Kubernetes 的 Go 客户端

Kubernetes 的 Go 客户端。(Go client for Kubernetes.)

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Go clients for talking to a kubernetes cluster.

We recommend using the v0.x.y tags for Kubernetes releases >= v1.17.0 and
kubernetes-1.x.y tags for Kubernetes releases < v1.17.0.
See INSTALL.md for detailed installation instructions.
go get k8s.io/client-go@master works, but will fetch master, which may be less stable than a tagged release.

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Table of Contents

What's included

  • The kubernetes package contains the clientset to access Kubernetes API.
  • The discovery package is used to discover APIs supported by a Kubernetes API server.
  • The dynamic package contains a dynamic client that can perform generic operations on arbitrary Kubernetes API objects.
  • The plugin/pkg/client/auth packages contain optional authentication plugins for obtaining credentials from external sources.
  • The transport package is used to set up auth and start a connection.
  • The tools/cache package is useful for writing controllers.


  • For each v1.x.y Kubernetes release, the major version (first digit)
    would remain 0.

  • Bugfixes will result in the patch version (third digit) changing. PRs that are
    cherry-picked into an older Kubernetes release branch will result in an update
    to the corresponding branch in client-go, with a corresponding new tag
    changing the patch version.

Branches and tags.

We will create a new branch and tag for each increment in the minor version
number. We will create only a new tag for each increment in the patch
version number. See semver for definitions of major,
minor, and patch.

The HEAD of the master branch in client-go will track the HEAD of the master
branch in the main Kubernetes repo.

Compatibility: your code <-> client-go

The v0.x.y tags indicate that go APIs may change in incompatible ways in
different versions.

See INSTALL.md for guidelines on requiring a specific
version of client-go.

Compatibility: client-go <-> Kubernetes clusters

Since Kubernetes is backwards compatible with clients, older client-go
versions will work with many different Kubernetes cluster versions.

We will backport bugfixes--but not new features--into older versions of

Compatibility matrix


Name With Ownerkubernetes/client-go
Primary LanguageGo
Program languageGo (Language Count: 1)
PlatformDocker, Kubernetes, Linux
License:Apache License 2.0
Release Count1310
Last Release Namev0.30.0 (Posted on 2024-04-17 17:27:02)
First Release Namev1.4.0 (Posted on )
Created At2016-08-25 00:19:38
Pushed At2024-04-23 02:18:37
Last Commit At2024-04-22 18:26:21
Stargazers Count8.6k
Watchers Count177
Fork Count2.9k
Commits Count4.3k
Has Issues Enabled
Issues Count1107
Issue Open Count38
Pull Requests Count104
Pull Requests Open Count0
Pull Requests Close Count109
Has Wiki Enabled
Is Archived
Is Fork
Is Locked
Is Mirror
Is Private
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