
SQLite 的流复制。「Streaming replication for SQLite.」

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Litestream 是一个独立的 SQLite 流复制工具。它作为一个后台进程运行,并安全地将变化增量复制到另一个文件或 S3。Litestream 只通过 SQLite API 与 SQLite 进行通信,所以它不会破坏你的数据库。

如果你需要支持或有改进 Litestream 的想法,请加入 Litestream Slack 或访问 GitHub 讨论。请访问 Litestream 网站 获取安装说明和文档。

如果你觉得这个项目有趣,请考虑在 GitHub 上为该项目"打星"。


虽然 Litestream 项目不接受外部代码补丁,但许多最有价值的贡献是以测试、反馈和文档的形式出现。这些都有助于强化软件,为其他用户简化使用。


衷心感谢 的支持,感谢他们为测试和开发提供的点数。


最初,Litestream 是不允许外部贡献的。其目的是通过限制审查和验证第三方代码的维护工作来减少倦怠。然而,这一政策过于宽泛,阻碍了小型、容易测试的补丁的贡献。

Litestream 现在只对错误修复的代码贡献开放。功能会带来长期的维护负担,所以目前不接受。如果你有一个你想要的功能,请 提交一个问题

如果你发现文档中的错误,请向 文档库 提交一个修复。


Name With Ownerbenbjohnson/litestream
Primary LanguageGo
Program languageGo (Language Count: 6)
PlatformDocker, Linux, Mac, Windows
License:Apache License 2.0
Release Count28
Last Release Namev0.3.13 (Posted on )
First Release Namev0.1.0 (Posted on )
Created At2020-10-06 19:16:01
Pushed At2024-04-20 15:08:51
Last Commit At
Stargazers Count10k
Watchers Count88
Fork Count224
Commits Count339
Has Issues Enabled
Issues Count261
Issue Open Count66
Pull Requests Count189
Pull Requests Open Count15
Pull Requests Close Count40
Has Wiki Enabled
Is Archived
Is Fork
Is Locked
Is Mirror
Is Private

GitHub release (latest by date)
Docker Pulls

Litestream is a standalone streaming replication tool for SQLite. It runs as a
background process and safely replicates changes incrementally to another file
or S3. Litestream only communicates with SQLite through the SQLite API so it
will not corrupt your database.

If you need support or have ideas for improving Litestream, please join the
Litestream Slack or visit the GitHub Discussions.
Please visit the Litestream web site for installation
instructions and documentation.

If you find this project interesting, please consider starring the project on


While the Litestream project does not accept external code patches, many
of the most valuable contributions are in the forms of testing, feedback, and
documentation. These help harden software and streamline usage for other users.

I want to give special thanks to individuals who invest much of their time and
energy into the project to help make it better. Shout out to Michael
for digging into issues and contributing to
the documentation.

Open-source, not open-contribution

Similar to SQLite, Litestream is open
source but closed to code contributions. This keeps the code base free of
proprietary or licensed code but it also helps me continue to maintain and build

As the author of BoltDB, I found that
accepting and maintaining third party patches contributed to my burn out and
I eventually archived the project. Writing databases & low-level replication
tools involves nuance and simple one line changes can have profound and
unexpected changes in correctness and performance. Small contributions
typically required hours of my time to properly test and validate them.

I am grateful for community involvement, bug reports, & feature requests. I do
not wish to come off as anything but welcoming, however, I've
made the decision to keep this project closed to contributions for my own
mental health and long term viability of the project.

The documentation repository is MIT licensed and pull requests are welcome there.

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