Pusher Channels HTTP PHP Library

用于与 Pusher Channels HTTP API 交互的 PHP 库。「PHP library for interacting with the Pusher Channels HTTP API」

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Pusher Channels HTTP PHP Library

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PHP library for interacting with the Pusher Channels HTTP API.

Register at https://pusher.com and use the application credentials within your app as shown below.


You can get the Pusher Channels PHP library via a composer package called pusher-php-server. See https://packagist.org/packages/pusher/pusher-php-server

$ composer require pusher/pusher-php-server

Or add to composer.json:

"require": {
    "pusher/pusher-php-server": "^7.2"

then run composer update.

Supported platforms

  • PHP - supports PHP versions 7.3, 7.4, 8.0, and 8.1.
  • Laravel - version 8.29 and above has built-in support for Pusher Channels as a Broadcasting backend.
  • Other PHP frameworks - supported provided you are using a supported version of PHP.

Pusher Channels constructor

Use the credentials from your Pusher Channels application to create a new Pusher\Pusher instance.

$app_id = 'YOUR_APP_ID';
$app_key = 'YOUR_APP_KEY';
$app_secret = 'YOUR_APP_SECRET';
$app_cluster = 'YOUR_APP_CLUSTER';

$pusher = new Pusher\Pusher($app_key, $app_secret, $app_id, ['cluster' => $app_cluster]);

The fourth parameter is an $options array. The additional options are:

  • scheme - e.g. http or https
  • host - the host e.g. api.pusherapp.com. No trailing forward slash
  • port - the http port
  • path - a prefix to append to all request paths. This is only useful if you
    are running the library against an endpoint you control yourself (e.g. a
    proxy that routes based on the path prefix).
  • timeout - the HTTP timeout
  • useTLS - quick option to use scheme of https and port 443.
  • cluster - specify the cluster where the application is running from.
  • encryption_master_key_base64 - a 32 char long key. This key, along with the
    channel name, are used to derive per-channel encryption keys. Per-channel
    keys are used encrypt event data on encrypted channels.

For example, by default calls will be made over HTTPS. To use plain
HTTP you can set useTLS to false:

$options = [
  'cluster' => $app_cluster,
  'useTLS' => false

$pusher = new Pusher\Pusher($app_key, $app_secret, $app_id, $options);

Logging configuration

The recommended approach of logging is to use a
compliant logger implementing Psr\Log\LoggerInterface. The Pusher object
implements Psr\Log\LoggerAwareInterface, meaning you call
setLogger(LoggerInterface $logger) to set the logger instance.

// where $logger implements `LoggerInterface`


Custom Guzzle client

This library uses Guzzle internally to make HTTP calls. You can pass
your own Guzzle instance to the Pusher constructor:

$custom_client = new GuzzleHttp\Client();

$pusher = new Pusher\Pusher(

This allows you to pass in your own middleware, see the tests for an

Publishing/Triggering events

To trigger an event on one or more channels use the trigger function.

A single channel

$pusher->trigger('my-channel', 'my_event', 'hello world');

Multiple channels

$pusher->trigger([ 'channel-1', 'channel-2' ], 'my_event', 'hello world');


It's also possible to send multiple events with a single API call (max 10
events per call on multi-tenant clusters):

$batch = [];
$batch[] = ['channel' => 'my-channel', 'name' => 'my_event', 'data' => ['hello' => 'world']];
$batch[] = ['channel' => 'my-channel', 'name' => 'my_event', 'data' => ['myname' => 'bob']];

Asynchronous interface

Both trigger and triggerBatch have asynchronous counterparts in
triggerAsync and triggerBatchAsync. These functions return Guzzle
which can be chained
with ->then:

$promise = $pusher->triggerAsync(['channel-1', 'channel-2'], 'my_event', 'hello world');

$promise->then(function($result) {
  // do something with $result
  return $result;

$final_result = $promise->wait();


Arrays are automatically converted to JSON format:

$array['name'] = 'joe';
$array['message_count'] = 23;

$pusher->trigger('my_channel', 'my_event', $array);

The output of this will be:

"{'name': 'joe', 'message_count': 23}"

Socket id

In order to avoid duplicates you can optionally specify the sender's
socket id

while triggering an event:

$pusher->trigger('my-channel', 'event', 'data', ['socket_id' => $socket_id]);
$batch = [];
$batch[] = ['channel' => 'my-channel', 'name' => 'my_event', 'data' => ['hello' => 'world'], ['socket_id' => $socket_id]];
$batch[] = ['channel' => 'my-channel', 'name' => 'my_event', 'data' => ['myname' => 'bob'], ['socket_id' => $socket_id]];

