Openbravo ERP

Openbravo Business Suite提供全面的功能,内置ERP,CRM和BI功能,可轻松与传统系统集成。(Openbravo Business Suite offers a comprehensive functionality with built-in ERP, CRM and BI capabilities that can be easily integrated with legacy systems.)

  • Owner: bippo/openbravo
  • Platform: Linux, Mac, Windows
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Openbravo ERP是Openbravo发布的针对中小型公司的基于Web的ERP业务解决方案。该程序的模型最初基于开源的Compiere ERP程序(GPLv2许可)。

使用Openbravo ERP,组织可以自动化和注册最常见的业务流程。支持以下流程:销售,采购,制造,项目,财务,MRP等。Openbravo Exchange上提供了许多商业扩展,可以由商业版Openbravo ERP的用户购买。与免费的Community Edition相比,此付费版本提供了额外的功能(例如:集成管理工具,用于更新和升级的非技术工具,访问Openbravo Exchange和服务级别协议)。 Openbravo ERP应用程序的特征是绿色Web界面,用户通过该界面在Web浏览器中维护公司数据。 Openbravo还可以创建报告和数据并将其导出为多种格式,例如PDF和Microsoft Excel。


  • 模型驱动的开发,开发人员用模型而不是代码来描述应用程序
  • 模型 - 视图 - 控制器,一种完善的设计模式,其中表示逻辑和业务逻辑保持隔离

这两个模型允许与其他程序集成并实现简单的界面。由于开放标准的应用,Openbravo ERP可以与其他开源应用程序集成,如Magento网上商店,Pentaho商业智能,ProcessMaker BPM,Liferay Portal和SugarCRM。

2014年3月,Openbravo ERP更名为Openbravo ERP平台,并于2015年5月再次更名为Openbravo Business Suite。

Openbravo Business Suite是一个全球管理解决方案,构建于真正模块化,移动支持和云就绪的技术平台之上。 它提供全面的功能,内置ERP,CRM和BI功能,可轻松与传统系统集成。

它以社区和商业版方式下分发。 Community Edition提供对免费和非商业功能的访问,它是SF中提供的版本。(以上介绍基于SF Openbravo Business Suite主页及 整理。)

注:该项目仓库是更名之前的 Openbravo ERP的仓库。新的Openbravo Business Suite软件仓库可参考:


Name With Ownerbippo/openbravo
Primary LanguageJavaScript
Program languageActionScript (Language Count: 6)
PlatformLinux, Mac, Windows
Release Count7
Last Release Name3.0MP11-upstream (Posted on )
First Release Name3.0MP6-upstream (Posted on )
Created At2012-01-26 07:58:38
Pushed At2012-11-05 11:20:31
Last Commit At
Stargazers Count74
Watchers Count24
Fork Count59
Commits Count30
Has Issues Enabled
Issues Count6
Issue Open Count0
Pull Requests Count0
Pull Requests Open Count0
Pull Requests Close Count0
Has Wiki Enabled
Is Archived
Is Fork
Is Locked
Is Mirror
Is Private

h1. Openbravo ERP

This is the Bippo development version of Openbravo ERP.

More info: "ERP Development Setup, Bippo Development Guide":

Useful references:

  • "Tomcat reference":
  • "PostgreSQL reference":

h2. Preparation

h3. Tomcat Setup

Install "Tomcat 6.0.x binary distribution": (don't use its Ubuntu package).
Do NOT use Apache 7.0!
(Hendy's note: maybe should try to use JBoss AS)

a. Extract Tomcat distribution as @$HOME/openbravo-tomcat@ (do not use the @apache-tomcat-x.x.x@ folder)
This folder will be referred to as @$CATALINA_HOME@.
b. Set @CATALINA_HOME@ environment variable in @~/.bashrc@ because it will be used by Openbravo Setup Ant script
c. Set @CATALINA_OPTS@ environment variable in @~/.bashrc@ as follows: (to fix PermGen error)

bc. export CATALINA_OPTS="-Djava.awt.headless=true -Xms384M -Xmx512M -XX:MaxPermSize=256M"

d. Copy the @tools.jar@ file (from JDK in @/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.6.0-openjdk/lib@) to Tomcat's @lib/@ folder.
e. In order to avoid Tomcat from auto-reloading itself, comment the @@ line in @$CATALINA_HOME/conf/context.xml@
f. Create administrator user
g. Start Tomcat

h3. PostgreSQL Setup

Install PostgreSQL 8.4 "with UUID support": : install Ubuntu packages @postgresql-8.4@, @postgresql-contrib-8.4@
Do NOT use PostgreSQL 9.1 with Openbravo (yet)!

a. Check if @8.4 main@ cluster exists. If not, create @8.4 main@ cluster at port @5433@.
b. Start PostgreSQL 8.4
c. Set password for @postgres@ user in the @8.4 main@ cluster

h2. Installation

  1. Make sure Apache Tomcat 6.0 is running

  2. Make sure PostgreSQL cluster @8.4 main@ is running

  3. Download the setup binary (@setup-properties-linux-x64.bin@) corresponding to your system
    and put it on @config/@ folder.
    It is available at Bippo intranet Nexus, search for @setup-properties-linux-x64@.

Internal note: If you want to download @setup-properties@ directly from Openbravo upstream, run:

bc. ant setup

  1. Run the downloaded file in the @config@ directory. For example in
    @amd64@ Linux:

bc. config/setup-properties-linux-x64.bin

Internal note: If there is no setup binary for your operating system and architecture,
send a request to @<staff.rm at openbravo dot com>@.

  1. To install it run:

bc. ant install.source

It creates the database structure, builds the core, compiles
Openbravo and generates a war file.

Deploy this war file into the @tomcat/webapps@ directory.

h2. Eclipse Projects Setup

  1. Copy @classpath.sample@ to @.classpath@
  2. Do a Git Import from each of these folders in @~/git/openbravo@ :

a. @/@
b. @src-core/@
c. @src-trl/@
d. @src-wad/@

You should get 4 Eclipse projects named:

a. @openbravo@
b. @OpenbravoCore@
c. @OpenbravoTrl@
d. @OpenbravoWAD@

Reference: "How to setup Eclipse IDE":

h2. Documentation

See "Openbravo Wiki": for more documentation.

h2. Helping out

If you'd like to help out, great!

Have a look to our "Contributor's Guide":

There is also a list of "on-going community projects":

Please share your changes so others can benefit.

Please use @svn diff@ to prepare patches.

h2. Contact

IRC: @#openbravo@ in freenode

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