Vulkan Ecosystem Tools

帮助 Vulkan 开发的工具,包括有用的图层、跟踪和重放以及测试。「Tools to aid in Vulkan development including useful layers, trace and replay, and tests」

  • Owner: LunarG/VulkanTools
  • Platform: Android, Linux, Windows
  • License:: Other
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Vulkan Ecosystem Tools

The repository contains the following Vulkan Tools:

These tools have binaries included within the Vulkan SDK.

CI Build Status

Platform Build Status
Linux/Android Build Status
Windows Build status


If you intend to contribute, the preferred work flow is for you to develop your contribution
in a fork of this repo in your GitHub account and then submit a pull request.
Please see the CONTRIBUTING file in this repository for more details

How to Build and Run includes directions for building all the components and running the tests.

Version Tagging Scheme

Updates to the LunarG-VulkanTools repository which correspond to a new Vulkan specification release are tagged using the following format: v<version> (e.g., v1.1.96).

Note: Marked version releases have undergone thorough testing but do not imply the same quality level as SDK tags. SDK tags follow the sdk-<version>.<patch> format (e.g., sdk-

This scheme was adopted following the 1.1.96 Vulkan specification release.


This work is released as open source under a Apache-style license from Khronos including a Khronos copyright.


While this project has been developed primarily by LunarG, Inc., there are many other companies and individuals making this possible: Valve Corporation, funding project development.


Name With OwnerLunarG/VulkanTools
Primary LanguageC++
Program languageCMake (Language Count: 7)
PlatformAndroid, Linux, Windows
Release Count129
Last Release Namevulkan-sdk- (Posted on )
First Release Namekhronos-master-20141209 (Posted on )
Created At2016-01-29 21:13:46
Pushed At2024-04-18 12:34:30
Last Commit At
Stargazers Count635
Watchers Count45
Fork Count174
Commits Count12.1k
Has Issues Enabled
Issues Count553
Issue Open Count30
Pull Requests Count1074
Pull Requests Open Count0
Pull Requests Close Count302
Has Wiki Enabled
Is Archived
Is Fork
Is Locked
Is Mirror
Is Private
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