
TypeScript是JavaScript的超集,可编译以干净的JavaScript输出。(TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that compiles to clean JavaScript output. )

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TypeScript是应用程序级JavaScript的语言。 TypeScript为JavaScript添加了可选的类型、类和模块。 TypeScript支持任何浏览器,任何主机,任何操作系统上的大型JavaScript应用程序的工具。TypeScript编译为可读的、基于标准的JavaScript。


Name With Ownermicrosoft/TypeScript
Primary LanguageTypeScript
Program languageJavaScript (Language Count: 4)
PlatformLinux, Mac, Windows
License:Apache License 2.0
Release Count213
Last Release Namev5.5-beta (Posted on )
First Release Namev1.1 (Posted on )
Created At2014-06-17 15:28:39
Pushed At2024-04-28 15:22:01
Last Commit At
Stargazers Count98k
Watchers Count2.1k
Fork Count12.2k
Commits Count35.9k
Has Issues Enabled
Issues Count39854
Issue Open Count5322
Pull Requests Count13919
Pull Requests Open Count393
Pull Requests Close Count3149
Has Wiki Enabled
Is Archived
Is Fork
Is Locked
Is Mirror
Is Private


Build Status
VSTS Build Status
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TypeScript is a language for application-scale JavaScript. TypeScript adds optional types to JavaScript that support tools for large-scale JavaScript applications for any browser, for any host, on any OS. TypeScript compiles to readable, standards-based JavaScript. Try it out at the playground, and stay up to date via our blog and Twitter account.

Find others who are using TypeScript at our community page.


For the latest stable version:

npm install -g typescript

For our nightly builds:

npm install -g typescript@next


There are many ways to contribute to TypeScript.

This project has adopted the Microsoft Open Source Code of Conduct. For more information see
the Code of Conduct FAQ or contact opencode@microsoft.com
with any additional questions or comments.



In order to build the TypeScript compiler, ensure that you have Git and Node.js installed.

Clone a copy of the repo:

git clone https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript.git

Change to the TypeScript directory:

cd TypeScript

Install Gulp tools and dev dependencies:

npm install -g gulp
npm install

Use one of the following to build and test:

gulp local             # Build the compiler into built/local.
gulp clean             # Delete the built compiler.
gulp LKG               # Replace the last known good with the built one.
                       # Bootstrapping step to be executed when the built compiler reaches a stable state.
gulp tests             # Build the test infrastructure using the built compiler.
gulp runtests          # Run tests using the built compiler and test infrastructure.
                       # Some low-value tests are skipped when not on a CI machine - you can use the
                       # --skipPercent=0 command to override this behavior and run all tests locally.
                       # You can override the specific suite runner used or specify a test for this command.
                       # Use --tests=<testPath> for a specific test and/or --runner=<runnerName> for a specific suite.
                       # Valid runners include conformance, compiler, fourslash, project, user, and docker
                       # The user and docker runners are extended test suite runners - the user runner
                       # works on disk in the tests/cases/user directory, while the docker runner works in containers.
                       # You'll need to have the docker executable in your system path for the docker runner to work.
gulp runtests-parallel # Like runtests, but split across multiple threads. Uses a number of threads equal to the system
                       # core count by default. Use --workers=<number> to adjust this.
gulp baseline-accept   # This replaces the baseline test results with the results obtained from gulp runtests.
gulp lint              # Runs eslint on the TypeScript source.
gulp help              # List the above commands.


node built/local/tsc.js hello.ts


For details on our planned features and future direction please refer to our roadmap.

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