
如果您正在运行私有v2 docker注册表,并且您正在将数据存储在磁盘上,则从数据所在的计算机运行此脚本将允许您完全删除图像或标记。(If you are running a private v2 docker registry, and you are storing your data on disk, running this script from the machine where the data lives will let you fully delete an image or tag.)

  • Owner: burnettk/delete-docker-registry-image
  • Platform: Linux, Mac, Windows
  • License:: MIT License
  • Category::
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curl, sudo tee /usr/local/bin/delete_docker_registry_image >/dev/null
sudo chmod a+x /usr/local/bin/delete_docker_registry_image


Set up your data directory via an environment variable:

export REGISTRY_DATA_DIR=/opt/registry_data/docker/registry/v2

You can also just edit the script where this variable is set to make it work
for your setup.

Almost delete a repo:

delete_docker_registry_image --image testrepo/awesomeimage --dry-run

Actually delete a repo (remember to shut down your registry first):

delete_docker_registry_image --image testrepo/awesomeimage

Delete one tag from a repo:

delete_docker_registry_image --image testrepo/awesomeimage:supertag

This complimentary script is made to remove tags in repository based on
regexp pattern.


./ --image reg_exp_of_repository_to_find --include reg_exp_of_tag_to_find -l history_to_maintain --registry-url location_of_docker_registry -o tag_ordering -b only_tags_before_date -a only_tags_after_date

Search for all images whose name start with 'repo/sitor' and delete all tags
whose name start with '0.1.' keeping the last 2 tags and of the remaining tags
deletes only those having an image creation time between January 1, 2016 12 a.m.
and June 25, 2016 12 p.m. (both datetimes are exclusive).

./ --image '^repo/sitor*' --include '^0.1.*' -l 2 -b 2016-06-25T12:00:00 -a 2016-01-01T00:00:00 --registry-url http://localhost:5000

Add --dry-run as argument for a test run without actual removal of tags.

Run tests for this project

vagrant ssh
cd /vagrant

Known test-passing configurations:

  1. docker: 1.9.1, registry:2.2.1
  2. docker: 1.10.2, registry:2.3.0
  3. docker: 1.11.2, registry:2.3.0
  4. docker: 1.12.1, registry:2.5.0

Known test-failing configurations:

  1. docker: 1.10.2, registry:2.2.1

When tests are run with a new docker daemon and an older registry,
architecture-specific config files are created, but they are not referenced
anywhere, so tests fail when we delete a tag or repo and expect all files to be
deleted, but these architecture-specific config files are still hanging around.
With the newer registry, these config files are referenced in the schema
version 2 manifest, so we can easily delete them. It's probably best to avoid
use of this script with the version combinations that fail tests.


Docker is building or has built much of this functionality in newer versions of
docker and the registry.

The ability to delete the metadata for a manifest was added in registry:2.2. Make
sure you give the registry the environment variable
REGISTRY_STORAGE_DELETE_ENABLED=true. Follow the instructions at to
delete a tag by name. Once the metadata is deleted, follow the instructions at to run
garbage collection, which will clean up the binary data (the big stuff).


Name With Ownerburnettk/delete-docker-registry-image
Primary LanguagePython
Program languageShell (Language Count: 2)
PlatformLinux, Mac, Windows
License:MIT License
Release Count0
Created At2015-09-02 19:39:40
Pushed At2022-05-09 01:01:45
Last Commit At2017-12-24 21:31:51
Stargazers Count712
Watchers Count43
Fork Count192
Commits Count65
Has Issues Enabled
Issues Count23
Issue Open Count0
Pull Requests Count15
Pull Requests Open Count0
Pull Requests Close Count2
Has Wiki Enabled
Is Archived
Is Fork
Is Locked
Is Mirror
Is Private
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