Fetch channel info on publish [EXPERIMENTAL]

It is possible to request for attributes about the channels that were
published to with the
info param:

$result = $pusher->trigger('my-channel', 'my_event', 'hello world', ['info' => 'subscription_count']);
$subscription_count = $result->channels['my-channel']->subscription_count;
$batch = [];
$batch[] = ['channel' => 'my-channel', 'name' => 'my_event', 'data' => ['hello' => 'world'], 'info' => 'subscription_count'];
$batch[] = ['channel' => 'presence-my-channel', 'name' => 'my_event', 'data' => ['myname' => 'bob'], 'info' => 'user_count,subscription_count'];
$result = $pusher->triggerBatch($batch);

foreach ($result->batch as $i => $attributes) {
  echo "channel: {$batch[$i]['channel']}, name: {$batch[$i]['name']}";
  if (isset($attributes->subscription_count)) {
    echo ", subscription_count: {$attributes->subscription_count}";
  if (isset($attributes->user_count)) {
    echo ", user_count: {$attributes->user_count}";
  echo PHP_EOL;

JSON format

If your data is already encoded in JSON format, you can avoid a second encoding
step by setting the sixth argument true, like so:

$pusher->trigger('my-channel', 'event', 'data', [], true);

Authenticating users

To authenticate users on Pusher Channels on your application, you can use the authenticateUser function:

$pusher->authenticateUser('socket_id', 'user-id');

For more information see authenticating users.

Authorizing Private channels

To authorize your users to access private channels on Pusher, you can use the
authorizeChannel function:


For more information see authorizing users.

Authorizing Presence channels

Using presence channels is similar to private channels, but you can specify
extra data to identify that particular user:

$pusher->authorizePresenceChannel('presence-my-channel','socket_id', 'user_id', 'user_info');

For more information see authorizing users.


This library provides a way of verifying that webhooks you receive from Pusher
are actually genuine webhooks from Pusher. It also provides a structure for
storing them. A helper method called webhook enables this. Pass in the
headers and body of the request, and it'll return a Webhook object with your
verified events. If the library was unable to validate the signature, an
exception is thrown instead.

$webhook = $pusher->webhook($request_headers, $request_body);
$number_of_events = count($webhook->get_events());
$time_received = $webhook->get_time_ms();

End to end encryption

This library supports end to end encryption of your private channels. This
means that only you and your connected clients will be able to read your
messages. Pusher cannot decrypt them. You can enable this feature by following
these steps:

  1. You should first set up Private channels. This involves creating an
    authorization endpoint on your

  2. Next, generate your 32 byte master encryption key, base64 encode it and
    store it securely. This is secret and you should never share this with
    anyone. Not even Pusher.

    To generate an appropriate key from a good random source, you can use the
    openssl command:

    openssl rand -base64 32
  3. Specify your master encryption key when creating your Pusher client:

    $pusher = new Pusher\Pusher(
            'cluster' => $app_cluster,
            'encryption_master_key_base64' => "<your base64 encoded master key>"
  4. Channels where you wish to use end to end encryption should be prefixed with

  5. Subscribe to these channels in your client, and you're done! You can verify
    it is working by checking out the debug console on the
    https://dashboard.pusher.com/ and seeing the scrambled

Important note: This will not encrypt messages on channels that are not
prefixed by private-encrypted-.

Limitation: you cannot trigger a single event on a mixture of unencrypted
and encrypted channels in a call to trigger, e.g.

$data['name'] = 'joe';
$data['message_count'] = 23;

$pusher->trigger(['channel-1', 'private-encrypted-channel-2'], 'test_event', $data);

Rationale: the methods in this library map directly to individual Channels HTTP
API requests. If we allowed triggering a single event on multiple channels
(some encrypted, some unencrypted), then it would require two API requests: one
where the event is encrypted to the encrypted channels, and one where the event
is unencrypted for unencrypted channels.

Presence example

First set the channel authorization endpoint in your JS app when creating the Pusher object:

var pusher = new Pusher("app_key",
  // ...
  channelAuthorization: {
    endpoint: "/presenceAuth.php",

Next, create the following in presenceAuth.php:


header('Content-Type: application/json');

if (isset($_SESSION['user_id'])) {
  $stmt = $pdo->prepare("SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE id = :id");
  $stmt->bindValue(':id', $_SESSION['user_id'], PDO::PARAM_INT);
  $user = $stmt->fetch();
} else {
  die(json_encode('no-one is logged in'));

$pusher = new Pusher\Pusher($key, $secret, $app_id);
$presence_data = ['name' => $user['name']];

echo $pusher->authorizePresenceChannel($_POST['channel_name'], $_POST['socket_id'], $user['id'], $presence_data);

Note: this assumes that you store your users in a table called users and that
those users have a name column. It also assumes that you have a login
mechanism that stores the user_id of the logged in user in the session.

