
从命令行创建图表。「Create charts from the command line」

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clip (the command line illustration processor) is an open-source command line
program and software library for creating charts and other data-driven

In essence, clip consists of a library of drawing commands. This command library
includes high-level building blocks for creating common chart types as well as
lower-level drawing primitives such as markers, arrows and lines.

When called from the command line, clip reads input data in text and CSV format
and produces the output chart as a SVG or PNG file. Additionaly, clip is available
as the libclip software library which can be embedded into any application that
supports a C FFI.


Being a highly visual tool, clip is best explained by example. So here is how to
draw a simple line chart using clip:

$ clip --in example_chart.clp --out example_chart.svg

Output File (example_chart.svg):
A simple scatterplot

Input File (example_chart.clp):

    position (bottom left)
    label-format-y (scientific)
    label-format-x (datetime "%H:%M:%S")
    label-placement-x (linear-align 1800))

    data-x (csv "test/testdata/measurement.csv" time)
    data-y (csv "test/testdata/measurement.csv" value1)
    color #06c)

    position (top right)
    item (label "Random Data" color #06c))

Note that this example is only intended to give you an idea of what the syntax
looks like and to get you started quickly; for an in-depth description of all
parameters, please refer to the documentation.

More examples can be found on the examples page.

If you have any questions please don't hesitate to reach out via GitHub issues.


You can find the full documentation at

A list of examples can be found on the Examples


To build clip, you need an up-to-date C++ compiler, cmake, fmtlib, libharfbuzz,
libfreetype and cairo. Run:

$ cmake .
$ make -j $(($(nproc)/2)) # for linux users, or
$ make -j $(($(sysctl -n hw.ncpu)/2)) # for mac users 

To install the clip binary into your system, run make install:

$ make install

To run the test suite, run make test:

$ make test

For detailed installation instructions, have a look at the Installation



I'm getting build errors when compiling the code

clip is written in C++17 and needs a reasonably modern C++ compiler and standard
library. In most cases where the code doesn't build it's due to some problem with
the local build environment. We always appreciate bug reports so that we can
improve our build system on GitHub Issues.

The test suite fails on my machine because text placement is slightly offset

The test suite requires that you have the original Microsoft Arial TTF files
installed on your machine. To verify that this is the case, run fc-match 'Arial,Helvetica,Helvetica Neue:style=Regular,Roman' and check that it returns
the correct 'arial.ttf' file.

What happened to the project name?

The project was started in 2011 and was initially called "FnordMetric". The
first version from 8 years ago also included facilities for storing and
transforming data in addition to the charting code. Over time, the data
processing parts were removed, leaving only the plotting code. However, as a
consequence, most of the search queries for the project name would return
outdated information, resulting in a generally confusing and stale-feeling
situation. The best solution seemed to be to rename the project and so it was
renamed to "clip".


clip -- The command line illustration processor

Copyright (c) 2018, Paul Asmuth, Laura Schlimmer
All rights reserved.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.


Name With Ownerasmuth/clip
Primary LanguageC++
Program languageC++ (Language Count: 5)
PlatformLinux, Mac
License:Apache License 2.0
Release Count4
Last Release Namev0.7 (Posted on 2020-05-14 14:58:10)
First Release Namev0.4 (Posted on 2020-01-26 16:53:12)
Created At2011-09-16 17:58:37
Pushed At2020-06-11 23:25:23
Last Commit At2020-06-10 17:41:14
Stargazers Count5.1k
Watchers Count192
Fork Count388
Commits Count4.6k
Has Issues Enabled
Issues Count146
Issue Open Count7
Pull Requests Count90
Pull Requests Open Count0
Pull Requests Close Count37
Has Wiki Enabled
Is Archived
Is Fork
Is Locked
Is Mirror
Is Private
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