
用于编译 Pandas 数据帧的 Numba 扩展,英特尔® 可扩展数据帧编译器。「Numba extension for compiling Pandas data frames, Intel® Scalable Dataframe Compiler」

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Intel® Scalable Dataframe Compiler

.. image::
:alt: Travis CI

.. image::
:alt: Azure Pipelines

.. _Numba*:
.. _Pandas*:
.. _Sphinx*:

Numba* Extension For Pandas* Operations Compilation

Intel® Scalable Dataframe Compiler (Intel® SDC) is an extension of Numba*_
that enables compilation of Pandas*_ operations. It automatically vectorizes and parallelizes
the code by leveraging modern hardware instructions and by utilizing all available cores.

Intel® SDC documentation can be found here <>__.

.. note::
For maximum performance and stability, please use numba from intel/label/beta channel.

Installing Binary Packages (conda and wheel)

Intel® SDC is available on the Anaconda Cloud intel/label/beta channel.
Distribution includes Intel® SDC for Python 3.6 and Python 3.7 for Windows and Linux platforms.

Intel® SDC conda package can be installed using the steps below::

> conda create -n sdc-env python=<3.7 or 3.6> -c anaconda -c conda-forge
> conda activate sdc-env
> conda install sdc -c intel/label/beta -c intel -c defaults -c conda-forge --override-channels

Intel® SDC wheel package can be installed using the steps below::

> conda create -n sdc-env python=<3.7 or 3.6> pip -c anaconda -c conda-forge
> conda activate sdc-env
> pip install --index-url --extra-index-url --extra-index-url sdc

Building Intel® SDC from Source on Linux

We use Anaconda <>_ distribution of
Python for setting up Intel® SDC build environment.

If you do not have conda, we recommend using Miniconda3::

wget -O
chmod +x
./ -b
export PATH=$HOME/miniconda3/bin:$PATH

.. note::
For maximum performance and stability, please use numba from intel/label/beta channel.

It is possible to build Intel® SDC via conda-build or setuptools. Follow one of the
cases below to install Intel® SDC and its dependencies on Linux.

Building on Linux with conda-build


    PYVER=<3.6 or 3.7>
    NUMPYVER=<1.16 or 1.17>
    conda create -n conda-build-env python=$PYVER conda-build
    source activate conda-build-env
    git clone
    cd sdc
    conda build --python $PYVER --numpy $NUMPYVER --output-folder=<output_folder> -c intel/label/beta -c defaults -c intel -c conda-forge --override-channels conda-recipe

Building on Linux with setuptools

    export PYVER=<3.6 or 3.7>
    export NUMPYVER=<1.16 or 1.17>
    conda create -n sdc-env -q -y -c intel/label/beta -c defaults -c intel -c conda-forge python=$PYVER numpy=$NUMPYVER tbb-devel tbb4py numba=0.54.1 pandas=1.3.4 pyarrow=4.0.1 gcc_linux-64 gxx_linux-64
    source activate sdc-env
    git clone
    cd sdc
    python install

In case of issues, reinstalling in a new conda environment is recommended.

Building Intel® SDC from Source on Windows

Building Intel® SDC on Windows requires Build Tools for Visual Studio 2019 (with component MSVC v140 - VS 2015 C++ build tools (v14.00)):

* Install `Build Tools for Visual Studio 2019 (with component MSVC v140 - VS 2015 C++ build tools (v14.00)) <>`_.
* Install `Miniconda for Windows <>`_.
* Start 'Anaconda prompt'.

It is possible to build Intel® SDC via conda-build or setuptools. Follow one of the
cases below to install Intel® SDC and its dependencies on Windows.

Building on Windows with conda-build


set PYVER=<3.6 or 3.7>
set NUMPYVER=<1.16 or 1.17>
conda create -n conda-build-env -q -y python=%PYVER% conda-build conda-verify vc vs2015_runtime vs2015_win-64
conda activate conda-build-env
git clone
cd sdc
conda build --python %PYVER% --numpy %NUMPYVER% --output-folder=<output_folder> -c intel/label/beta -c defaults -c intel -c conda-forge --override-channels conda-recipe

Building on Windows with setuptools


    set PYVER=<3.6 or 3.7>
    set NUMPYVER=<1.16 or 1.17>
    conda create -n sdc-env -c intel/label/beta -c defaults -c intel -c conda-forge python=%PYVER% numpy=%NUMPYVER% tbb-devel tbb4py numba=0.54.1 pandas=1.3.4 pyarrow=4.0.1
    conda activate sdc-env
    set INCLUDE=%INCLUDE%;%CONDA_PREFIX%\Library\include
    set LIB=%LIB%;%CONDA_PREFIX%\Library\lib
    git clone
    cd sdc
    python install

.. "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\vcvarsall.bat" amd64

Troubleshooting Windows Build

* If the ``cl`` compiler throws the error fatal ``error LNK1158: cannot run 'rc.exe'``,
  add Windows Kits to your PATH (e.g. ``C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\8.0\bin\x86``).
* Some errors can be mitigated by ``set DISTUTILS_USE_SDK=1``.
* For setting up Visual Studio, one might need go to registry at
  and add a string value named ``14.0`` whose data is ``C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\``.
* Sometimes if the conda version or visual studio version being used are not latest then
  building Intel® SDC can throw some vague error about a keyword used in a file.
  So make sure you are using the latest versions.

Building documentation

Building Intel® SDC User's Guide documentation requires pre-installed Intel® SDC package
along with compatible `Pandas*`_ version as well as `Sphinx*`_ 2.2.1 or later.

Intel® SDC documentation includes Intel® SDC examples output which is pasted to functions description in the API Reference.

Use ``pip`` to install `Sphinx*`_ and extensions:

    pip install sphinx sphinxcontrib-programoutput

Currently the build precedure is based on ``make`` located at ``./sdc/docs/`` folder.
While it is not generally required we recommended that you clean up the system from previous documentaiton build by running:

    make clean

To build HTML documentation you will need to run:

    make html

The built documentation will be located in the ``./sdc/docs/build/html`` directory.
To preview the documentation open ``index.html`` file.

More information about building and adding documentation can be found `here <docs/README.rst>`__.

Running unit tests

    python sdc/tests/
    python -m unittest


Intel® SDC follows ideas and initial code base of High-Performance Analytics Toolkit (HPAT). These academic papers describe ideas and methods behind HPAT:

- `HPAT paper at ICS'17 <>`_
- `HPAT at HotOS'17 <>`_
- `HiFrames on arxiv <>`_


Name With OwnerIntelPython/sdc
Primary LanguagePython
Program languagePython (Language Count: 7)
License:BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
Release Count38
Last Release Name0.40.0 (Posted on 2021-08-26 16:33:01)
First Release Namev0.1 (Posted on )
Created At2017-06-01 16:59:41
Pushed At2023-11-09 22:51:13
Last Commit At2023-03-10 17:44:51
Stargazers Count645
Watchers Count35
Fork Count61
Commits Count3.1k
Has Issues Enabled
Issues Count53
Issue Open Count37
Pull Requests Count797
Pull Requests Open Count20
Pull Requests Close Count138
Has Wiki Enabled
Is Archived
Is Fork
Is Locked
Is Mirror
Is Private
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