GIMP是一个跨平台的图像编辑器,可用于GNU / Linux,OS X,Windows和更多操作系统。

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GIMP是一个跨平台的图像编辑器,可用于GNU /Linux,OS X,Windows和更多操作系统。 它是免费软件,您可以更改其源代码并分发您的更改。

无论您是平面设计师,摄影师,插画师还是科学家,GIMP都为您提供先进的工具来完成您的工作。 由于有许多自定义选项和第三方插件,您可以使用GIMP进一步提高您的生产力。

GIMP是一个高质量的图像处理脚本框架,支持多语言如C,C++,Perl,Python,Scheme,和更多!GIMP提供一流的色彩管理功能来确保高保真颜色复制在数字和印刷媒体。最好是用在涉及其他自由软件如 Scribus, InkscapeSwatchBooker的工作流程。GIMP通过与许多编程语言(包括Scheme,Python,Perl等)的集成提供了可扩展性。结果是高度定制化,这由社区创建的大量脚本和插件所证明。


Name With OwnerGNOME/gimp
Primary LanguageC
Program languageC (Language Count: 18)
PlatformLinux, Mac, Windows
Release Count271
Last Release NameGIMP_2_99_18 (Posted on 2024-02-17 18:22:00)
First Release NameSNAP_19971121 (Posted on 1997-11-24 22:05:25)
Created At2012-06-03 13:37:45
Pushed At2024-04-28 16:54:34
Last Commit At2024-04-28 16:28:41
Stargazers Count4.5k
Watchers Count213
Fork Count652
Commits Count52.2k
Has Issues Enabled
Issues Count0
Issue Open Count0
Pull Requests Count0
Pull Requests Open Count0
Pull Requests Close Count37
Has Wiki Enabled
Is Archived
Is Fork
Is Locked
Is Mirror
Is Private

               GNU Image Manipulation Program
                  2.99 Development Branch

This is an unstable development release, an intermediate state on the
way to the next stable release: GIMP 3. GIMP 2.99 may or may not do what
you expect. Save your work early and often. If you want a stable
version, please use GIMP 2.10 instead.

If you think you found a bug in this version, please make sure that it
hasn't been reported earlier and that it is not just new stuff that is
still being worked on and obviously not quite finished yet.

If you want to hack on GIMP, please read the file HACKING. For
detailed installation instructions, see the file INSTALL.

  1. Web Resources

GIMP's home page is at:

Please be sure to visit this site for information, documentation,
tutorials, news, etc. All things GIMP-ish are available from there.

There you can get the latest versions of plug-ins, using a convenient
forms-based interface.

The latest version of GIMP can be found at:
  1. Mailing Lists

We have several mailing lists dedicated to GIMP user and development
discussion. There is more info at

Links to several archives of the mailing lists are included in that page.

Gimp-user-list is a mailing list dedicated to user problems, hints and
tips, discussion of cool effects, etc. Gimp-developer-list is oriented
to GIMP core and plug-in developers. Gimp-gui-list is for discussing
about GIMP interface to improve user experience. Most people will only
want to be subscribed to gimp-user-list. If you want to help develop
GIMP, the gimp-developer mailing list is a good starting point; if you
want to help with GUI design, the gimp-gui list is where you want to

  1. IRC

And finally, for the real junkies, there is an IRC channel devoted to
GIMP. On GIMPNet (a private free software oriented network) there is
#gimp. Many of the developers hang out there. Some of the GIMPNet
servers are:
  1. Customizing

The look of GIMP's interface can be customized like any other GTK+ app
by editing files in ${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/gtk-3.0/ (settings.ini and
gtk.css in particular) or by using "themes" (ready-made customizations).
Additionally, GIMP reads ${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/GIMP/2.99/gimp.css so you
can have settings that only apply to GIMP.

Included is a set of keybindings similar to those in Adobe Photoshop.
You can find them in the ps-menurc file. To use them, copy this file
to ${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/GIMP/2.99/menurc. You can also manually change
the keybindings to any of your choice by editing:

Have fun,

Spencer Kimball
Peter Mattis
Federico Mena
Manish Singh
Sven Neumann
Michael Natterer
Dave Neary
Martin Nordholts

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