
Pydio(原名AjaXplorer)是一个成熟的、文件共享和同步开源软件解决方案。(Pydio (formerly AjaXplorer) is a mature open source software solution for file sharing and synchronization. )

  • Owner: pydio/pydio-core
  • Platform: Android, iOS, Linux, Mac, Windows
  • License:: GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
  • Category::
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Pydio是为开发人员和系统管理员设计的解决方案。Pydio(原名AjaXplorer)是一个成熟的、文件共享和同步的开源软件解决方案。采用直观的用户界面(web /移动/桌面),Pydio提供企业级特性来获得控制和隐私数据。Pydio核心代码采用 AGPL授权方式发布,产品包括Core Server、Pydio Booster、PydioSync、iOS& Android Apps、CMS Bridges和Thunderbird FileLink等几大部分。部分功能仅在商业版的企业发布版(Pydio Enterprise Distribution )中提供。

Pydio 功能:(原文链接:


让您的用户专注于您的业务。 让Pydio处理文件共享和同步。 从任何设备访问文件 -- 与内部或外部合作伙伴共享 -- 在本地同步。



-- 直观的用户体验

- -综合预览所有最常见的文件格式(音频,视频,PDF,办公文档)

-- Lucene索引快速搜索和高级搜索*


-- 与内部和外部协作者(视频)共享文件或文件夹。

-- 密码保护的共享链接,自动过期后给定数量的下载,自定义链接句柄(视频)。

-- 在这里观看我们所有的教程






新的在2015年,PydioSync被重新设计为直观,具有优化的性能。 PydioSync是基于强大技术的跨平台,并准备处理大量数据。发布定期更新以不断改进应用程序。


-- 设置同步间隔

-- 仅配置PydioSync上传 - 仅限下载或两者兼容

-- 选择仅在给定工作区中同步一个子文件夹

-- 管理员可以根据系统中的工作区和角色来定义和限制全局同步参数。PydioSync可在Windows,Mac和Linux上运行。


您的用户希望能够随时随地轻松工作。 Pydio拥有iOS和Android设备的原生应用程序,涵盖大多数移动设备案例,并提供对您的文件的快速访问。

访问 - 预览 - 编辑

-- 直接从您的手机浏览工作区

-- 打开任何文件

-- 使用外部应用程序进行编辑,然后更新Pydio中的文件

-- 轻松上传文件:拍摄上传照片或视频,或从媒体库中选择一个文件




使用PIN码锁定应用程序,或在每次登录时都需要密码。 对于管理员,在全球Pydio核心系统中设置的访问权限适用于移动应用程序。



Pydio Enterprise Distribution允许您从界面中删除Pydio版权和水印。 直接在管理界面添加您的徽标,公司名称和自定义欢迎信息。



启用该工具(需要使用Google Chrome),切换到工作区,并使用实时颜色选择器开始在每个区域中自定义颜色。



*仅在Enterprise Distribution中包含的高级功能。


Name With Ownerpydio/pydio-core
Primary LanguagePHP
Program languageJavaScript (Language Count: 12)
PlatformAndroid, iOS, Linux, Mac, Windows
License:GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
Release Count109
Last Release Namepydio-core-8.2.5 (Posted on 2020-09-10 10:56:05)
First Release Name2.2.1 (Posted on 2007-12-03 22:55:20)
Created At2012-10-01 16:21:06
Pushed At2020-11-24 17:42:07
Last Commit At2019-03-12 10:11:15
Stargazers Count869
Watchers Count85
Fork Count294
Commits Count10.2k
Has Issues Enabled
Issues Count995
Issue Open Count66
Pull Requests Count283
Pull Requests Open Count15
Pull Requests Close Count169
Has Wiki Enabled
Is Archived
Is Fork
Is Locked
Is Mirror
Is Private

WARNING, ---, Pydio Core will be End Of Life on 2019, Dec. 31st. After that date, there will be no more security fixes. Please consider switching to Pydio Cells now! Pydio 8 Enterprise will be supported for another year., ## Pydio Core

Homepage, GitHub-Repository, Issue-Tracker, Latest Stable, License Badge, Codacy Badge, Build Status

This is the main source code repository of Pydio (formerly AjaXplorer), containing all the PHP server and HTML5 Web GUI.

  • Latest Stable release : 8.2.3
  • License: AGPLv3
  • Lead developer : Charles du Jeu (cdujeu): Github, Twitter

Getting support

Please DO NOT send emails to Charles, but use the forum located on instead. Once your problem is qualified, if it's a bug, you will be asked to enter it in the GitHub issue tracker.

How to contribute / Developer Resources

Setting up your dev environment

Pydio 8 requires PHP5.5.9 and upper.

The web root of the application is located in core/src/. Create a virtual host to point to this folder, set up your webserver to use index.php as default page. This is generally done by default.

Pydio uses Composer and NPM to manage dependencies respectively in PHP and JS. It uses Grunt to build javascript sources. In order to start Pydio locally after a fresh git clone, you will first have to run these tools in both the core and in many plugins.

  • First install Composer (see and NPM (
  • Install Grunt globally by running `npm install -g grunt-cli``
  • Inside the core folder (under webroot, i.e. core/src/core/ from root of git repository), run composer install
  • For each plugin that contains a composer.json file, run composer install as well.
  • For each plugin tat contains a package.json file, run
    • npm install
    • grunt

On a unix-based machine, this can be achieved by the following command (from the webroot directory):

find . -maxdepth 3 -name Gruntfile.js -execdir bash -c "npm install && grunt" \;  
find . -maxdepth 3 -name composer.json -execdir composer install \;

You should be good to go. When modifying JS files that require transpilation, there is generally a grunt watch task available to automatically run grunt on each file change.

Coding guidelines

To enforce some coding standards, please run scripts in


Fixing the Core

If you think you have found a bug and a way to fix it neatly in the code, use a Pull Request to report this change back to us!

Writing new plugins

Please read the Developer doc located at, you will find here a bunch of useful information about the plugins architecture, how to create your own plugin, etc. The action.skeleton plugin is a perfect start for that.

New in latest build, in the Settings panel, you can find a new "Developer" node where all actions contributed by all plugins are listed. These can be called either by http, or via the CLI API. At the same location, you will find all "hooks" registered and triggered in the server, that are VERY useful when you want your plugin to be really sandboxed.

Signing the CLA

Please sign the Contributor License Agreement before contributing.

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