
Package dyno is a utility to work with dynamic objects at ease.

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Package dyno is a utility to work with dynamic objects at ease.

Primary goal is to easily handle dynamic objects and arrays (and a mixture of these)
that are the result of unmarshaling a JSON or YAML text into an interface{}
for example. When unmarshaling into interface{}, libraries usually choose
either map[string]interface{} or map[interface{}]interface{} to represent objects,
and []interface{} to represent arrays. Package dyno supports a mixture of
these in any depth and combination.

When operating on a dynamic object, you designate a value you're interested
in by specifying a path. A path is a navigation; it is a series of map keys
and int slice indices that tells how to get to the value.

Should you need to marshal a dynamic object to JSON which contains maps with
interface{} key type (which is not supported by encoding/json), you may use
the ConvertMapI2MapS converter function.

The implementation does not use reflection at all, so performance is rather good.

Supported Operations


Let's see a simple example editing a JSON text to mask out a password. This is
a simplified version of the Example_jsonEdit example function:

src := `{"login":{"password":"secret","user":"bob"},"name":"cmpA"}`
var v interface{}
if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(src), &v); err != nil {
// Edit (mask out) password:
if err = dyno.Set(v, "xxx", "login", "password"); err != nil {
	fmt.Printf("Failed to set password: %v\n", err)
edited, err := json.Marshal(v)
fmt.Printf("Edited JSON: %s, error: %v\n", edited, err)

Output will be:

Edited JSON: {"login":{"password":"xxx","user":"bob"},"name":"cmpA"}, error: <nil>


Name With Ownericza/dyno
Primary LanguageGo
Program languageGo (Language Count: 1)
License:Apache License 2.0
Release Count0
Created At2017-12-18 15:40:34
Pushed At2023-03-30 12:59:55
Last Commit At2023-03-30 14:59:55
Stargazers Count129
Watchers Count9
Fork Count18
Commits Count67
Has Issues Enabled
Issues Count3
Issue Open Count0
Pull Requests Count1
Pull Requests Open Count0
Pull Requests Close Count0
Has Wiki Enabled
Is Archived
Is Fork
Is Locked
Is Mirror
Is Private
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