
High-level tracing language for Linux eBPF

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bpftrace is a high-level tracing language for Linux enhanced Berkeley Packet Filter (eBPF) available in recent Linux kernels (4.x). bpftrace uses LLVM as a backend to compile scripts to BPF-bytecode and makes use of BCC for interacting with the Linux BPF system, as well as existing Linux tracing capabilities: kernel dynamic tracing (kprobes), user-level dynamic tracing (uprobes), and tracepoints. The bpftrace language is inspired by awk and C, and predecessor tracers such as DTrace and SystemTap. bpftrace was created by Alastair Robertson.

To learn more about bpftrace, see the Reference Guide and One-Liner Tutorial.


For build and install instructions, see INSTALL.md.


For development and testing a Vagrantfile is available.

Make sure you have the vbguest plugin installed, it is required to correctly
install the shared file system driver on the ubuntu boxes.

$ vagrant plugin install vagrant-vbguest


Count system calls using tracepoints:

# bpftrace -e 'tracepoint:syscalls:sys_enter_* { @[probe] = count(); }'
Attaching 320 probes...

@[tracepoint:syscalls:sys_enter_access]: 3291
@[tracepoint:syscalls:sys_enter_close]: 3897
@[tracepoint:syscalls:sys_enter_newstat]: 4268
@[tracepoint:syscalls:sys_enter_open]: 4609
@[tracepoint:syscalls:sys_enter_mmap]: 4781

Produce a histogram of time (in nanoseconds) spent in the read() system call:

// read.bt file
  @start[tid] = nsecs;

tracepoint:syscalls:sys_exit_read / @start[tid] /
  @times = hist(nsecs - @start[tid]);
# bpftrace read.bt
Attaching 2 probes...

[256, 512)           326, @, [512, 1k)           7715, @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@, [1k, 2k)           15306, @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@, [2k, 4k)             609, @@, [4k, 8k)             611, @@, [8k, 16k)            438, @, [16k, 32k)            59, [32k, 64k)            36, [64k, 128k)            5, ```

Print process name and paths for file opens, using kprobes (kernel dynamic tracing) of do_sys_open():

bpftrace -e 'kprobe:do_sys_open { printf("%s: %s\n", comm, str(arg1)) }'

Attaching 1 probe...
git: .git/objects/da
git: .git/objects/pack
git: /etc/localtime
systemd-journal: /var/log/journal/72d0774c88dc4943ae3d34ac356125dd
DNS Res~ver #15: /etc/hosts

CPU profiling, sampling kernel stacks at 99 Hertz:

bpftrace -e 'profile:hz:99 { @[kstack] = count() }'

Attaching 1 probe...

]: 97
]: 150

## One-Liners

The following one-liners demonstrate different capabilities:

Files opened by process

bpftrace -e 'tracepoint:syscalls:sys_enter_open { printf("%s %s\n", comm, str(args->filename)); }'

Syscall count by program

bpftrace -e 'tracepoint:raw_syscalls:sys_enter { @[comm] = count(); }'

Read bytes by process:

bpftrace -e 'tracepoint:syscalls:sys_exit_read /args->ret/ { @[comm] = sum(args->ret); }'

Read size distribution by process:

bpftrace -e 'tracepoint:syscalls:sys_exit_read { @[comm] = hist(args->ret); }'

Show per-second syscall rates:

bpftrace -e 'tracepoint:raw_syscalls:sys_enter { @ = count(); } interval:s:1 { print(@); clear(@); }'

Trace disk size by process

bpftrace -e 'tracepoint:block:block_rq_issue { printf("%d %s %d\n", pid, comm, args->bytes); }'

Count page faults by process

bpftrace -e 'software:faults:1 { @[comm] = count(); }'

Count LLC cache misses by process name and PID (uses PMCs):

bpftrace -e 'hardware:cache-misses:1000000 { @[comm, pid] = count(); }'

Profile user-level stacks at 99 Hertz, for PID 189:

bpftrace -e 'profile:hz:99 /pid == 189/ { @[ustack] = count(); }'

Files opened, for processes in the root cgroup-v2

bpftrace -e 'tracepoint:syscalls:sys_enter_openat /cgroup == cgroupid("/sys/fs/cgroup/unified/mycg")/ { printf("%s\n", str(args->filename)); }'

## Tools

bpftrace contains various tools, which also serve as examples of programming in the bpftrace language.

