
Unvanquished 是一个快节奏、未来派、带有RTS元素的FPS。它是一个自由,开源的第一人称战略射击游戏,技术先进的人类士兵对抗适应性强的一群外星人。(Unvanquished is a fast-paced, futuristic FPS with RTS elements. It is a free, open-source first-person strategy shooter, pitting technologically advanced human soldiers aga

Github stars Tracking Chart

Unvanquished 是 Tremulous 的一个复制版,由守护进程引擎驱动。它是一个自由,开源的第一人称战略射击游戏,快节奏、未来派、带有RTS元素的FPS。技术先进的人类士兵对抗适应性强的一群外星人。玩家可以选择任何一个团队,提供双方完全不同的体验,因为人类专注于远程火力,而外星人则依赖于快速运动和隐身。每场比赛的目标是摧毁敌人的基地,防止对手团队的成员产卵。这两个团队的升级通过个人表现和团队地图控制相结合,解锁为人类获得更强大的武器和设备,以及更大,更凶猛的外星人形式。

为游戏提供支持的Daemon引擎最终基于Quake 3,以及来自 ET:XreaL 的功能,以及Unvanquished 团队自己的编码工作。团队目前正在将引擎重写为C ++,以获得更好的长期可维护性。我们的一些功能包括:
  • 一个现代的OpenGL版本3兼容渲染器。
  • 特殊效果,包括绽放,轮缘照明,运动模糊,热霾和颜色分级。
  • 现代libRocket用户界面支持HTML4/CSS2标准。
  • Native Client VM支持游戏逻辑。
  • IQM和MD5模型与骨骼动画和程序动画混合。
  • 2D最小地图和实时信标系统。
  • 支持正常,镜面,发光和光泽纹理贴图。
  • 基于Navmesh的机器人利用行为树。
  • 已经提供了几个社区生产的翻译的本地化支持。


Name With OwnerUnvanquished/Unvanquished
Primary LanguageC++
Program languageShell (Language Count: 11)
Release Count229
Last Release Namev0.54.1 (Posted on 2023-12-10 16:00:00)
First Release Name0.2.5-deb (Posted on 2012-03-10 21:49:05)
Created At2011-09-30 16:44:44
Pushed At2024-05-05 06:37:59
Last Commit At2024-05-04 08:44:00
Stargazers Count0.9k
Watchers Count54
Fork Count151
Commits Count12.9k
Has Issues Enabled
Issues Count1667
Issue Open Count598
Pull Requests Count989
Pull Requests Open Count61
Pull Requests Close Count234
Has Wiki Enabled
Is Archived
Is Fork
Is Locked
Is Mirror
Is Private


GitHub tag
GitHub release
Github release

IRC, Windows, OSX, Linux, ---------, -----, -------, AppVeyor branch, Travis branch, Travis branch, This repository contains the gamelogic of the game Unvanquished.

You need to download the game's assets in addition to that to make it run.
See below for build and launch instructions.

Workspace requirements

To fetch and build Unvanquished, you'll need:
python = 2,
and a C++11 compiler.

The following are actively supported:
gcc ≥ 4.8,
clang ≥ 3.5,
Visual Studio/MSVC (at least Visual Studio 2017).



libjpeg ≥ 8,
libwebp ≥ 0.2.0,





64-bit: mingw-w64-x86_64-{toolchain,cmake,aria2}
or 32-bit: mingw-w64-i686-{toolchain,cmake,aria2}

MSYS2 is an easy way to get MingW compiler and build dependencies, the standalone MingW on Windows also works.

Download instructions

Unvanquished requires several sub-repositories to be fetched before compilation. If you have not yet cloned this repository:

git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/Unvanquished/Unvanquished.git

If you have already cloned:

cd Unvanquished/
git submodule update --init --recursive

If cmake complains about the daemon/ folder being empty then you have skipped this step.

Build Instructions

Instead of -j4 you can use -jN where N is your number of CPU cores to distribute compilation on them. Linux systems usually provide an handy nproc tool that tells the number of CPU core so you can just do -j$(nproc) to use all available cores.

Enter the directory before anything else:

cd Unvanquished/

Visual Studio

  1. Run CMake.
  2. Choose your compiler.
  3. Open Unvanquished.sln and compile.

Linux, macOS

Produced files will be stored in a new directory named build.

cmake -H. -Bbuild
cmake --build build -- -j4


cmake -H. -Bbuild -G "MSYS Makefiles"
cmake --build build -- -j4

Linux cross-compile to Windows

For a 32-bit build use the cross-toolchain-mingw32.cmake toolchain file instead.

cmake -H. -Bbuild -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=cmake/cross-toolchain-mingw64.cmake
cmake --build build -- -j4

Launch Instructions

Linux, macOS, MSYS2

If Unvanquished's assets are already installed somewhere on your system

cd build
# <PATH> is the path to the “pkg/” directory that contains the game's assets.
./daemon -pakpath <PATH>

If you don't have the assets, you can download them first

The package downloader script can use aria2c, curl or wget, aria2c is recommended.
You can do ./download-paks --help for more options.

./download-paks build/pkg
cd build

Loading base asset package from sources

As a developer, you will want to load assets from repository. To do that:

cd build
./daemon -pakpath ../pkg -set vm.sgame.type 3 -set vm.cgame.type 3

Note that only the basic unvanquished_src.dpkdir asset package is provided that way, and running Unvanquished only with that package will bring you some warnings about other missing packages and you will miss soundtrack and stuff like that. You also need to load your own game code (using vm type switches) at this point.

This should be enough to start the game and reach the main menu and from there, join a server. If the server supports autodownload mechanism, Unvanquished will fetch all the missing packages from it.

If you are looking for the sources of the whole assets, have a look at the UnvanquishedAssets repository. Beware that unlike the unvanquished_src.dpkdir package most of them can't be loaded correctly by the engine without being built first.

Loading your own assets

As a developer, you will want to load your own assets in addition to those shipped with the game. To do that:

cd build
mkdir -p pkg && cd pkg
mkdir assets_src.dpkdir

You can now put loose assets into assets_src.dpkdir or you can put additional dpkdir directories or dpk containers inside pkg and add their names (the format is <NAME>_<VERSION>.dpk[dir]) as lines to the DEPS file (the format is <NAME> <VERSION>). Version is required in package filename but optional in DEPS file. In order to launch Unvanquished, use one of the following commands:

# Runs the game and loads the “assets” package and its dependencies from “pkg/” directory:
./daemon -set fs_extrapaks assets

# Runs the game and loads the “assets” package and its dependencies from <PATH>
# when <PATH> is not one of the default Unvanquished paths:
./daemon -pakpath <PATH> -set fs_extrapaks assets

# In addition, load a shared-object gamelogic you compiled and allow it to be debugged,
# then launch the map “Platform 23” with cheats enabled after startup:
./daemon -pakpath <PATH> -set fs_extrapaks assets \
			-set vm.sgame.type 3 -set vm.cgame.type 3 \
			+devmap plat23


If Unvanquished's assets are installed on your system

Run daemon.exe -pakpath <PATH>, where <PATH> is the path to the pkg/ directory that contains the game's assets.

If you don't have the assets

  1. Copy the pkg/ directory from the release zip (torrent, web) into your build directory.
  2. Run daemon.exe.
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