The Rust toolchain installer

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rustup: the Rust toolchain installer, Master CI, Build Status, --------------, ----------------------------------------------------------, Windows, Windows builds, macOS, maOS builds, Linux Etc, Linux (etc) builds, rustup installs The Rust Programming Language from the official

release channels, enabling you to easily switch between stable, beta,
and nightly compilers and keep them updated. It makes cross-compiling
simpler with binary builds of the standard library for common platforms.
And it runs on all platforms Rust supports, including Windows.


Follow the instructions at If
that doesn't work for you there are other installation

rustup installs rustc, cargo, rustup and other standard tools
to Cargo's bin directory. On Unix it is located at
$HOME/.cargo/bin and on Windows at %USERPROFILE%\.cargo\bin. This
is the same directory that cargo install will install Rust programs
and Cargo plugins.

This directory will be in your $PATH environment variable, which
means you can run them from the shell without further
configuration. Open a new shell and type the following:

rustc --version

If you see something like rustc 1.19.0 (0ade33941 2017-07-17) then
you are ready to Rust. If you decide Rust isn't your thing, you can
completely remove it from your system by running rustup self uninstall.


rustup has the concept of "profiles". They are groups of components you can
choose to download while installing a new Rust toolchain. The profiles
available at this time are minimal, default, and complete:

  • The minimal profile includes as few components as possible to get a
    working compiler (rustc, rust-std, and cargo). It's recommended to use
    this component on Windows systems if you don't use local documentation, and in
  • The default profile includes all the components previously installed by
    default (rustc, rust-std, cargo, and rust-docs) plus rustfmt and
    clippy. This profile will be used by rustup by default, and it's the one
    recommended for general use.
  • The complete profile includes all the components available through
    rustup, including miri and IDE integration tools (rls and rust-analysis).

To change the rustup profile you can use the rustup set profile command. For
example, to select the minimal profile you can use:

rustup set profile minimal

It's also possible to choose the profile when installing rustup for the first
time, either interactively by choosing the "Customize installation" option or
programmaticaly by passing the --profile=<name> flag. Profiles will only
affect newly installed toolchains: as usual it will be possible to install
individual components later with: rustup component add.

Enable tab completion for Bash, Fish, Zsh, or PowerShell

rustup now supports generating completion scripts for Bash, Fish,
Zsh, and PowerShell. See rustup help completions for full details,
but the gist is as simple as using one of the following:

# Bash
$ rustup completions bash > ~/.local/share/bash-completion/completions/rustup

# Bash (macOS/Homebrew)
$ rustup completions bash > $(brew --prefix)/etc/bash_completion.d/rustup.bash-completion

# Fish
$ mkdir -p ~/.config/fish/completions
$ rustup completions fish > ~/.config/fish/completions/

# Zsh
$ rustup completions zsh > ~/.zfunc/_rustup

# PowerShell v5.0+
$ rustup completions powershell >> $PROFILE.CurrentUserCurrentHost
# or
$ rustup completions powershell, Out-String, Invoke-Expression

Note: you may need to restart your shell in order for the changes to take

For zsh, you must then add the following line in your ~/.zshrc before


Choosing where to install

rustup allows you to customise your installation by setting the environment
variables CARGO_HOME and RUSTUP_HOME before running the rustup-init
executable. As mentioned in the Environment Variables section, RUSTUP_HOME
sets the root rustup folder, which is used for storing installed
toolchains and configuration options. CARGO_HOME contains cache files used
by cargo.

Note that you will need to ensure these environment variables are always
set and that CARGO_HOME/bin is in the $PATH environment variable when
using the toolchain.

How rustup works

rustup is a toolchain multiplexer. It installs and manages many
Rust toolchains and presents them all through a single set of tools
installed to ~/.cargo/bin. The rustc and cargo installed to
~/.cargo/bin are proxies that delegate to the real
toolchain. rustup then provides mechanisms to easily change the
active toolchain by reconfiguring the behavior of the proxies.

So when rustup is first installed running rustc will run the proxy
in $HOME/.cargo/bin/rustc, which in turn will run the stable
compiler. If you later change the default toolchain to nightly with
rustup default nightly, then that same proxy will run the nightly
compiler instead.

This is similar to Ruby's rbenv, Python's pyenv, or Node's nvm.

Keeping Rust up to date

Rust is distributed on three different release channels: stable,
beta, and nightly. rustup is configured to use the stable channel by
default, which represents the latest release of Rust,
and is released every six weeks.

