
? Prefixes all PHP namespaces in a file/directory to isolate the code bundled in PHARs.

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PHP-Scoper is a tool which essentially moves any body of code, including all
dependencies such as vendor directories, to a new and distinct namespace.


PHP-Scoper's goal is to make sure that all code for a project lies in a
distinct PHP namespace. This is necessary, for example, when building PHARs that:

  • Bundle their own vendor dependencies; and
  • Load/execute code from arbitrary PHP projects with similar dependencies

When a package (of possibly different versions) exists, and is found in both a PHAR
and the executed code, the one from the PHAR will be used. This means these
PHARs run the risk of raising conflicts between their bundled vendors and the
vendors of the project they are interacting with, leading to issues that are
potentially very difficult to debug due to dissimilar or unsupported package versions.

Table of Contents



You can install PHP-Scoper with Phive

$ phive install humbug/php-scoper --force-accept-unsigned

To upgrade php-scoper use the following command:

$ phive update humbug/php-scoper --force-accept-unsigned


The preferred method of installation is to use the PHP-Scoper PHAR, which can
be downloaded from the most recent Github Release.


You can install PHP-Scoper with Composer:

composer global require humbug/php-scoper

If you cannot install it because of a dependency conflict or you prefer to
install it for your project, we recommend you to take a look at
bamarni/composer-bin-plugin. Example:

composer require --dev bamarni/composer-bin-plugin
composer bin php-scoper config minimum-stability dev
composer bin php-scoper config prefer-stable true 
composer bin php-scoper require --dev humbug/php-scoper

Keep in mind however that this library is not designed to be extended.


php-scoper add-prefix

This will prefix all relevant namespaces in code found in the current working
directory. The prefixed files will be accessible in a build folder. You can
then use the prefixed code to build your PHAR.

Warning: After prefixing the files, if you are relying on Composer
for the autoloading, dumping the autoloader again is required.

For a more concrete example, you can take a look at PHP-Scoper's build
step in Makefile, especially if you are using Composer as
there are steps both before and after running PHP-Scoper to consider.

Refer to TBD for an in-depth look at scoping and building a PHAR taken from
PHP-Scoper's makefile.


If you need more granular configuration, you can create a by
running the command php-scoper init. A different file/location can be passed
with a --config option.

<?php declare(strict_types=1);


use Isolated\Symfony\Component\Finder\Finder;

return [
    'prefix' => null,                       // string, null
    'finders' => [],                        // Finder[]
    'patchers' => [],                       // callable[]
    'files-whitelist' => [],                // string[]
    'whitelist' => [],                      // string[]
    'whitelist-global-constants' => true,   // bool
    'whitelist-global-classes' => true,     // bool
    'whitelist-global-functions' => true,   // bool


The prefix to be used to isolate the code. If null or '' (empty string) is given,
then a random prefix will be automatically generated.

Finders and paths

By default when running php-scoper add-prefix, it will prefix all relevant
code found in the current working directory. You can however define which
files should be scoped by using Finders in the configuration:

<?php declare(strict_types=1);


use Isolated\Symfony\Component\Finder\Finder;

return [
    'finders' => [
            ->notName('/LICENSE, .*\\.md, .*\\.dist, Makefile, composer\\.json, composer\\.lock/')

Besides the finder, you can also add any path via the command:

php-scoper add-prefix file1.php bin/file2.php

Paths added manually are appended to the paths found by the finders.


When scoping PHP files, there will be scenarios where some of the code being
scoped indirectly references the original namespace. These will include, for
example, strings or string manipulations. PHP-Scoper has limited support for
prefixing such strings, so you may need to define patchers, one or more
callables in a configuration file which can be used to replace
some of the code being scoped.

Here's a simple example:

  • Class names in strings.

You can imagine instantiating a class from a variable which is based on a
known namespace, but also on a variable classname which is selected at
runtime. Perhaps code similar to:

$type = 'Foo'; // determined at runtime
$class = 'Humbug\\Format\\Type\\' . $type;

If we scoped the Humbug namespace to PhpScoperABC\Humbug, then the above
snippet would fail as PHP-Scoper cannot interpret the above as being a namespaced
class. To complete the scoping successfully, a) the problem must
be located and b) the offending line replaced.

The patched code which would resolve this issue might be:

$type = 'Foo'; // determined at runtime
$scopedPrefix = array_shift(explode('\\', __NAMESPACE__));
$class = $scopedPrefix . '\\Humbug\\Format\\Type\\' . $type;

This and similar issues may arise after scoping, and can be debugged by
running the scoped code and checking for issues. For this purpose, having a
couple of end to end tests to validate post-scoped code or PHARs is recommended.

