
为任何 shell 提供最小的、极快的和无限可定制的提示符。「☄🌌️ The minimal, blazing-fast, and infinitely customizable prompt for any shell!」

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Starship:可用于各种 Shell 的提示符

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  • 快: 很快 —— 真的真的非常快! 🚀
  • 定制化: 可定制各种各样的提示符。
  • 通用: 适用于任何 Shell、任何操作系统。
  • 智能: 一目了然地显示相关信息。
  • 功能丰富: 支持所有你喜欢的工具。
  • 易用: 安装快速 —— 几分钟就可上手。

探索 Starship 文档

🚀 安装


步骤 1. 安装 Starship




软件包来源 指令
Termux pkg install starship


发行版 软件包来源 指令
任意发行版 cargo install starship --locked
FreeBSD FreshPorts pkg install starship
NetBSD pkgsrc pkgin install starship


curl -sS | sh


发行版 软件包来源 指令
任意发行版 cargo install starship --locked
任意发行版 conda-forge conda install -c conda-forge starship
任意发行版 Linuxbrew brew install starship
Alpine Linux 3.13+ Alpine Linux Packages apk add starship
Arch Linux Arch Linux Extra pacman -S starship
CentOS 7+ Copr dnf copr enable atim/starship
dnf install starship
Gentoo Gentoo Packages emerge app-shells/starship
Manjaro   pacman -S starship
NixOS nixpkgs nix-env -iA nixpkgs.starship
Void Linux Void Linux Packages xbps-install -S starship


curl -sS | sh


软件包来源 指令 cargo install starship --locked
conda-forge conda install -c conda-forge starship
Homebrew brew install starship
MacPorts port install starship

在 发布页 下载 MSI 包来安装最新版。


软件包来源 指令 cargo install starship --locked
Chocolatey choco install starship
conda-forge conda install -c conda-forge starship
Scoop scoop install starship
winget winget install --id Starship.Starship

步骤 2. Set up your shell to use Starship

配置你的终端来初始化 starship。 请从下面列表选择你的终端:


在 ~/.bashrc 的最后,添加以下内容:

eval "$(starship init bash)"

您需要使用 Clink (v1.2.30+) 与 Cmd. 在路径 %LocalAppData%\clink\starship.lua 下创建文件,输入以下内容

load(io.popen('starship init cmd'):read("*a"))()

在 ~/.config/fish/rc.elv 的最后,添加以下内容:

eval (starship init elvish)

注意:仅支持 v0.18 及以上版本的 Elvish


在 ~/.config/fish/ 的最后,添加以下内容:

starship init fish | source

在 ~/.config/ion/initrc 的最后,添加以下内容:

eval $(starship init ion)

在您的 Nushell 环境文件的最后(使用 $nu.env-path 来获取它的路径),添加以下内容:

mkdir ~/.cache/starship
starship init nu | save -f ~/.cache/starship/

然后将以下内容添加到您 Nushell 配置文件的末尾(使用 $nu.config-path 来获取它的路径):

use ~/.cache/starship/

注意:仅支持 Nushell v0.78+


将以下内容添加到您 PowerShell 配置文件的末尾(通过运行 $PROFILE 来获取配置文件的路径)

Invoke-Expression (&starship init powershell)

在 ~/.tcshrc 的最后,添加以下内容:

eval `starship init tcsh`

在 ~/.xonshrc 的最后,添加以下内容:

execx($(starship init xonsh))

在 ~/.zshrc 的最后,添加以下内容:

eval "$(starship init zsh)"

步骤 3. 配置 Starship

打开一个新的 Shell 实例,你应该就能看到漂亮的 Shell 新提示符了。 如果你对默认配置感到满意,那么开始使用吧!

如果你想进一步配置 Starship,查阅下列内容:

  • 配置:学习如何配置 Starship 来调节提示符到你喜欢的样子。

  • 预设:从其他构建好的配置中获取灵感。

🤝 贡献

我们欢迎 任何水平 的参与者! 如果想练手,可以试着解决某个标记为 good first issue 的议题。

如果你精通非英语语言,请协助我们翻译并更新文档,非常感谢! 你可以在 Starship Crowdin 上参与翻译。

如果你想参与 Starship 项目,请查看我们的 贡献指南。 也欢迎加入我们的 Discord 服务器 和大家打个招呼。 👋

💭 该项目受以下项目启发

请看看这些之前的项目,他们启发了 Starship 项目。 🙏

❤️ 赞助商

通过 成为赞助商 来支持这个项目。 您的名字或 LOGO 将在此处显示,并链接到您的网站。


Starship 图标

📝 许可证

版权所有 © 2019 至今, Starship 贡献者.
此项目使用 ISC 许可.