When a new version of Rust is released, you can type rustup update to update
to it:

$ rustup update
info: syncing channel updates for 'stable'
info: downloading component 'rustc'
info: downloading component 'rust-std'
info: downloading component 'rust-docs'
info: downloading component 'cargo'
info: installing component 'rustc'
info: installing component 'rust-std'
info: installing component 'rust-docs'
info: installing component 'cargo'
info: checking for self-updates
info: downloading self-updates

  stable updated: rustc 1.7.0 (a5d1e7a59 2016-02-29)

This is the essence of rustup.

Keeping rustup up to date

Running rustup update also checks for updates to rustup and automatically
installs the latest version. To manually check for updates and install the
latest version of rustup without updating installed toolchains type rustup self update:

$ rustup self update
info: checking for self-updates
info: downloading self-updates

Note: rustup will automatically update itself at the end of any toolchain
installation as well. You can prevent this automatic behaviour by passing the
--no-self-update argument when running rustup update or rustup toolchain install.

Working with nightly Rust

rustup gives you easy access to the nightly compiler and its
experimental features. To add it just run rustup toolchain install nightly:

$ rustup toolchain install nightly
info: syncing channel updates for 'nightly'
info: downloading toolchain manifest
info: downloading component 'rustc'
info: downloading component 'rust-std'
info: downloading component 'rust-docs'
info: downloading component 'cargo'
info: installing component 'rustc'
info: installing component 'rust-std'
info: installing component 'rust-docs'
info: installing component 'cargo'

  nightly installed: rustc 1.9.0-nightly (02310fd31 2016-03-19)

Now Rust nightly is installed, but not activated. To test it out you
can run a command from the nightly toolchain like

$ rustup run nightly rustc --version
rustc 1.9.0-nightly (02310fd31 2016-03-19)

But more likely you want to use it for a while. To switch to nightly
globally, change the default with rustup default nightly:

$ rustup default nightly
info: using existing install for 'nightly'
info: default toolchain set to 'nightly'

  nightly unchanged: rustc 1.9.0-nightly (02310fd31 2016-03-19)

Now any time you run cargo or rustc you will be running the
nightly compiler.

With nightly installed any time you run rustup update, the nightly channel
will be updated in addition to stable:

$ rustup update
info: syncing channel updates for 'stable'
info: syncing channel updates for 'nightly'
info: checking for self-updates
info: downloading self-updates

   stable unchanged: rustc 1.7.0 (a5d1e7a59 2016-02-29)
  nightly unchanged: rustc 1.9.0-nightly (02310fd31 2016-03-19)

A note about nightly stability: Nightly toolchains may fail to build, so for
any given date and target platform there may not be a toolchain available.
Furthermore, nightly builds may be published with missing non-default components
(e.g. clippy). As such, it can be difficult to find fully-working nightlies.
Use the rustup-components-history project to find the build status of
recent nightly toolchains and components.

Toolchain specification

Many rustup commands deal with toolchains, a single installation
of the Rust compiler. rustup supports multiple types of
toolchains. The most basic track the official release channels:
stable, beta and nightly; but rustup can also install
toolchains from the official archives, for alternate host platforms,
and from local builds.

Standard release channel toolchain names have the following form:


<channel>       = stable, beta, nightly, <version>
<date>          = YYYY-MM-DD
<host>          = <target-triple>

'channel' is either a named release channel or an explicit version
number, such as '1.8.0'. Channel names can be optionally appended with
an archive date, as in 'nightly-2014-12-18', in which case the
toolchain is downloaded from the archive for that date.

Finally, the host may be specified as a target triple. This is most
useful for installing a 32-bit compiler on a 64-bit platform, or for
installing the MSVC-based toolchain on Windows. For example:

$ rustup toolchain install stable-x86_64-pc-windows-msvc

For convenience, elements of the target triple that are omitted will be
inferred, so the above could be written:

$ rustup toolchain install stable-msvc

Toolchain names that don't name a channel instead can be used to name
custom toolchains.

Toolchain override shorthand

The rustup toolchain proxies can be instructed directly to use a
specific toolchain, a convenience for developers who often test
different toolchains. If the first argument to cargo, rustc or
other tools in the toolchain begins with +, it will be interpreted
as a rustup toolchain name, and that toolchain will be preferred,
as in

cargo +beta test

Directory overrides

Directories can be assigned their own Rust toolchain with rustup override. When a directory has an override then any time rustc or
cargo is run inside that directory, or one of its child directories,
the override toolchain will be invoked.

To use to a specific nightly for a directory:

rustup override set nightly-2014-12-18

Or a specific stable release:

rustup override set 1.0.0

To see the active toolchain use rustup show. To remove the override
and use the default toolchain again, rustup override unset.

