
BlogEngine.NET 是一个开源 ASP.NET 项目,诞生于渴望更好的博客平台。(BlogEngine.NET is an open source ASP.NET project that was born out of desire for a better blogging platform. )

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BlogEngine.NET 是一个开源 ASP.NET 项目,诞生于渴望更好的博客平台。我们专注于简单、 易用性、 可扩展性和创新的设计,同时利用最新的.NET 功能。

BlogEngine.NET 是易于定制的。我们有许多可下载的主题、小部件,并扩展或你可以让你自己与一些基本的.NET 技能。采用 BlogEngine.NET,很容易让你的博客,外观和功能完全是你会喜欢的。



最低要求:IIS 7.0,.NET 4.5


Name With OwnerBlogEngine/BlogEngine.NET
Primary LanguageC#
Program languageC# (Language Count: 10)
Release Count4
Last Release Namev3.3.8.0 (Posted on 2019-06-15 17:32:28)
First Release Name3.3.5.0 (Posted on )
Created At2015-05-19 02:12:40
Pushed At2023-08-02 17:55:54
Last Commit At2023-01-12 22:48:22
Stargazers Count0.9k
Watchers Count107
Fork Count536
Commits Count433
Has Issues Enabled
Issues Count200
Issue Open Count20
Pull Requests Count31
Pull Requests Open Count7
Pull Requests Close Count34
Has Wiki Enabled
Is Archived
Is Fork
Is Locked
Is Mirror
Is Private

This repository provides latest source code for BlogEngine.NET project.
Code regularly updated with security patches but there no plans to add new functionality.
If you are looking for latest reincarnation in active development, please take a look at Blogifier as modern cross-platform .NET Core alternative.


There are two download options for BlogEngine.NET:

1. Web Project

This is an ideal option that you just need to download and copy BlogEngine files on your website and then everything is ready:


  • ASP.NET 4.5 +


  1. Download and extract zip file on root of your website.
  2. Add write permissions to the App_Data and Custom folder.
  3. Installation is done.
  4. You can navigate to administration by adding /admin/ to your website's URL, for example:
  5. Username: admin Password admin

2. Source Code

This is the developer option. If you are interested is seeing how things work or want to add to the functionality, this is your option.


  • Visual Studio 2015 +
  • ASP.NET 4.5 +


  1. Clone repository
  2. Open solution in Visual Studio 2015 +
  3. Build and run solution to load website in the browser
  4. You can navigate to administration on: http://localhost:64079/admin/
  5. Username: admin Password admin

3. Security Update

After install, update machineKey in Web.config with values generated with tool like this. This will prevent known exploit (reported Sep 2019). This only effects if you use default admin account.


More screenshots on the website.


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