
Easily jumpstart a new Rails application with a bunch of great features by default

? We've also built Jumpstart Pro which is a version of Jumpstart that includes payments with Stripe & Braintree, team accounts, TailwindCSS, and much more.

Jumpstart Rails Template

All your Rails apps should start off with a bunch of great defaults. It's like Laravel Spark, for Rails.

Note: Requires Rails 5.2 or higher

Want to see how it works? Check out the Jumpstart walkthrough video:

Jumpstart Ruby on Rails Template Walkthrough

Getting Started

Jumpstart is a Rails template, so you pass it in as an option when creating a new app.


You'll need the following installed to run the template successfully:

  • Ruby 2.5 or higher
  • Redis - For ActionCable support
  • bundler - gem install bundler
  • rails - gem install rails
  • Yarn - brew install yarn or Install Yarn
  • Foreman (optional) - gem install foreman - helps run all your
    processes in development

Creating a new app

rails new myapp -d postgresql -m https://raw.githubusercontent.com/excid3/jumpstart/master/template.rb

Or if you have downloaded this repo, you can reference template.rb locally:

rails new myapp -d postgresql -m template.rb

To run your app, use foreman start.

This will run Procfile.dev via foreman start -f Procfile.dev as configured by the .foreman file and will launch the development processes rails server, sidekiq, and webpack-dev-server processes. You can also run them in separate terminals manually if you prefer.

A separate Procfile is generated for deploying to production.

Authenticate with social networks

We use the encrypted Rails Credentials for app_id and app_secrets when it comes to omniauth authentication. Edit them as so:

EDITOR=vim rails credentials:edit

Make sure your file follow this structure:

secret_key_base: [your-key]
    app_id: something
    app_secret: something
      scope: 'user:email'
      whatever: true
    app_id: something
    app_secret: something
      scope: 'user:email'
      whatever: true

With the environment, the service and the app_id/app_secret. If this is done correctly, you should see login links
for the services you have added to the encrypted credentials using EDITOR=vim rails credentials:edit

Cleaning up

rails db:drop
spring stop
cd ..
rm -rf myapp


Name With Ownerexcid3/jumpstart
Primary LanguageHTML
Program languageRuby (Language Count: 5)
License:MIT License
Release Count0
Created At2017-01-26 03:06:29
Pushed At2024-01-30 21:58:29
Last Commit At2024-01-30 15:58:27
Stargazers Count1.2k
Watchers Count41
Fork Count307
Commits Count242
Has Issues Enabled
Issues Count114
Issue Open Count0
Pull Requests Count68
Pull Requests Open Count0
Pull Requests Close Count24
Has Wiki Enabled
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