
这个 web 应用程序解决方案使您能够监视您可以访问的任何 Azure 订阅的使用情况和计费情况。(This web application solution enables you to monitor the usage and billing for any Azure subscriptions you have access to.)

  • Owner: microsoft/AzureUsageAndBillingPortal
  • Platform: Microsoft Azure
  • License:: Other
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项目更新 2018 年 8 月 1 日

当前未维护此项目。我们建议在 此处 查看最新的 Azure 计费 API 信息。您还可以查看可用的合作伙伴解决方案以及 Azure 计费和成本管理的所有文档。

Azure 使用和帐单洞察(AUBI)门户

此项目旨在检索特定 Azure 订阅中的所有 Azure 服务的使用情况详细信息。使用PowerBI 仪表板,可以检索注册到系统的订阅的最新计费数据(Azure 服务使用详细信息)。

首先,任何具有活跃的 Azure 订阅的用户都必须通过注册网站向系统注册订阅。要获得注册,只有订阅所有者的 Microsoft ID(即以、 等结尾的电子邮件地址)或组织 ID(即以、 等结尾的电子邮件地址)和订阅域名是必需的。提供这些数据,用户可以向系统注册 Azure 订阅。

订阅注册后,系统会自动检索过去3年(可调参数)的使用数据,并允许 PowerBI 仪表板查看。 此外,每天UTC时间00:00,系统会自动检索系统中每个已注册订阅的前一天的使用情况和账单数据。通过这样做,它可以将所有记录保持在每天的最新状态。

通过 PowerBI 提交的数据总是会有1天的延迟(因为主要的 Azure 系统从不同的时区收集来自不同数据中心的所有数据,所以目前无法立即检索过去的几小时数据)。


  • 一个名为“注册”的公共网站,任何用户都可以访问该网站并注册他们的 Azure 订阅。
  • 一个名为 Dashboard 的网站,只有经过认证的用户才能看到已注册的订阅列表,并在出现任何不一致的情况下触发作业重新生成最新的帐单数据。
  • 一个 AzureSQL 服务器用于保存所有注册订阅的账单和使用数据。 一个 Azure 存储队列来保存“生成数据”请求。
  • 一个运行 webjob 的计划基础(每UTC时间)每天触发一次,为每个注册的订阅创建“生成数据”请求。
  • 一个连续运行的 Webjob 来处理在 Azure 存储队列中等待的请求。
  • PowerBi 仪表板用于所有或每次订购的数据可视化 Azure 服务计费和使用详细信息,如服务单位、数量、使用时间等

PowerBI 仪表板允许用户根据不同的参数实时过滤数据,如:订阅,服务,子服务等。




目前由于 RateCard API 的限制,EA 客户将无法检索其账单数据。这并不能阻止 EA 客户查看他们的使用信息,PowerBI 报告对于跨多个订阅进行这项工作仍然非常有价值。 Azure Billing 团队已经表示他们计划在此支持上工作,您可以在这里 查看状态并为该功能投票


这个项目采用了微软开放源代码行为准则。欲了解更多信息,请参阅行为准则常见问题 或联系 以获得更多问题或评论。


Name With Ownermicrosoft/AzureUsageAndBillingPortal
Primary LanguageJavaScript
Program languageC# (Language Count: 8)
PlatformMicrosoft Azure
Release Count0
Created At2016-04-22 18:39:16
Pushed At2023-05-31 20:18:50
Last Commit At2022-11-28 19:13:05
Stargazers Count197
Watchers Count66
Fork Count94
Commits Count80
Has Issues Enabled
Issues Count61
Issue Open Count27
Pull Requests Count21
Pull Requests Open Count18
Pull Requests Close Count20
Has Wiki Enabled
Is Archived
Is Fork
Is Locked
Is Mirror
Is Private

Project Update August 1, 2018

This project is not currently being maintained. We recommend taking a look at the latest Azure Billing API information here. You can also take a look at the available partner solutions and the all up documentation on Azure Billing and Cost Management.

Azure Usage and Billing Insights (AUBI) Portal

This project is designed to retrieve the usage details of all Azure services in a specific Azure subscription(s). Using PowerBI dashboard, one can retrieve up to date billing data (Azure service usage details) of a subscription that is registered to the system.
First, any user with an active azure subscription has to register their subscription with the system through the registration website. To get registered, only the subscription owner's Microsoft ID (i.e. email address that ends with, etc.) or an organization ID (i.e. email address that ends with, etc.) and subscription’s domain name is needed. Providing this data, a user can register their Azure subscription with the system.
Once the subscription is registered, the system automatically retrieves the past 3 years (adjustable parameter) usage data and allows it to be viewed by a PowerBI dashboard.
Additionally, every day at UTC 00:00 o’clock, the system automatically retrieves the previous day’s usage and billing data for each registered subscription in the system. By doing this, it keeps all records up to date on a daily basis.
There is always a 1-day delay (currently you can’t retrieve the past few hours’ data immediately because the main Azure system collects all data from different datacenters within different time zones) on the data presented through PowerBI.

This system consists of the following services:

  • One public website called Registration where any user can provide access to the site and register their Azure subscriptions.
  • One website called Dashboard, where only authenticated users can see the list of registered subscriptions and trigger a job to re-generate up to date billing data in case of any inconsistency.
  • One AzureSQL Server to hold billing and usage data for all registered subscriptions.
  • One Azure Storage Queue to hold “generate data” requests.
  • One schedule base (every UTC night) running webjob that is triggered once a day to create “generate data” request for each registered subscription.
  • One continuous running webjob to process requests that are waiting in the Azure Storage Queue.
  • PowerBi dashboard for data visualization of all or per subscription Azure service billing and usage details like service unit, quantity, usage duration, etc.

The PowerBI dashboard allows users to filter data in realtime according to different parameters such as: Subscriptions, Services, SubServices, etc.

Click for video tutorial on end to end Setup Instructions

Click for Setup Instructions

Sample Report screenshot:

Enterprise Agreement Accounts

Currently due to limitations of the RateCard API, EA customers will not be able to retrieve their billing data. This does not stop EA customers from reviewing their usage information and the PowerBI report is still quite valuable for doing this across multiple subscriptions. The Azure Billing team has stated their plans to work on this support and you can view the status and vote for the feature here.

Code of Conduct

This project has adopted the Microsoft Open Source Code of Conduct. For more information see the Code of Conduct FAQ or contact with any additional questions or comments.

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