Applying such a change can be achieved by defining a suitable patcher in

<?php declare(strict_types=1);


return [
    'patchers' => [
        function (string $filePath, string $prefix, string $content): string {
            // PHP-Parser patch conditions for file targets
            if ($filePath === '/path/to/offending/file') {
                return preg_replace(
                    "%\$class = 'Humbug\\\\Format\\\\Type\\\\' . \$type;%",
                    '$class = \'' . $prefix . '\\\\Humbug\\\\Format\\\\Type\\\\\' . $type;',
            return $content;

Whitelisted files

For the files listed in files-whitelist, their content will be left
untouched during the scoping process.


PHP-Scoper's goal is to make sure that all code for a project lies in a
distinct PHP namespace. However, you may want to share a common API between
the bundled code of your PHAR and the consumer code. For example if you have
a PHPUnit PHAR with isolated code, you still want the PHAR to be able to
understand the PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase class.

Constants & Classes & functions from the global namespace

By default, PHP-Scoper will prefix the user defined constants, classes and
functions belonging to the global namespace. You can however change that
setting for them to be prefixed as usual unless explicitly whitelisted:

<?php declare(strict_types=1);


return [
    'whitelist-global-constants' => false,
    'whitelist-global-classes' => false,
    'whitelist-global-functions' => false,


You can whitelist classes, interfaces, constants and functions like so like so:

<?php declare(strict_types=1);


return [
    'whitelist' => [
        'Acme\Foo*', // Warning: will not whitelist sub namespaces like Acme\Foo\Bar but will whitelist symbols like
                     // Acme\Foo or Acme\Fooo


This will not work on traits and this alias mechanism is case insensitive, i.e.
when passing 'iter\count', if a class Iter\Count is found, this class will
also be whitelisted.

Implementation insights

Class whitelisting

The class aliasing mechanism is done like follows:

  • Prefix the class or interface as usual
  • Append a class_alias() statement at the end of the class/interface
    declaration to link the prefixed symbol to the non prefixed one
  • Append a class_exists() statement right after the autoloader is
    registered to trigger the loading of the method which will ensure the
    class_alias() statement is executed

It is done this way to ensure prefixed and whitelisted classes can co-exist
together without breaking the autoloading. The class_exists() statements are
dumped in vendor/scoper-autoload.php, do not forget to include this file in
favour of vendor/autoload.php. This part is however sorted out by Box
if you are using it with the PhpScoper compactor.

So if you have the following file with a whitelisted class:


namespace Acme;

class Foo {}

The scoped file will look like this:


namespace Humbug\Acme;

class Foo {}

\class_alias('Humbug\\Acme\\Foo', 'Acme\\Foo', \false);



// scoper-autoload.php @generated by PhpScoper

$loader = require_once __DIR__.'/autoload.php';

class_alias('Humbug\\Acme\\Foo');   // Triggers the autoloading of
                                    // `Humbug\Acme\Foo` after the
                                    // Composer autoload is registered

return $loader;
Constants whitelisting

The constant aliasing mechanism is done by transforming the constant
declaration into a define() statement when this is not already the case.
Note that there is a difference here since define() defines a constant at
runtime whereas const defines it at compile time. You have a more details
post regarding the differences here

Give the following file with a whitelisted constant:


namespace Acme;

const FOO = 'X';

The scoped file will look like this:


namespace Humbug\Acme;

\define('FOO', 'X');
Functions whitelisting

The function aliasing mechanism is done by declaring the original function
as an alias of the prefixed one in the vendor/scoper-autoload.php file.

Given the following file with a function declaration:


// No namespace: this is the global namespace

if (!function_exists('dd')) {
    function dd() {}

The file will be scoped as usual in order to avoid any autoloading issue:


namespace PhpScoperPrefix;

if (!function_exists('PhpScoperPrefix\dd')) {
    function dd() {...}

And the following function which will serve as an alias will be
declared in the scoper-autoload.php file:


// scoper-autoload.php @generated by PhpScoper

$loader = require_once __DIR__.'/autoload.php';

if (!function_exists('dd')) {
    function dd() {
        return \PhpScoperPrefix\dd(...func_get_args());

return $loader;

Namespaces whitelisting

If you want to be more generic and whitelist a whole namespace, you can
do it so like this:

<?php declare(strict_types=1);


return [
    'whitelist' => [

Now anything under the PHPUnit\Framework namespace will not be prefixed.
Note this works as well for the global namespace:

<?php declare(strict_types=1);


return [
    'whitelist' => [

Note that this may lead to autoloading issues. Indeed if you have the following package:

    "autoload": {
        "psr-4": {
            "PHPUnit\\": "src"

And whitelist the namespace PHPUnit\Framework\*, then the autoloading for this package
will be faulty and will not work. For this to work, the whole package PHPUnit\* would
need to be whitelisted.

