Phusion Passenger

Phusion Passenger, 一个快速稳健的Web服务器和应用服务器,用于Ruby,Python和Node.js。(a fast and robust web server and application server for Ruby, Python and Node.js)

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Phusion Passenger™是一个Web服务器和应用程序服务器,设计为快速、健壮的和轻量级。它排除了部署Web应用程序的大量的复杂性,增加了在生产中有用的强大的企业级功能,并使管理更容易,更简单。 Phusion Passenger支持Ruby,Python,Node.js和Meteor,并被诸如苹果、皮克斯、纽约时报、AirBnB、瞻博等高知名度的公司以及超过350.000个网站使用。

使其如此快速和可靠的是其C ++内核,其零拷贝架构,其看门狗系统及其混合事件、多线程和多进程设计。

Passenger应用程序服务器,允许您安全地操作Web应用程序、微服务和API具有出色的可靠性、性能和控制。 通过充当流程管理器、逆向代理和提供操作工具,Passenger使您能够快速启动并轻松维护Ruby、Node.js、Python和Meteor应用程序。



  • Passenger保护服务器,努力工作,保持业务顺利运行。
  • 它可以静默地重新启动崩溃,挂起或泄漏内存的应用程序。 应用程序更新不会中断服务,并且防止错误更新停止。


  • Passenger与最先进的,战斗性强的Web服务器集成。
  • 它保护服务免受各种类型的攻击和功能特权分离,以防止任何入侵者被包装。


  • Passenger汇集了重要的功能。
  • 通过集成的网络服务,过程管理和缓存,可管理的移动部件更少。 剩下的是通过大量故障排除选项集中管理。


  • Passenger尽可能高效地使用您的硬件资源,因此不会在无效率或资源不足的情况下浪费时间和金钱。



Name With Ownerphusion/passenger
Primary LanguageC++
Program languageRuby (Language Count: 12)
License:MIT License
Release Count200
Last Release Namerelease-6.0.20 (Posted on )
First Release Namerequest_handler_with_pipes (Posted on )
Created At2008-03-27 23:40:48
Pushed At2024-04-19 19:07:43
Last Commit At2020-05-21 19:37:25
Stargazers Count5k
Watchers Count117
Fork Count541
Commits Count9k
Has Issues Enabled
Issues Count2302
Issue Open Count229
Pull Requests Count106
Pull Requests Open Count2
Pull Requests Close Count120
Has Wiki Enabled
Is Archived
Is Fork
Is Locked
Is Mirror
Is Private

Gem Version

Phusion Passenger

Phusion Passenger™ is a web server and application server, designed to be fast, robust and lightweight. It takes a lot of complexity out of deploying web apps, adds powerful enterprise-grade features that are useful in production, and makes administration much easier and less complex. Phusion Passenger supports Ruby, Python, Node.js and Meteor, and is being used by high-profile companies such as Apple, Pixar, New York Times, AirBnB, Juniper etc as well as over 650.000 websites.

Phusion Passenger - the smart app server

Fuse Panel - GUI for Passenger

The smarter and simpler command center for your applications. Fuse Panel monitors your apps in near real-time, offers insights in your logs and enables analyzing and troubleshooting issues. New and exclusively available in the Fuse Panel is much-requested feature per-application log viewing and splitting.

Regardless of if you’re running Passenger open source or you’re one of our enterprise customers, the Fuse Panel is available for free while in beta. Give it a try.

Learn more:


Please follow the installation instructions on the website.

Installing the source directly from git

If you mean to install the latest version of Passenger directly from this git repository, then you should run one of the following commands. Installing from the git repository is basically the same as the tarball installation method, as described in the manual, with one exception: you need to clone git submodules:

git submodule update --init --recursive

After that, run one of the following:





# From your application directory
~/path-to-passenger/bin/passenger start

For troubleshooting, configuration and tips, please also refer to the above documentation. For further support, please refer to the Phusion Passenger support page.

Ruby users can also build a gem from the Git repository and install the gem.

gem build passenger.gemspec
gem install passenger-x.x.x.gem

Further reading

"Passenger" and "Phusion Passenger" are registered trademarks of Phusion Holding B.V.

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