The toolchain file

rustup directory overrides are a local configuration, stored in
$RUSTUP_HOME. Some projects though find themselves 'pinned' to a
specific release of Rust and want this information reflected in their
source repository. This is most often the case for nightly-only
software that pins to a revision from the release archives.

In these cases the toolchain can be named in the project's directory
in a file called rust-toolchain, the content of which is the name of
a single rustup toolchain, and which is suitable to check in to
source control.

The toolchains named in this file have a more restricted form than
rustup toolchains generally, and may only contain the names of the
three release channels, 'stable', 'beta', 'nightly', Rust version
numbers, like '1.0.0', and optionally an archive date, like
'nightly-2017-01-01'. They may not name custom toolchains, nor
host-specific toolchains.

Override precedence

There are several ways to specify which toolchain rustup should

  • An explicit toolchain, e.g. cargo +beta,
  • The RUSTUP_TOOLCHAIN environment variable,
  • A directory override, ala rustup override set beta,
  • The rust-toolchain file,
  • The default toolchain,

and they are preferred by rustup in that order, with the explicit
toolchain having highest precedence, and the default toolchain having
the lowest. There is one exception though: directory overrides and the
rust-toolchain file are also preferred by their proximity to the
current directory. That is, these two override methods are discovered
by walking up the directory tree toward the filesystem root, and a
rust-toolchain file that is closer to the current directory will be
preferred over a directory override that is further away.

To verify which toolchain is active use rustup show.


Rust supports a great number of platforms. For many of these
platforms The Rust Project publishes binary releases of the standard
library, and for some the full compiler. rustup gives easy access
to all of them.

When you first install a toolchain, rustup installs only the
standard library for your host platform - that is, the architecture
and operating system you are presently running. To compile to other
platforms you must install other target platforms. This is done
with the rustup target add command. For example, to add the
Android target:

$ rustup target add arm-linux-androideabi
info: downloading component 'rust-std' for 'arm-linux-androideabi'
info: installing component 'rust-std' for 'arm-linux-androideabi'

With the arm-linux-androideabi target installed you can then build
for Android with Cargo by passing the --target flag, as in cargo build --target=arm-linux-androideabi.

Note that rustup target add only installs the Rust standard library
for a given target. There are typically other tools necessary to
cross-compile, particularly a linker. For example, to cross compile
to Android the Android NDK must be installed. In the future, rustup
will provide assistance installing the NDK components as well.

To install a target for a toolchain that isn't the default toolchain
use the --toolchain argument of rustup target add, like so:

$ rustup target add --toolchain <toolchain> <target>...

To see a list of available targets, rustup target list. To remove a
previously-added target, rustup target remove.

Working with Rust on Windows

rustup works the same on Windows as it does on Unix, but there are
some special considerations for Rust developers on Windows. As
mentioned on the Rust download page, there are two ABIs in use
on Windows: the native (MSVC) ABI used by Visual Studio, and the GNU
ABI used by the GCC toolchain. Which version of Rust you need depends
largely on what C/C++ libraries you want to interoperate with: for
interop with software produced by Visual Studio use the MSVC build of
Rust; for interop with GNU software built using the MinGW/MSYS2
use the GNU build.

When targeting the MSVC ABI, Rust additionally requires an installation
of Visual Studio 2013 (or later) or the Visual C++ Build Tools
so rustc can use its linker. For Visual Studio, make sure to
check the "C++ tools" and "Windows 10 SDK" option. No additional software
installation is necessary for basic use of the GNU build.

By default rustup on Windows configures Rust to target the MSVC
ABI, that is a target triple of either i686-pc-windows-msvc or
x86_64-pc-windows-msvc depending on the CPU architecture of the
host Windows OS. The toolchains that rustup chooses to install, unless
told otherwise through the toolchain specification, will be compiled
to run on that target triple host and will target that triple by default.

You can change this behavior with rustup set default-host or during installation.

For example, to explicitly select the 32-bit MSVC host:

$ rustup set default-host i686-pc-windows-msvc

Or to choose the 64 bit GNU toolchain:

$ rustup set default-host x86_64-pc-windows-gnu

Since the MSVC ABI provides the best interoperation with other Windows software
it is recommended for most purposes. The GNU toolchain is always available, even
if you don't use it by default. Just install it with rustup toolchain install:

$ rustup toolchain install stable-gnu

You don't need to switch toolchains to support all windows targets though;
a single toolchain supports all four x86 windows targets:

$ rustup target add x86_64-pc-windows-msvc
$ rustup target add x86_64-pc-windows-gnu
$ rustup target add i686-pc-windows-msvc
$ rustup target add i686-pc-windows-gnu

Working with distribution Rust packages

Several Linux distributions package Rust, and you may wish to use the packaged
toolchain, such as for distribution package development. You may also wish to
use a rustup-managed toolchain such as nightly or beta. Normally, rustup
will complain that you already have Rust installed in /usr and refuse to
install. However, you can install Rust via rustup and have it coexist with
your distribution's packaged Rust.

