
SophiMail Webadmin and Dashboard

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SophiMail Dashboard Application

  1. Centralized interface for managing distributed Email server engines.
  2. Role-based, ideal for VARs, ISPs and IT admins.
  3. Integrated in all SophiMail business email installations.
  4. Supports all PostfixAdmin installations.
  5. Developed on Bootstrap and CakePHP.

Contributor License Agreement

By committing source code, data or other material to the SophiMail project you are assigning all copyright and/ or similar rights to AVERWAY LTD
in consideration of its agreement to license the source, code, data or other material under GPL v.3.0.




Name With Ownersophimail/webadmin
Primary LanguageJavaScript
Program languagePHP (Language Count: 5)
License:GNU General Public License v3.0
Release Count0
Created At2017-06-22 11:47:27
Pushed At2023-04-19 18:39:32
Last Commit At2019-05-04 20:22:28
Stargazers Count52
Watchers Count13
Fork Count21
Commits Count42
Has Issues Enabled
Issues Count6
Issue Open Count6
Pull Requests Count0
Pull Requests Open Count6
Pull Requests Close Count6
Has Wiki Enabled
Is Archived
Is Fork
Is Locked
Is Mirror
Is Private
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