Application State Queries

Get information about a channel


It's also possible to get information about a channel from the Channels HTTP API.

$info = $pusher->getChannelInfo('channel-name');
$channel_occupied = $info->occupied;

For presence channels you can also
query the number of distinct users currently subscribed to this channel (a
single user may be subscribed many times, but will only count as one):

$info = $pusher->getChannelInfo('presence-channel-name', ['info' => 'user_count']);
$user_count = $info->user_count;

If you have enabled the ability to query the subscription_count (the number
of connections currently subscribed to this channel) then you can query this
value as follows:

$info = $pusher->getChannelInfo('presence-channel-name', ['info' => 'subscription_count']);
$subscription_count = $info->subscription_count;

Get a list of application channels


It's also possible to get a list of channels for an application from the
Channels HTTP API.

$result = $pusher->getChannels();
$channel_count = count($result->channels); // $channels is an Array

Get a filtered list of application channels

$pusher->getChannels(['filter_by_prefix' => 'some_filter']);

It's also possible to get a list of channels based on their name prefix. To do
this you need to supply an $options parameter to the call. In the following
example the call will return a list of all channels with a presence- prefix.
This is idea for fetching a list of all presence channels.

$results = $pusher->getChannels(['filter_by_prefix' => 'presence-']);
$channel_count = count($result->channels); // $channels is an Array

This can also be achieved using the generic pusher->get function:

$pusher->get('/channels', ['filter_by_prefix' => 'presence-']);

Get a list of application channels with subscription counts

The HTTP API returning the channel list does not support returning the
subscription count along with each channel. Instead, you can fetch this data by
iterating over each channel and making another request. Be warned: this
approach consumes (number of channels + 1) messages!

$subscription_counts = [];
foreach ($pusher->getChannels()->channels as $channel => $v) {
  $subscription_counts[$channel] =
      $channel, ['info' => 'subscription_count']

Get user information from a presence channel

$results = $pusher->getPresenceUsers('presence-channel-name');
$users_count = count($results->users); // $users is an Array

This can also be achieved using the generic pusher->get function:

$response = $pusher->get('/channels/presence-channel-name/users');

The $response is in the format:

Array (
	[body] => {"users":[{"id":"a_user_id"}]}
	[status] => 200
	[result] => Array (
		[users] => Array (
			[0] => Array (
				[id] => a_user_id
			/* Additional users */

Generic get function

$pusher->get($path, $params);

Used to make GET queries against the Channels HTTP API. Handles authentication.

Response is an associative array with a result index. The contents of this
index is dependent on the HTTP method that was called. However, a status
property to allow the HTTP status code is always present and a result
property will be set if the status code indicates a successful call to the API.

$response = $pusher->get('/channels');
$http_status_code = $response['status'];
$result = $response['result'];

Running the tests

Requires phpunit.

  • Run composer install
  • Go to the tests directory
  • Rename config.example.php and replace the values with valid Channels
    credentials or create environment variables.
  • Some tests require a client to be connected to the app you defined in the
    config; you can do this by opening
    https://dashboard.pusher.com/apps/<YOUR_TEST_APP_ID>/getting_started in the
  • From the root directory of the project, execute composer exec phpunit to
    run all the tests.


Copyright 2014, Pusher. Licensed under the MIT license:

Copyright 2010, Squeeks. Licensed under the MIT license:


Name With Ownerpusher/pusher-http-php
Primary LanguagePHP
Program languagePHP (Language Count: 1)
Release Count54
Last Release Name7.2.4 (Posted on )
First Release Namev2.1.2 (Posted on 2012-11-18 10:51:58)
Created At2012-07-31 17:21:19
Pushed At2024-04-23 17:13:34
Last Commit At2023-12-15 07:58:53
Stargazers Count1.4k
Watchers Count52
Fork Count300
Commits Count533
Has Issues Enabled
Issues Count142
Issue Open Count4
Pull Requests Count197
Pull Requests Open Count4
Pull Requests Close Count43
Has Wiki Enabled
Is Archived
Is Fork
Is Locked
Is Mirror
Is Private
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