When you initially install Rust with rustup, pass the -y option to make it
ignore the packaged Rust toolchain and install a rustup-managed toolchain into
~/.cargo/bin. Add that directory to your $PATH (or let rustup do it for
you by not passing --no-modify-path). Then, to tell rustup about your system
toolchain, run:

rustup toolchain link system /usr

You can then use +system as a rustup toolchain, just like +nightly; for
instance, you can run cargo +system build to build with the system toolchain,
or cargo +nightly build to build with nightly.

If you do distribution Rust development, you should likely make +system your
default toolchain:

rustup default system

Working with custom toolchains and local builds

For convenience of developers working on Rust itself, rustup can manage
local builds of the Rust toolchain. To teach rustup about your build,

$ rustup toolchain link my-toolchain path/to/my/toolchain/sysroot

For example, on Ubuntu you might clone rust-lang/rust into ~/rust, build it, and then run:

$ rustup toolchain link myrust ~/rust/build/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/
$ rustup default myrust

Now you can name my-toolchain as any other rustup
toolchain. Create a rustup toolchain for each of your
rust-lang/rust workspaces and test them easily with rustup run my-toolchain rustc.

Because the rust-lang/rust tree does not include Cargo, when cargo
is invoked for a custom toolchain and it is not available, rustup
will attempt to use cargo from one of the release channels
preferring 'nightly', then 'beta' or 'stable'.

Working with network proxies

Enterprise networks often don't have direct outside HTTP access, but enforce
the use of proxies. If you're on such a network, you can request that
rustup uses a proxy by setting its URL in the environment. In most cases,
setting https_proxy should be sufficient. On a Unix-like system with a
shell like bash or zsh, you could use:

export https_proxy=socks5:// # or

On Windows, the command would be:

set https_proxy=socks5://

If you need a more complex setup, rustup supports the convention used by
the curl program, documented in the ENVIRONMENT section of
its manual page.

The use of curl is presently deprecated, however it can still be used by
providing the RUSTUP_USE_CURL environment variable, for example:

RUSTUP_USE_CURL=1 rustup update

Note that some versions of libcurl apparently require you to drop the
http:// or https:// prefix in environment variables. For example,
export (and likewise for HTTPS).
If you are getting an SSL unknown protocol error from rustup via libcurl
but the command-line curl command works fine, this may be the problem.


Command, Description
-----------------------------------------------------------, ------------------------------------------------------------
rustup default nightly, Set the default toolchain to the latest nightly
rustup set profile minimal, Set the default "profile" (see profiles)
rustup target list, List all available targets for the active toolchain
rustup target add arm-linux-androideabi, Install the Android target
rustup target remove arm-linux-androideabi, Remove the Android target
rustup run nightly rustc, Run the nightly regardless of the active toolchain
rustc +nightly, Shorthand way to run a nightly compiler
rustup run nightly bash, Run a shell configured for the nightly compiler
rustup default stable-msvc, On Windows, use the MSVC toolchain instead of GNU
rustup override set nightly-2015-04-01, For the current directory, use a nightly from a specific date
rustup toolchain link my-toolchain "C:\RustInstallation", Install a custom toolchain by symlinking an existing installation
rustup show, Show which toolchain will be used in the current directory
rustup toolchain uninstall nightly, Uninstall a given toolchain
rustup toolchain help, Show the help page for a subcommand (like toolchain)
rustup man cargo, (Unix only) View the man page for a given command (like cargo)

Environment variables

  • RUSTUP_HOME (default: ~/.rustup or %USERPROFILE%/.rustup)
    Sets the root rustup folder, used for storing installed
    toolchains and configuration options.

  • RUSTUP_TOOLCHAIN (default: none)
    If set, will override the toolchain used for all rust tool
    invocations. A toolchain with this name should be installed, or
    invocations will fail.

  • RUSTUP_DIST_SERVER (default:
    Sets the root URL for downloading static resources related to Rust.
    You can change this to instead use a local mirror,
    or to test the binaries from the staging directory.