- tools/[bashreadline.bt](tools/bashreadline.bt): Print entered bash commands system wide. [Examples](tools/bashreadline_example.txt).
- tools/[biolatency.bt](tools/biolatency.bt): Block I/O latency as a histogram. [Examples](tools/biolatency_example.txt).
- tools/[biosnoop.bt](tools/biosnoop.bt): Block I/O tracing tool, showing per I/O latency. [Examples](tools/biosnoop_example.txt).
- tools/[biostacks.bt](tools/biostacks.bt): Show disk I/O latency with initialization stacks. [Examples](tools/biostacks_example.txt).
- tools/[bitesize.bt](tools/bitesize.bt): Show disk I/O size as a histogram. [Examples](tools/bitesize_example.txt).
- tools/[capable.bt](tools/capable.bt): Trace security capability checks. [Examples](tools/capable_example.txt).
- tools/[cpuwalk.bt](tools/cpuwalk.bt): Sample which CPUs are executing processes. [Examples](tools/cpuwalk_example.txt).
- tools/[dcsnoop.bt](tools/dcsnoop.bt): Trace directory entry cache (dcache) lookups. [Examples](tools/dcsnoop_example.txt).
- tools/[execsnoop.bt](tools/execsnoop.bt): Trace new processes via exec() syscalls. [Examples](tools/execsnoop_example.txt).
- tools/[gethostlatency.bt](tools/gethostlatency.bt): Show latency for getaddrinfo/gethostbyname[2] calls. [Examples](tools/gethostlatency_example.txt).
- tools/[killsnoop.bt](tools/killsnoop.bt): Trace signals issued by the kill() syscall. [Examples](tools/killsnoop_example.txt).
- tools/[loads.bt](tools/loads.bt): Print load averages. [Examples](tools/loads_example.txt).
- tools/[mdflush.bt](tools/mdflush.bt): Trace md flush events. [Examples](tools/mdflush_example.txt).
- tools/[naptime.bt](tools/naptime.bt): Show voluntary sleep calls. [Examples](tools/naptime_example.txt).
- tools/[opensnoop.bt](tools/opensnoop.bt): Trace open() syscalls showing filenames. [Examples](tools/opensnoop_example.txt).
- tools/[oomkill.bt](tools/oomkill.bt): Trace OOM killer. [Examples](tools/oomkill_example.txt).
- tools/[pidpersec.bt](tools/pidpersec.bt): Count new processes (via fork). [Examples](tools/pidpersec_example.txt).
- tools/[runqlat.bt](tools/runqlat.bt): CPU scheduler run queue latency as a histogram. [Examples](tools/runqlat_example.txt).
- tools/[runqlen.bt](tools/runqlen.bt): CPU scheduler run queue length as a histogram. [Examples](tools/runqlen_example.txt).
- tools/[setuids.bt](tools/setuids.bt): Trace the setuid syscalls: privilege escalation. [Examples](tools/setuids_example.txt).
- tools/[statsnoop.bt](tools/statsnoop.bt): Trace stat() syscalls for general debugging. [Examples](tools/statsnoop_example.txt).
- tools/[swapin.bt](tools/swapin.bt): Show swapins by process. [Examples](tools/swapin_example.txt).
- tools/[syncsnoop.bt](tools/syncsnoop.bt): Trace sync() variety of syscalls. [Examples](tools/syncsnoop_example.txt).
- tools/[syscount.bt](tools/syscount.bt): Count system calls. [Examples](tools/syscount_example.txt).
- tools/[tcpaccept.bt](tools/tcpaccept.bt): Trace TCP passive connections (accept()). [Examples](tools/tcpaccept_example.txt).
- tools/[tcpconnect.bt](tools/tcpconnect.bt): Trace TCP active connections (connect()). [Examples](tools/tcpconnect_example.txt).
- tools/[tcpdrop.bt](tools/tcpdrop.bt): Trace kernel-based TCP packet drops with details. [Examples](tools/tcpdrop_example.txt).
- tools/[tcplife.bt](tools/tcplife.bt): Trace TCP session lifespans with connection details. [Examples](tools/tcplife_example.txt).
- tools/[tcpretrans.bt](tools/tcpretrans.bt): Trace TCP retransmits. [Examples](tools/tcpretrans_example.txt).
- tools/[tcpsynbl.bt](tools/tcpsynbl.bt): Show TCP SYN backlog as a histogram. [Examples](tools/tcpsynbl_example.txt).
- tools/[threadsnoop.bt](tools/threadsnoop.bt): List new thread creation. [Examples](tools/threadsnoop_example.txt).
- tools/[vfscount.bt](tools/vfscount.bt): Count VFS calls. [Examples](tools/vfscount_example.txt).
- tools/[vfsstat.bt](tools/vfsstat.bt): Count some VFS calls, with per-second summaries. [Examples](tools/vfsstat_example.txt).
- tools/[writeback.bt](tools/writeback.bt): Trace file system writeback events with details. [Examples](tools/writeback_example.txt).
- tools/[xfsdist.bt](tools/xfsdist.bt): Summarize XFS operation latency distribution as a histogram. [Examples](tools/xfsdist_example.txt).

For more eBPF observability tools, see [bcc tools](https://github.com/iovisor/bcc#tools).

## Probe types
<center><a href="images/bpftrace_probes_2018.png"><img src="images/bpftrace_probes_2018.png" border=0 width=700></a></center>

### kprobes
Attach a bpftrace script to a kernel function, to be executed when that function is called:

`kprobe:vfs_read { ... }`

### uprobes
Attach script to a userland function:

`uprobe:/bin/bash:readline { ... }`

### tracepoints
Attach script to a statically defined tracepoint in the kernel:

`tracepoint:sched:sched_switch { ... }`

Tracepoints are guaranteed to be stable between kernel versions, unlike kprobes.