Name With Ownermockingbot/react-native-zip-archive
Primary LanguageJava
Program languageRust (Language Count: 4)
PlatformLinux, Mac, Windows, Unix-like
License:MIT License
Release Count54
Last Release Namev6.1.0 (Posted on 2023-10-16 14:53:59)
First Release Name0.0.11 (Posted on )
Created At2015-08-26 09:06:18
Pushed At2024-02-21 07:02:37
Last Commit At2023-10-16 18:39:17
Stargazers Count403
Watchers Count13
Fork Count146
Commits Count292
Has Issues Enabled
Issues Count181
Issue Open Count22
Pull Requests Count82
Pull Requests Open Count1
Pull Requests Close Count36
Has Wiki Enabled
Is Archived
Is Fork
Is Locked
Is Mirror
Is Private

The minimal, blazing-fast, and infinitely customizable prompt for any shell!

  • Fast: it's fast – really really fast! 🚀
  • Customizable: configure every aspect of your prompt.
  • Universal: works on any shell, on any operating system.
  • Intelligent: shows relevant information at a glance.
  • Feature rich: support for all your favorite tools.
  • Easy: quick to install – start using it in minutes.

🚀 Installation


Step 1. Install Starship

Select your operating system from the list below to view installation instructions:

Install Starship using any of the following package managers:

Repository Instructions
Termux pkg install starship

Install Starship using any of the following package managers:

Distribution Repository Instructions
Any cargo install starship --locked
FreeBSD FreshPorts pkg install starship
NetBSD pkgsrc pkgin install starship

Install the latest version for your system:

curl -sS | sh

Alternatively, install Starship using any of the following package managers:

Distribution Repository Instructions
Any cargo install starship --locked
Any conda-forge conda install -c conda-forge starship
Any Linuxbrew brew install starship
Alpine Linux 3.13+ Alpine Linux Packages apk add starship
Arch Linux Arch Linux Extra pacman -S starship
CentOS 7+ Copr dnf copr enable atim/starship dnf install starship
Gentoo Gentoo Packages emerge app-shells/starship
Manjaro pacman -S starship
NixOS nixpkgs nix-env -iA nixpkgs.starship
openSUSE OSS zypper in starship
Void Linux Void Linux Packages xbps-install -S starship

Install the latest version for your system:

curl -sS | sh

Alternatively, install Starship using any of the following package managers:

Repository Instructions cargo install starship --locked
conda-forge conda install -c conda-forge starship
Homebrew brew install starship
MacPorts port install starship

Install the latest version for your system with the MSI-installers from the releases section.

Install Starship using any of the following package managers:

Repository Instructions cargo install starship --locked
Chocolatey choco install starship
conda-forge conda install -c conda-forge starship
Scoop scoop install starship
winget winget install --id Starship.Starship

Step 2. Set up your shell to use Starship

Configure your shell to initialize starship. Select yours from the list below:

Add the following to the end of ~/.bashrc:

eval "$(starship init bash)"

You need to use Clink (v1.2.30+) with Cmd.
Create a file at this path %LocalAppData%\clink\starship.lua with the following contents:

load(io.popen('starship init cmd'):read("*a"))()

Add the following to the end of ~/.elvish/rc.elv:

eval (starship init elvish)

Note: Only Elvish v0.18+ is supported

Add the following to the end of ~/.config/fish/

starship init fish | source

Add the following to the end of ~/.config/ion/initrc:

eval $(starship init ion)

Add the following to the end of your Nushell env file (find it by running $nu.env-path in Nushell):

mkdir ~/.cache/starship
starship init nu | save -f ~/.cache/starship/

And add the following to the end of your Nushell configuration (find it by running $nu.config-path):

use ~/.cache/starship/

Note: Only Nushell v0.78+ is supported

Add the following to the end of your PowerShell configuration (find it by running $PROFILE):

Invoke-Expression (&starship init powershell)

Add the following to the end of ~/.tcshrc:

eval `starship init tcsh`

Add the following to the end of ~/.xonshrc:

execx($(starship init xonsh))

Add the following to the end of ~/.zshrc:

eval "$(starship init zsh)"

Step 3. Configure Starship

Start a new shell instance, and you should see your beautiful new shell prompt.
If you're happy with the defaults, enjoy!

If you're looking to further customize Starship:

  • Configuration – learn how to configure Starship to tweak your prompt to your liking

  • Presets – get inspired by the pre-built configuration of others

🤝 Contributing

We are always looking for contributors of all skill levels! If you're looking to ease your way into the project, try out a good first issue.

If you are fluent in a non-English language, we greatly appreciate any help keeping our docs translated and up-to-date in other languages. If you would like to help, translations can be contributed on the Starship Crowdin.

If you are interested in helping contribute to starship, please take a look at our Contributing Guide. Also, feel free to drop into our Discord server and say hi. 👋

💭 Inspired By

Please check out these previous works that helped inspire the creation of starship. 🙏

❤️ Sponsors

Support this project by becoming a sponsor. Your name or logo will show up here with a link to your website.

Supporter Tier

📝 License

Copyright © 2019-present, Starship Contributors.
This project is ISC licensed.

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