  • RUSTUP_DIST_ROOT (default:
    Deprecated. Use RUSTUP_DIST_SERVER instead.

    Sets the root URL for downloading self-updates.

  • RUSTUP_IO_THREADS unstable (defaults to reported cpu count). Sets the
    number of threads to perform close IO in. Set to disabled to force
    single-threaded IO for troubleshooting, or an arbitrary number to
    override automatic detection.

  • RUSTUP_TRACE_DIR unstable (default: no tracing)
    Enables tracing and determines the directory that traces will be
    written too. Traces are of the form PID.trace. Traces can be read
    by the Catapult project tracing viewer.

  • RUSTUP_UNPACK_RAM unstable (default 400M, min 100M)
    Caps the amount of RAM rustup will use for IO tasks while unpacking.

    Disables backtraces on non-panic errors even when RUST_BACKTRACE is set.

Other installation methods

The primary installation method, as described at, differs by platform:

  • On Windows, download and run the rustup-init.exe built for
    i686-pc-windows-gnu target
    . In general, this is the build of
    rustup one should install on Windows. Despite being built against the GNU
    toolchain, the Windows build of rustup will install Rust for the MSVC
    toolchain if it detects that MSVC is installed
    . If you prefer to install GNU
    toolchains or x86_64 toolchains by default this can be modified at install
    time, either interactively or with the --default-host flag, or after
    installation via rustup set default-host.
  • On Unix, run curl -sSf, sh in your
    shell. This downloads and runs, which in turn
    downloads and runs the correct version of the rustup-init
    executable for your platform.

rustup-init accepts arguments, which can be passed through
the shell script. Some examples:

$ curl -sSf, sh -s -- --help
$ curl -sSf, sh -s -- --no-modify-path
$ curl -sSf, sh -s -- --default-toolchain nightly
$ curl -sSf, sh -s -- --default-toolchain none
$ curl -sSf, sh -s -- --profile minimal --default-toolchain nightly

If you prefer you can directly download rustup-init for the
platform of your choice:

MSVC builds of rustup additionally require an installation of
Visual Studio 2019 or the Visual C++ Build Tools 2019
. For
Visual Studio, make sure to check the "C++ tools" and "Windows
10 SDK" option. No additional software installation is necessary
for basic use of the GNU build.

You can fetch an older version from{rustup-version}/{target-triple}/rustup-init[.exe]

To install from source just run cargo run --release. Note that
currently rustup only builds on nightly Rust, and that after
installation the rustup toolchains will supersede any pre-existing
toolchains by prepending ~/.cargo/bin to the PATH environment


rustup is secure enough for the non-paranoid, but it still needs
. rustup performs all downloads over HTTPS, but does not
yet validate signatures of downloads.

File modes on installation honor umask as of 1.18.4, use umask if
very tight controls are desired.


Is this an official Rust project?

Yes. rustup is an official Rust project. It is the recommended way
to install Rust at

rustup is the successor to multirust. rustup began as multirust-rs,
a rewrite of multirust from shell script to Rust, by Diggory Blake,
and is now maintained by The Rust Project.

Can rustup download the Rust source code?

The Rust source can be obtained by running rustup component add rust-src.
It will be downloaded to the <toolchain root>/lib/rustlib/src/rust
directory of the current toolchain.

rustup fails with Windows error 32

If rustup fails with Windows error 32, it may be due to antivirus
scanning in the background. Disable antivirus scanner and try again.

I get "error: could not remove 'rustup-bin' file: 'C:\Users\USER\.cargo\bin\rustup.exe'"

If rustup fails to self-update in this way it's usually because RLS is
running (your editor is open and running RLS). The solution is to stop RLS (by
closing your editor) and try again.


Copyright Diggory Blake, the Mozilla Corporation, and rustup

Licensed under either of

at your option.


Name With Ownerrust-lang/rustup
Primary LanguageRust
Program languageRust (Language Count: 9)
License:Apache License 2.0
Release Count60
Last Release Name1.27.1 (Posted on 2024-05-06 20:24:29)
First Release Name0.1.6 (Posted on )
Created At2015-09-26 04:54:49
Pushed At2024-05-13 01:47:21
Last Commit At2024-05-10 18:54:33
Stargazers Count5.9k
Watchers Count113
Fork Count852
Commits Count4.5k
Has Issues Enabled
Issues Count1944
Issue Open Count431
Pull Requests Count1540
Pull Requests Open Count28
Pull Requests Close Count260
Has Wiki Enabled
Is Archived
Is Fork
Is Locked
Is Mirror
Is Private
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