### software
Attach script to kernel software events, executing once every provided count or use a default:


### hardware
Attach script to hardware events (PMCs), executing once every provided count or use a default:


### profile
Run the script on all CPUs at specified time intervals:

`profile:hz:99 { ... }`

`profile:s:1 { ... }`

`profile:ms:20 { ... }`

`profile:us:1500 { ... }`

### interval
Run the script once per interval, for printing interval output:

`interval:s:1 { ... }`

`interval:ms:20 { ... }`

### Multiple attachment points
A single probe can be attached to multiple events:

`kprobe:vfs_read,kprobe:vfs_write { ... }`

### Wildcards
Some probe types allow wildcards to be used when attaching a probe:

`uprobe:/bin/bash:read* { ... }`

`kprobe:vfs_* { ... }`

### Predicates
Define conditions for which a probe should be executed:

`kprobe:sys_open / uid == 0 / { ... }`

## Builtins
The following variables and functions are available for use in bpftrace scripts:

- `pid` - Process ID (kernel tgid)
- `tid` - Thread ID (kernel pid)
- `cgroup` - Cgroup ID of the current process
- `uid` - User ID
- `gid` - Group ID
- `nsecs` - Nanosecond timestamp
- `elapsed` - Nanosecond timestamp since bpftrace initialization
- `cpu` - Processor ID
- `comm` - Process name
- `stack` - Kernel stack trace
- `ustack` - User stack trace
- `arg0`, `arg1`, ... etc. - Arguments to the function being traced
- `sarg0`, `sarg1`, ... etc. - Arguments to the function being traced (for programs that store arguments on the stack)
- `retval` - Return value from function being traced
- `func` - Name of the function currently being traced
- `probe` - Full name of the probe
- `curtask` - Current task_struct as a u64
- `rand` - Random number of type u32
- `$1`, `$2`, ... etc. - Positional parameters to the bpftrace program

- `hist(int n)` - Produce a log2 histogram of values of `n`
- `lhist(int n, int min, int max, int step)` - Produce a linear histogram of values of `n`
- `count()` - Count the number of times this function is called
- `sum(int n)` - Sum this value
- `min(int n)` - Record the minimum value seen
- `max(int n)` - Record the maximum value seen
- `avg(int n)` - Average this value
- `stats(int n)` - Return the count, average, and total for this value
- `delete(@x)` - Delete the map element passed in as an argument
- `str(char *s [, int length])` - Returns the string pointed to by `s`
- `printf(char *fmt, ...)` - Print formatted to stdout
- `print(@x[, int top [, int div]])` - Print a map, with optional top entry count and divisor
- `clear(@x)` - Delete all key/values from a map
- `sym(void *p)` - Resolve kernel address
- `usym(void *p)` - Resolve user space address
- `ntop([int af, ]int, char[4, 16] addr)` - Resolve ip address
- `kaddr(char *name)` - Resolve kernel symbol name
- `uaddr(char *name)` - Resolve user space symbol name
- `reg(char *name)` - Returns the value stored in the named register
- `join(char *arr[] [, char *delim])` - Prints the string array
- `time(char *fmt)` - Print the current time
- `cat(char *filename)` - Print file content
- `system(char *fmt)` - Execute shell command
- `exit()` - Quit bpftrace

See the [Reference Guide](docs/reference_guide.md) for more detail.

## Internals

<center><a href="images/bpftrace_internals_2018.png"><img src="images/bpftrace_internals_2018.png" border=0 width=700></a></center>

bpftrace employs various techniques for efficiency, minimizing the instrumentation overhead. Summary statistics are stored in kernel BPF maps, which are asynchronously copied from kernel to user-space, only when needed. Other data, and asynchronous actions, are passed from kernel to user-space via the perf output buffer.

## Contributing

* Have ideas for new bpftrace tools? [CONTRIBUTING-TOOLS.md](CONTRIBUTING-TOOLS.md)

* Bugs reports and feature requests: [Issue Tracker](https://github.com/iovisor/bpftrace/issues)

* bpftrace development IRC: #bpftrace at irc.oftc.net

## License

Copyright 2019 Alastair Robertson

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.


Name With Ownerbpftrace/bpftrace
Primary LanguageC++
Program languageCMake (Language Count: 9)
License:Apache License 2.0
Release Count30
Last Release Namev0.20.3 (Posted on )
First Release Namev0.8 (Posted on )
Created At2018-08-31 04:34:44
Pushed At2024-05-14 13:49:08
Last Commit At2024-03-28 12:18:39
Stargazers Count8k
Watchers Count169
Fork Count1.3k
Commits Count3.3k
Has Issues Enabled
Issues Count1095
Issue Open Count227
Pull Requests Count1591
Pull Requests Open Count20
Pull Requests Close Count216
Has Wiki Enabled
Is Archived
Is Fork
Is Locked
Is Mirror
Is Private
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