
NetBeans IDE - 更智能和更快速的编写代码。(NetBeans IDE - The Smarter and Faster Way to Code.)

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NetBeans IDE可让您快速轻松地开发Java桌面、移动和Web应用程序,以及使用HTML、JavaScript和CSS的HTML5应用程序。 IDE还为PHP和C/C++开发人员提供了一整套工具。 它是免费的和开源的,并且拥有世界各地的大量用户和开发者社区。

NetBeans IDE特点(原文:
  • 支持最新Java技术

NetBeans IDE是Java 8的官方IDE。通过其编辑器,代码分析器和转换器,您可以快速,顺利地升级应用程序,以使用新的Java 8语言结构,如lambdas,功能操作和方法引用。

提供批量分析器和转换器,以同时搜索多个应用程序,匹配转换为新的Java 8语言结构的模式。

随着不断改进的Java编辑器,许多丰富的功能和广泛的工具,模板和示例,NetBeans IDE为开发尖端技术开创了标准。

  • 快速智能代码编辑

IDE不仅仅是一个文本编辑器。 NetBeans编辑器缩进行,匹配单词和括号,并在语法和语义上突出显示源代码。它允许您轻松地重构代码,提供一系列方便和强大的工具,同时还提供代码模板,编码提示和代码生成器。


  • 简单高效的项目管理

了解大型应用程序,数千个文件夹和文件以及数百万行代码,是一项艰巨的任务。 NetBeans IDE提供不同的数据视图,从多个项目窗口到有用的工具,用于设置应用程序并高效管理数据,让您可以快速,轻松地深入了解数据,同时通过Subversion,Mercurial和Git集成为您提供版本控制工具盒子外面。


  • 快速用户界面开发

通过在IDE中使用编辑器和拖放工具,可以快速、平滑地为Java SE、HTML5、Java EE、PHP、C/C++和Java ME应用程序设计GUI。

对于Java SE应用程序,NetBeans GUI Builder自动处理正确的间距和对齐方式,同时支持就地编辑。 GUI构建器非常易于使用和直观,它已被用于在客户演示中直接对GUI进行原型设计。

  • 编写无Bug代码

错误代码的成本越高,需要修复的时间越长。 NetBeans提供静态分析工具,特别是与广泛使用的FindBugs工具的集成,用于识别和修复Java代码中的常见问题。此外,NetBeans调试器可让您在源代码中添加断点,添加字段监视器,逐步执行代码,运行方法,执行快照并监控执行情况。

NetBeans Profiler为优化应用程序的速度和内存使用提供了专家帮助,并且可以更轻松地构建可靠且可扩展的Java SE,JavaFX和Java EE应用程序。 NetBeans IDE包括用于Java SE应用程序的可视调试器,让您可以调试用户界面,而无需查看源代码。使用您的应用程序的GUI快照,然后单击用户界面元素以跳回相关的源代码。

  • 支持多种语言

NetBeans IDE为C/C ++和PHP开发人员提供卓越的支持,为其相关框架和技术提供全面的编辑器和工具。此外,IDE还具有用于XML、HTML、PHP、Groovy、Javadoc、JavaScript和JSP的编辑器和工具。

  • 跨平台支持

NetBeans IDE可以安装在支持Java的所有操作系统上,从Windows到Linux到Mac OS X系统。 一次写入,无处不在,与NetBeans IDE一样适用于您自己的应用程序,因为NetBeans IDE本身也是用Java编写的!

  • 丰富的社区提供的插件

NetBeans社区规模宏大,活跃; 许多用户一直在开发新的插件,因为NetBeans IDE是可扩展的并且具有良好的API。


Name With Ownerapache/netbeans
Primary LanguageJava
Program languageJava (Language Count: 40)
PlatformLinux, Mac, Windows
License:Apache License 2.0
Release Count87
Last Release Name22-rc1 (Posted on 2024-04-19 21:10:20)
First Release Name9.0-alpha-rc2 (Posted on 2017-11-17 20:01:19)
Created At2017-09-01 07:00:11
Pushed At2024-04-28 15:56:35
Last Commit At2024-04-25 11:38:47
Stargazers Count2.5k
Watchers Count163
Fork Count814
Commits Count10k
Has Issues Enabled
Issues Count1624
Issue Open Count723
Pull Requests Count4514
Pull Requests Open Count85
Pull Requests Close Count806
Has Wiki Enabled
Is Archived
Is Fork
Is Locked
Is Mirror
Is Private

Apache NetBeans

Apache NetBeans is an open source development environment, tooling platform, and application framework.

Build status

  • TravisCI:
    • Build Status
  • Apache Jenkins:
    • Linux: Build Status
    • Windows: Build Status


  • Git
  • Ant 1.9.9 or above
  • JDK 8 or 11 (to build NetBeans)
  • JDK 9 or above (to run NetBeans)
  • MinGW (optional), to build Windows Launchers


  • NetBeans also runs with JDK 8, although then it will not include tools for the JDK 9 Shell.
  • NetBeans license violation checks are managed via the rat-exclusions.txt file.
  • Set JAVA_HOME and ANT_HOME appropriately or leave them undefined.

Building NetBeans

Build with the default config (See the cluster.config property.)

$ ant

Build the basic project (mainly, JavaSE features):

$ ant -Dcluster.config=basic

Build the full project (including Groovy, PHP, JavaEE/JakartaEE, and JavaScript features):

$ ant -Dcluster.config=full

Build the NetBeans Platform:

$ ant -Dcluster.config=platform

Note: You can also use php, enterprise, etc. See the file.

Building Windows Launchers

Windows launchers can be build using MinGW both on Windows and Linux.

Note: In Windows MSYS must be installed.

As of NETBEANS-1145, the Windows Launchers can be built adding property to the build process.

$ ant
Software Requirement to Build Windows Launchers on Ubuntu (16.04+):
sudo apt install make mingw-w64

Running NetBeans

Run the build:

$ ant tryme

Note: Look in nbbuild/netbeans for the NetBeans installation created by the build process.

Get In Touch

Subscribe or mail the list - Ask questions, find answers, and also help other users.

Subscribe or mail the list - Join development discussions, propose new ideas and connect with contributors.


Developer builds can be downloaded:

Convenience binary of released source artifacts:

Reporting Bugs

Bugs should be reported to

Full History

The origins of the code in this repository are older than its Apache existence.
As such significant part of the history (before the code was donated to Apache)
is kept in an independent repository. To fully understand the code
you may want to merge the modern and ancient versions together:

$ git clone
$ cd netbeans
$ git log platform/uihandler/arch.xml

This gives you just few log entries including the initial checkin and
change of the file headers to Apache. But then the magic comes:

$ git remote add emilian
$ git fetch emilian # this takes a while, the history is huge!
$ git replace 6daa72c98 32042637 # the 1st donation
$ git replace 6035076ee 32042637 # the 2nd donation

When you search the log, or use the blame tool, the full history is available:

$ git log platform/uihandler/arch.xml
$ git blame platform/uihandler/arch.xml

Many thanks to Emilian Bold who converted the ancient history to his
Git repository
and made the magic possible!

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