
Widelands是一个免费的、开源的实时战略游戏,有单人战役和多人模式。(Widelands is a free, open source real-time strategy game with singleplayer campaigns and a multiplayer mode. )

Github stars Tracking Chart

Widelands是一个免费的,开源的实时战略游戏,有单人战役和多人模式。该游戏的灵感来自《工人物语2》(Settlers II™ ©Bluebyte),但明显有更多的品种和深度。不过,通过视频教程很容易上手。

在Widelands,你是一个小氏族的摄政王。你从一开始只有你的总部,所有的资源都存储在那里。在游戏过程中,你将建立一个不断增长的定居点。你们氏族的每一个成员都会尽自己的一份力量来创造更多的资源 --- 木材,食品,铁,黄金等等,来促进这种增长。经济网络是复杂的,有不同的三个部落(野蛮人,帝国和亚特兰蒂斯)。因为你不是孤独的在世界上,你迟早会遇到其他部落。其中一些可能是友好的,你可能最终与他们交易。然而,如果你想统治世界,你将必须训练士兵和战斗。

游戏的另一个令人耳目一新的方面是你命令你的部落的方式。没有必要告诉你的每一个人的每一个主题 - 做什么 - 这是不可能的,因为可以有成千上万的人!相反,你需要做的是命令他们在某个地方建造一座建筑物,建筑工人会来。同样,每当你想攻击一个敌人,只要下令攻击他们的一个兵营,你的士兵将前进战斗。你真的是一个统治者:你在战争时代和和平时代的代表!


最后,Widelands将是可扩展的,所以你可以创建自己的部落,用自己的一套建筑物,创造新的世界,玩,甚至创建新的类型的世界(谁说,你不能建立一个月亮的定居点 ?)。


Name With Ownerwidelands/widelands
Primary LanguageC++
Program languageShell (Language Count: 9)
License:GNU General Public License v2.0
Release Count12
Last Release Namelatest (Posted on )
First Release Namebzr9203 (Posted on 2019-09-13 12:34:26)
Created At2019-09-09 06:24:48
Pushed At2024-05-04 10:22:31
Last Commit At2024-05-04 02:28:16
Stargazers Count1.9k
Watchers Count26
Fork Count150
Commits Count26.6k
Has Issues Enabled
Issues Count4631
Issue Open Count473
Pull Requests Count1500
Pull Requests Open Count44
Pull Requests Close Count246
Has Wiki Enabled
Is Archived
Is Fork
Is Locked
Is Mirror
Is Private

Widelands Build Status Travis-CI Build Status AppVeyor

Widelands is a free, open source real-time strategy game with singleplayer campaigns and a multiplayer mode.
The game was inspired by Settlers II™ (© Bluebyte) but has significantly more variety and depth to it.

Widelands Screenshot

License License

GPL v2+. Some assets are released under various Creative Commons licenses – see the respective folders.


On how to download Widelands, see https://www.widelands.org/wiki/Download/


We support compiling Widelands for Linux, Windows under MSys2, and MacOs with GCC >= 4.8 or Clang/LLVM >= 3.4, though it might work with other compilers too. We have more detailed documentation available at: https://www.widelands.org/wiki/BuildingWidelands/


You will need to install the following dependencies:

Compiling with our convenience script

You can then compile by running our convenience script., Command, Purpose, ---, ---, ./compile.sh, Full debug build, ./compile.sh -r -w, Release build, ./compile.sh -h, List available options, When compiling has finished, you can call Widelands with


Compiling with CMake

You can also call CMake manually:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..

When compiling has finished, you can call Widelands with

cd ..
mv build/src/widelands .

We have various CMake options available. For example, to create a release build, call

cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..

For using the Ninja build system, call

mkdir build
cd build
cmake -G Ninja ..

Depending on the Ninja installation, the last line can also be ninja-build.

CMake options

Note that CMake options are prefixed with -D. These are the available options:, Name, Values, Default, Function, ---, ---, ---, ---, CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE, Debug/Release, Debug, Create a release or debug build, OPTION_ASAN, ON/OFF, ON for Debug builds /OFF for Release builds, Use AddressSanitizer. Switching this off only works once. You will have to clear the build directory if you want to switch this off again in a later build., OPTION_BUILD_TRANSLATIONS, ON/OFF, ON, Build translations, OPTION_BUILD_CODECHECK, ON/OFF, ON, Build codecheck. Only available in Debug builds., OPTION_BUILD_WEBSITE_TOOLS, ON/OFF, ON, Build website-related tools, OPTION_BUILD_TESTS, ON/OFF, ON, Build Boost tests, CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX, A directory, See CMake documentation, Define the target directory for the "install" target, e.g. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=~/widelands-install., WL_VERSION, A version string, Autodetected from git/bzr, or set by adding a VERSION file, Define the Widelands version, USE_XDG, ON/OFF, ON, Follow XDG-Basedir specification. Only available on Linux., OPTION_USE_GLBINDING, ON/OFF, OFF, Use glbinding instead of GLEW, OPTION_GLEW_STATIC, ON/OFF, OFF, Use static GLEW Library, #### make/ninja targets

You can add targets to the make or ninja command, e.g. make lang to build only the translations. These are the available targets:, Name, Function, ---, ---, ALL or no target, Compile everything, up to executable with the settings from the cmake call, codecheck, Run the codechecks (currently broken), doc, Generate Doxygen documentation. Currently only with Build Type Debug, but this is easily changed if necessary., install, Install into the target dir, this is /usr/local per default (you need root privileges!) unless you change it (see CMake options above), lang, Generate the translations, ## Contributing

We have some instructions on how to use Git to help you if you're new to GitHub: https://www.widelands.org/wiki/GitPrimer/


The master branch and open pull requests will be formatted automatically by a GitHub action that runs clang-format. When you push to an open pull request, the formatting changes will be pushed back to the branch after about four minutes. Don't forget to run 'git pull' before you push again. Formatting is only triggered the first time you push after you opened the PR.

You need to enable local and third-party actions in the Actions tab of your fork's settings to enable automatic formatting. If you disable actions, no formatting will take place on your branches.

We follow the Google Styleguide.


For scripting scenarios, see https://www.widelands.org/documentation/lua_index/


For contributing art, see https://www.widelands.org/wiki/GraphicsDevelopment/


For contributing translations, see https://www.widelands.org/wiki/TranslatingWidelands/


For helping with testing, see https://www.widelands.org/wiki/TestingBranches/

Triaging Issues

For helping with issue management, see https://www.widelands.org/wiki/TriagingBugs/

Directory Structure, Directory, Contents, ---, ---, cmake, Build system and codecheck rules, data, The game's data files. Images, sounds, music, scripting, maps, campaigns, tribes, ..., debian, Packaging for Debian-based Linux distributions, doc, Sphinx documentation, po, Translation files, src, C++ source code, test, Scripted maps for our regression test suite, utils, Diverse utilities: Building translations, code formatting, packaging Mac & Windows, ..., ## Obtaining Travis and AppVeyor builds

Travis and AppVeyor builds are triggered for all pull requests and for new pushes to the master branch. If you want to get a build without making a pull request, temporarily add the name of your branch to the branches section in .travis.yml/appveyor.yml. This will not work if the branch is in a fork though.

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