Warning: the following is not a namespace whitelist:

<?php declare(strict_types=1);


return [
    'whitelist' => [
        'PHPUnit\F*',   // Will only whitelist symbols such as PHPUnit\F or PHPunit\Foo, but not symbols belonging to
                        // sub-namespaces like PHPunit\Foo\Bar

Building a Scoped PHAR

With Box

If you are using Box to build your PHAR, you can use the existing
PHP-Scoper integration. Box will take care of
most of the things for you so you should only have to adjust the PHP-Scoper
configuration to your needs.

Without Box

Step 1: Configure build location and prep vendors

Assuming you do not need any development dependencies, run:

composer install --no-dev --prefer-dist

This will allow you to save time in the scoping process by not
processing unnecessary files.

Step 2: Run PHP-Scoper

PHP-Scoper copies code to a new location during prefixing, leaving your original
code untouched. The default location is ./build. You can change the default
location using the --output-dir option. By default, it also generates a random
prefix string. You can set a specific prefix string using the --prefix option.
If automating builds, you can set the --force option to overwrite any code
existing in the output directory without being asked to confirm.

Onto the basic command assuming default options from your project's root

bin/php-scoper add-prefix

As there are no path arguments, the current working directory will be scoped to
./build in its entirety. Of course, actual prefixing is limited to PHP files,
or PHP scripts. Other files are copied unchanged, though we also need to scope
certain Composer related files.

Speaking of scoping Composer related files... The next step is to dump the
Composer autoloader if we depend on it, so everything works as expected:

composer dump-autoload --working-dir build --classmap-authoritative


There is 3 things to manage when dealing with isolated PHARs:

  • The dependencies: which dependencies are you shipping? Fine controlled ones
    managed with a composer.lock or you always ship your application with up
    to date dependencies?
  • The PHAR format: there is some incompatibilities such as realpath() which
    will no longer work for the files within the PHAR since the paths are not
  • Isolating the code: due to the dynamic nature of PHP, isolating your
    dependencies will never be a trivial task and as a result you should have
    some end-to-end test to ensure your isolated code is working properly. You
    will also likely need to configure the whitelists or

As a result, you should have end-to-end tests for your (at the minimum) your
released PHAR.

Since dealing with the 3 issues mentioned above at once can be tedious, it is
highly recommended to have several tests for each steps.

For example you can have a test for both your non-isolated PHAR and your
isolated PHAR, this way you will know which step is causing an issue. If the
isolated PHAR is not working, you can try to test the isolated code directly
outside the PHAR to make sure the scoping process is not the issue.

To check if the isolated code is working correctly, you have a number of solutions:

Also take into consideration that bundling code in a PHAR is not guaranteed to work
out of the box either. Indeed there is a number of things such as

For this reason, you should also h


Dynamic symbols

PHP-Scoper tries to prefix strings as well whenever possible. There will however be cases in which it will not be
possible such as:

  • strings in regexps, e.g. /^Acme\\\\Foo/
  • concatenated strings strings, e.g.:
    • $class = 'Symfony\\Component\\'.$name;
    • const X = 'Symfony\\Component' . '\\Yaml\\Ya_1';

Date symbols

You code may be using a convention for the date string formats which could be mistaken for classes, e.g.:

const ISO8601_BASIC = 'Ymd\THis\Z';

In this scenario, PHP-Scoper has no way to tell that string 'Ymd\THis\Z' does not refer to a symbol but is
a date format. In this case, you will have to rely on patchers. Note however that PHP-Scoper will be able to
handle some cases such as, see the date-spec.

