
Zotero插件管理您的附件:自动重命名,移动和附加PDF(或其他文件)到 Zotero项目,将您的 Zotero 中的 PDF 同步到您的(移动)PDF阅读器(例如 iPad,Android 平板电脑等),以及 提取 PDF 注释。【 Zotero plugin to manage your attachments: automatically rename, move, and attach PDFs (or other files) to Zotero items, sync PDFs from your Zotero library to your (mobile) PDF reader (e.g. an iPad, Android tablet, etc.), and extract PDF annotations. 】

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Joscha Legewie

Zotfile 是一个 Zotero 插件,用于管理您的附件:自动重命名,移动和附加 PDF(或其他文件)到 Zotero 项目,将您的 Zotero 库中的 PDF 同步到您的(移动) PDF 阅读器(例如 iPad、Android 平板电脑)等)并从 PDF 文件中提取注释。

有关详细信息,请访问 zotfile 网站


对于 Zotero 5,首先下载扩展文件(按照上面的下载链接,单击最新版本的 .xpi 文件)。现在启动 Zotero 5 并转到"Tool -> Add-ons -> Tools 所有附加组件的工具(右上角的小型下拉轮)->Install Add-on From File" 并选择下载的 .xpi 文件。对于 Zotero 4.x ,Zotero for Firefox 和 Zotero Standalone 的流程不同。对于 Zotero 4.x Firefox,请转到 Mozilla附加组件页面并按照说明操作。对于 Zotero 4.x Standalone,使用与 Zotero 5 相同的步骤,但从此处 下载 .xpi 文件。

在 github 上安装开发版:

  1. 从 github下载 .zip 文件
  2. 提取 .zip 文件
  3. 重新创建包含顶级所有文件的 .zip 文件, 即, install.rdf 和 chrome 目录须位于 .zip 文件的根目录下,而不是 在 zotfile/ 下
  4. 将文件重命名为 .xpi 安装
  5. 安装

对于 zotero firefox:在 firefox 上拖放 对于 zotero Standalone:在 Zotero Standalone 中,转到"工具 ->附加组件 ->所有附加组件的工具("搜索所有附加组件"框旁边的小型下拉轮菜单) ->从文件安装加载项'并选择.xpi文件。

对于 Linux、Mac OS X 或 Cygwin 用户,有一个 Makefile ,它负责创建 .xpi 文件。 只需运行 make ,而不是上面的步骤3和4。

PDF 注释的提取

Zotfile 可以从许多 PDF 文件中提取注释和突出显示的文本。但它永远无法处理所有文件。如果你不能在你的 pdf 浏览器中复制粘贴有意义的文本(打开你的 pdf 浏览器(不是浏览器插件),选择文本,将其复制并粘贴到某处),zotfile 也无法提取突出显示的文本。如果可以的话,zotfile 的未来版本有可能解决问题。通常,这些文件取决于 pdf.js 支持的 pdf 标准,这是 zotfile 用于提取注释的 pdf 库。


源代码在 GNU 通用公共许可证 3.0 版 下发布。欢迎通过拉请求进行贡献!




Name With Ownerjlegewie/zotfile
Primary LanguageJava
Program languageMakefile (Language Count: 4)
PlatformCygwin, Linux, Mac
Release Count36
Last Release Namev5.1.3Beta (Posted on )
First Release Namev2.0 (Posted on 2012-02-02 15:17:35)
Created At2011-12-30 14:47:42
Pushed At2024-04-16 14:14:46
Last Commit At2024-04-16 10:14:43
Stargazers Count3.7k
Watchers Count55
Fork Count274
Commits Count1.1k
Has Issues Enabled
Issues Count544
Issue Open Count274
Pull Requests Count83
Pull Requests Open Count21
Pull Requests Close Count19
Has Wiki Enabled
Is Archived
Is Fork
Is Locked
Is Mirror
Is Private

ZotFile: Advanced PDF management for Zotero

Joscha Legewie

Zotfile is a Zotero plugin to manage your attachments: automatically rename, move, and attach PDFs (or other files) to Zotero items, sync PDFs from your Zotero library to your (mobile) PDF reader (e.g. an iPad, Android tablet, etc.) and extract annotations from PDF files.

Detailed information are available from the zotfile website.


For Zotero 5, first download the extension file (follow the download link above, click on the .xpi file for the most recent release). Now start Zotero 5 and go to "Tool -> Add-ons -> Tools for all Add-ons (the small, drop-down wheel in the top right corner) -> Install Add-on From File" and select the downloaded .xpi file. For Zotero 4.x, the process is different for Zotero for Firefox and Zotero Standalone. For Zotero 4.x Firefox, go to the Mozilla Add-Ons page and follow the instructions. For Zotero 4.x Standalone, use the same steps as for Zotero 5 but download the .xpi file from here

To install the development version on github:

  1. download .zip file from github
  2. extract .zip file
  3. recreate .zip file containing all the files at the top level, i.e.,
    install.rdf and the chrome directory need to be at the root of the .zip file
    and not under zotfile/
  4. rename the file to .xpi
  5. Install
  • For zotero firefox: drag & drop on firefox
  • For zotero standalone: In Zotero Standalone go to 'Tools->Add-ons->Tools for all Add-ons (the small, drop-down wheel menu next to the 'Search all Add-ons' box)->Install Add-on From File' and pick the .xpi file.

For Linux, Mac OS X or Cygwin users, there is a Makefile which takes care of creating the .xpi file.
Simply run make instead of steps 3 and 4 above.

Extraction of PDF Annotations

Zotfile can extracted annotations and highlighted text from many PDF files. But it will never be able to handle all files. If you can not copy & paste meaningful text from the file in your pdf viewer (open your pdf viewer (not the browser plugin), select text, copy and paste it somewhere), zotfile won't be able to extract the highlighted text either. If you can, there is a chance that future versions of zotfile will solve the problem. In general, these files depend on the pdf standards supported by pdf.js, which is the pdf library used by zotfile to extract annotations.


The source code is released under GNU General Public License, version 3.0

Contributions preferably through pull requests are welcome!


The full changelog is available here.

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