
programmatic npm package and metadata downloader

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NOTE: This repo has moved to and only exists for archival purposes.

pacote is a Node.js library for downloading
npm-compatible packages. It supports all package specifier
syntax that npm install and its ilk support. It transparently caches anything
needed to reduce excess operations, using cacache.


$ npm install --save pacote

Table of Contents


const pacote = require('pacote')

pacote.manifest('pacote@^1').then(pkg => {
  console.log('package manifest for registry pkg:', pkg)
  // { "name": "pacote", "version": "1.0.0", ... }

pacote.extract('', './here').then(() => {
  console.log('remote tarball contents extracted to ./here')



The pacote team enthusiastically welcomes contributions and project participation! There's a bunch of things you can do if you want to contribute! The Contributor Guide has all the information you need for everything from reporting bugs to contributing entire new features. Please don't hesitate to jump in if you'd like to, or even ask us questions if something isn't clear.


> pacote.manifest(spec, [opts])

Fetches the manifest for a package. Manifest objects are similar and based
on the package.json for that package, but with pre-processed and limited
fields. The object has the following shape:

  "name": PkgName,
  "version": SemverString,
  "dependencies": { PkgName: SemverString },
  "optionalDependencies": { PkgName: SemverString },
  "devDependencies": { PkgName: SemverString },
  "peerDependencies": { PkgName: SemverString },
  "bundleDependencies": false, [PkgName],
  "bin": { BinName: Path },
  "_resolved": TarballSource, // different for each package type
  "_integrity": SubresourceIntegrityHash,
  "_shrinkwrap": null, ShrinkwrapJsonObj

Note that depending on the spec type, some additional fields might be present.
For example, packages from have additional metadata
appended by the registry.

pacote.manifest('pacote@1.0.0').then(pkgJson => {
  // fetched `package.json` data from the registry

> pacote.packument(spec, [opts])

Fetches the packument for a package. Packument objects are general metadata
about a project corresponding to registry metadata, and include version and
dist-tag information about a package's available versions, rather than a
specific version. It may include additional metadata not usually available
through the individual package metadata objects.

It generally looks something like this:

  "name": PkgName,
  "dist-tags": {
    'latest': VersionString,
    [TagName]: VersionString,
  "versions": {
    [VersionString]: Manifest,

Note that depending on the spec type, some additional fields might be present.
For example, packages from have additional metadata
appended by the registry.

pacote.packument('pacote').then(pkgJson => {
  // fetched package versions metadata from the registry

> pacote.extract(spec, destination, [opts])

Extracts package data identified by <spec> into a directory named
<destination>, which will be created if it does not already exist.

If opts.digest is provided and the data it identifies is present in the cache,
extract will bypass most of its operations and go straight to extracting the

pacote.extract('pacote@1.0.0', './woot', {
  digest: 'deadbeef'
}).then(() => {
  // Succeeds as long as `pacote@1.0.0` still exists somewhere. Network and
  // other operations are bypassed entirely if `digest` is present in the cache.

> pacote.tarball(spec, [opts])

Fetches package data identified by <spec> and returns the data as a buffer.

This API has two variants:

  •, [opts]) - Same as pacote.tarball, except it returns a stream instead of a Promise.
  • pacote.tarball.toFile(spec, dest, [opts]) - Instead of returning data directly, data will be written directly to dest, and create any required directories along the way.
pacote.tarball('pacote@1.0.0', { cache: './my-cache' }).then(data => {
  // data is the tarball data for pacote@1.0.0

>, [opts])

Same as pacote.tarball, except it returns a stream instead of a Promise.


> pacote.tarball.toFile(spec, dest, [opts])

Like pacote.tarball, but instead of returning data directly, data will be
written directly to dest, and create any required directories along the way.

pacote.tarball.toFile('pacote@1.0.0', './pacote-1.0.0.tgz')
.then(() => /* pacote tarball written directly to ./pacote-1.0.0.tgz */)

> pacote.prefetch(spec, [opts])


Fetches package data identified by <spec>, usually for the purpose of warming
up the local package cache (with opts.cache). It does not return anything.

pacote.prefetch('pacote@1.0.0', { cache: './my-cache' }).then(() => {
  // ./my-cache now has both the manifest and tarball for `pacote@1.0.0`.

> pacote.clearMemoized()

This utility function can be used to force pacote to release its references
to any memoized data in its various internal caches. It might help free
some memory.

pacote.manifest(...).then(() => pacote.clearMemoized)

> options

pacote accepts the options for
with a couple of additional pacote-specific ones:


Expects a function that takes a single argument, dir, and returns a
ReadableStream that outputs packaged tarball data. Used when creating tarballs
for package specs that are not already packaged, such as git and directory
dependencies. The default opts.dirPacker does not execute prepare scripts,
even though npm itself does.

  • Alias: opts.enjoyBy, opts.before
  • Type: Date-able
  • Default: undefined

If passed in, will be used while resolving to filter the versions for registry
such that versions published after opts.enjoy-by are not
considered -- as if they'd never been published.

  • Alias: opts.includeDeprecated
  • Type: Boolean
  • Default: false

If false, deprecated versions will be skipped when selecting from registry range
specifiers. If true, deprecations do not affect version selection.

  • Type: Boolean
  • Default: false

If true, the full packument will be fetched when doing metadata requests. By
defaul, pacote only fetches the summarized packuments, also called "corgis".

  • Alias: opts.defaultTag
  • Type: String
  • Default: 'latest'

Package version resolution tag. When processing registry spec ranges, this
option is used to determine what dist-tag to treat as "latest". For more details
about how pacote selects versions and how tag is involved, see the
documentation for npm-pick-manifest

  • Type: String
  • Default: null

When fetching tarballs, this option can be passed in to skip registry metadata
lookups when downloading tarballs. If the string is a file: URL, pacote will
try to read the referenced local file before attempting to do any further
lookups. This option does not bypass integrity checks when opts.integrity is
passed in.

  • Type: String
  • Default: null

Passed as an argument to npm-package-arg
when resolving spec arguments. Used to determine what path to resolve local
path specs relatively from.


Name With Ownerzkat/pacote
Primary LanguageJavaScript
Program languageJavaScript (Language Count: 1)
License:MIT License
Release Count109
Last Release Namev9.5.1 (Posted on 2019-06-17 08:36:03)
First Release Namev0.1.0 (Posted on 2017-02-02 18:39:53)
Created At2016-12-05 00:13:11
Pushed At2019-07-02 22:12:39
Last Commit At
Stargazers Count280
Watchers Count9
Fork Count62
Commits Count615
Has Issues Enabled
Issues Count82
Issue Open Count26
Pull Requests Count71
Pull Requests Open Count4
Pull Requests Close Count20
Has Wiki Enabled
Is Archived
Is Fork
Is Locked
Is Mirror
Is Private
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