Heredoc values

If you consider the following code:



use Acme\Foo;


The content of PHP_HEREDOC will not be prefixed. Some partial support could be added in the future but is bound to
be very limited due to the dynamic nature of heredocs. If you consider the following for example:




// This file has been auto-generated by the Symfony Dependency Injection Component for internal use.

if (\\class_exists(\\Container{$hash}\\{$options['class']}::class, false)) {
    // no-op
} elseif (!include __DIR__.'/Container{$hash}/{$options['class']}.php') {

if (!\\class_exists({$options['class']}::class, false)) {
    \\class_alias(\\Container{$hash}\\{$options['class']}::class, {$options['class']}::class, false);

return new \\Container{$hash}\\{$options['class']}(array(
    'container.build_hash' => '$hash',
    'container.build_id' => '$id',
    'container.build_time' => $time,
), __DIR__.\\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'Container{$hash}');


It would be very hard to properly scope the relevant classes.


If you consider the two following values:

['Acme\Foo', 'bar'];

The classes used there will not be scoped. It should not be impossible to add
support for it but it is currently not supported. See

String values

PHP-Scoper tries whenever possible to prefix strings as well:


// Will be prefixed into:


PHP-Scoper uses a regex to determine if the string is a class name that must be
prefixed. But there is bound to have confusing cases. For example:

  • If you have a plain string 'Acme\Foo' which has nothing to do with a class,
    PHP-Parser will not be able to tell and will prefix it

  • Classes belonging to the global scope: 'Foo' or 'Acme_Foo', because there
    is no way to know if it is a class name or a random string except for a
    handful of methods:

  • class_alias()

  • class_exists()

  • define()

  • defined()

  • function_exists()

  • interface_exists()

  • is_a()

  • is_subclass_of()

  • trait_exists()

Native functions and constants shadowing

In the following example:


namespace Foo;


No use statement is used for the function is_array. This means that PHP will
try to load the function \Foo\is_array and if fails to do so will fallback
on \is_array (note that PHP does so only for functions and constants: not

In order to bring some performance optimisation, the call will nonetheless be
prefixed in \is_array. This will break your code if you were relying on
\Foo\is_array instead. This however should be extremely rare, so if that
happens you have two solutions: use a patcher or simpler remove
any ambiguity by making use of a use statement (which is unneeded outside of
the context of prefixing your code):


namespace Foo;

use function Foo\is_array;


The situation is exactly the same for constants.

Grouped constants whitelisting

When a grouped constant declaration like the following is given:

const X = 'foo', Y = 'bar';

PHP-Scoper will not be able to whitelist either X or Y. The statement
above should be replaced by multiple constant statements:

const X = 'foo';
const Y = 'bar';

Composer Autoloader

PHP-Scoper does not support prefixing the dumped Composer autoloader and
autoloading files. This is why you have to manually dump the autoloader again
after prefixing an application.

Note: when using Box, Box is able to take care of that step for you.

Composer Plugins

Composer plugins are not supported. The issue is that for
whitelisting symbols PHP-Scoper relies on the fact that you
should load the vendor/scoper-autoload.php file instead of
vendor/autoload.php to trigger the loading of the right classes with their
class aliases. However Composer does not do that and as a result interfaces such as
Composer\Plugin\Capability\Capable are prefixed but the alias is not registered.

This cannot be changed easily so for now when you are using an isolated version
of Composer, you will need to use the --no-plugins option.

PSR-0 Partial support

As of now, given the following directory structure:


with the following configuration:

  "autoload": {
     "psr-0": {"JsonMapper": "src/"}

The autoloading will not work. Indeed, PHP-Scoper attempts to support PSR-0 by
transforming it to PSR-4, i.e. in the case above:

  "autoload": {
     "psr-4": {"PhpScoperPrefix\\JsonMapper": "src/"}

If this will work for the classes under src/JsonMapper/, it will not for JsonMapper.php.


Contribution Guide


Project originally created by: Bernhard Schussek (@webmozart) which has
now been moved under the
Humbug umbrella.


Name With Ownermjaschen/phpgeo
Primary LanguagePHP
Program languagePHP (Language Count: 2)
License:MIT License
Release Count49
Last Release Name5.0.0 (Posted on )
First Release Namev0.1.0 (Posted on 2013-05-30 17:27:58)
Created At2013-02-12 10:35:37
Pushed At2023-12-07 14:02:54
Last Commit At
Stargazers Count1.5k
Watchers Count79
Fork Count235
Commits Count484
Has Issues Enabled
Issues Count60
Issue Open Count17
Pull Requests Count38
Pull Requests Open Count0
Pull Requests Close Count7
Has Wiki Enabled
Is Archived
Is Fork
Is Locked
Is Mirror
Is Private
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