSV或二进制结果。

高级全文搜索能力 -- 由Lucene™提供支持,Solr可以实现强大的匹配功能,包括短语,通配符,联接,分组等等。

针对大容量流量进行了优化 -- Solr在世界范围内被超大规模证明

基于标准的开放式接口 - XML,JSON和HTTP -- Solr使用您使用的工具来创建应用程序

综合管理界面 -- Solr具有内置的响应式管理用户界面,可以方便地控制您的Solr实例

轻松监控 -- 需要更多洞察你的实例? Solr通过JMX发布度量数据的负载

高度可扩展和容错 -- 在久经沙场的Apache Zookeeper的基础上,Solr可以轻松扩展和缩小。 Solr在复制、分发、再平衡和容错方面开箱即用。

灵活适应,易于配置 -- Solr的设计是为了适应您的需求,同时简化配置

近实时索引 -- 想要看到您的更新吗? Solr利用Lucene的近实时索引功能,确保您在看到内容时看到内容

可扩展插件架构 -- Solr发布了许多定义良好的扩展点,可轻松插入索引和查询时间插件。当然,由于它是Apache授权的开放源代码,您可以更改任何您想要改的代码!


Name With Ownerapache/lucene-solr
Primary Language
Program languageXSLT (Language Count: 0)
License:Apache License 2.0
Release Count344
Last Release Namereleases/lucene-solr/8.11.3 (Posted on 2024-02-08 16:23:57)
First Release Namegrafts/lucene-oldest (Posted on )
Created At2016-01-23 08:00:06
Pushed At2024-02-20 14:52:47
Last Commit At2021-11-24 17:25:14
Stargazers Count4.4k
Watchers Count304
Fork Count2.7k
Commits Count34.9k
Has Issues Enabled
Issues Count0
Issue Open Count0
Pull Requests Count1401
Pull Requests Open Count234
Pull Requests Close Count1049
Has Wiki Enabled
Is Archived
Is Fork
Is Locked
Is Mirror
Is Private

Apache Lucene and Solr

Apache Lucene is a high-performance, full featured text search engine library
written in Java.

Apache Solr is an enterprise search platform written using Apache Lucene.
Major features include full-text search, index replication and sharding, and
result faceting and highlighting.

Build Status Build Status

Online Documentation

This README file only contains basic setup instructions. For more
comprehensive documentation, visit:

Building Lucene/Solr

(You do not need to do this if you downloaded a pre-built package)

Building with Ant

Lucene and Solr are built using Apache Ant. To build
Lucene and Solr, run:

ant compile

If you see an error about Ivy missing while invoking Ant (e.g., .ant/lib does not exist), run ant ivy-bootstrap and retry.

Sometimes you may face issues with Ivy (e.g., an incompletely downloaded artifact).
Cleaning up the Ivy cache and retrying is a workaround for most of such issues:

rm -rf ~/.ivy2/cache

The Solr server can then be packaged and prepared for startup by running the
following command from the solr/ directory:

ant server

Building with Gradle

There is ongoing work (see LUCENE-9077)
to switch the legacy ant-based build system to gradle.
Please give it a try!

At the moment of writing, the gradle build requires precisely Java 11
(it may or may not work with newer Java versions).

To build Lucene and Solr, run (./ can be omitted on Windows):

./gradlew assemble

The command above also packages a full distribution of Solr server; the
package can be located at:


Note that the gradle build does not create or copy binaries throughout the
source repository (like ant build does) so you need to switch to the
packaging output folder above; the rest of the instructions below remain

Running Solr

After building Solr, the server can be started using
the bin/solr control scripts. Solr can be run in either standalone or
distributed (SolrCloud mode).

To run Solr in standalone mode, run the following command from the solr/

bin/solr start

To run Solr in SolrCloud mode, run the following command from the solr/

bin/solr start -c

The bin/solr control script allows heavy modification of the started Solr.
Common options are described in some detail in solr/README.txt. For an
exhaustive treatment of options, run bin/solr start -h from the solr/


Ant can be used to generate project files compatible with most common IDEs.
Run the ant command corresponding to your IDE of choice before attempting to
import Lucene/Solr.

  • Eclipse - ant eclipse (See this for details)
  • IntelliJ - ant idea (See this for details)
  • Netbeans - ant netbeans (See this for details)

Gradle build and IDE support

  • IntelliJ - IntelliJ idea can import the project out of the box.
    Code formatting conventions should be manually adjusted.
  • Eclipse - Not tested.
  • Netbeans - Not tested.

Running Tests

The standard test suite can be run with the command:

ant test

Like Solr itself, the test-running can be customized or tailored in a number or
ways. For an exhaustive discussion of the options available, run:

ant test-help

Gradle build and tests

Run the following command to display an extensive help for running
tests with gradle:

./gradlew helpTests


Please review the Contributing to Solr
for information on

Discussion and Support

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