
一个易于定制的第二十一世纪的文本编辑器,建立于Electron。(A hackable text editor for the 21st Century. built on Electron)

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Atom是一款现代化的、平易近人的文本编辑器,它可以嵌入到内核中 --- 这个工具可以自定义做任何事情,但也可以有效地使用,而无需触碰配置文件。

Atom特点 --- 全功能,开箱即用

  • 跨平台编辑 -- Atom可以跨操作系统工作。 您可以在OS X,Windows或Linux上使用它。
  • 内置包管理器 -- 搜索并安装新的软件包,或者从Atom开始创建自己的软件包。
  • 智能自动完成 -- Atom可帮助您通过智能,灵活的自动填充功能更快地编写代码。
  • 文件系统浏览器 -- 在一个窗口中轻松浏览和打开单个文件,整个项目或多个项目。
  • 多个窗格 -- 将Atom界面分割成多个窗格,以跨文件比较和编辑代码。
  • 查找和替换 -- 在文件或所有项目中输入文本时查找,预览和替换文本。


Name With Owneratom/atom
Primary LanguageJavaScript
Program languageShell (Language Count: 8)
PlatformLinux, Mac, Windows
License:MIT License
Release Count571
Last Release Namev1.63.1 (Posted on )
First Release Namev0.0.1 (Posted on )
Created At2012-01-20 18:18:21
Pushed At2023-01-03 10:49:48
Last Commit At2022-11-22 17:11:57
Stargazers Count60k
Watchers Count2.6k
Fork Count17.4k
Commits Count38.5k
Has Issues Enabled
Issues Count17113
Issue Open Count962
Pull Requests Count3937
Pull Requests Open Count31
Pull Requests Close Count1312
Has Wiki Enabled
Is Archived
Is Fork
Is Locked
Is Mirror
Is Private


Build status
Dependency Status
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Atom is a hackable text editor for the 21st century, built on Electron, and based on everything we love about our favorite editors. We designed it to be deeply customizable, but still approachable using the default configuration.


Atom Screenshot

Visit to learn more or visit the Atom forum.

Follow @AtomEditor on Twitter for important

This project adheres to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.
By participating, you are expected to uphold this code. Please report unacceptable behavior to


If you want to read about using Atom or developing packages in Atom, the Atom Flight Manual is free and available online. You can find the source to the manual in atom/

The API reference for developing packages is also documented on




Download the latest Atom release.

Atom will automatically update when a new release is available.


Download the latest Atom installer. AtomSetup.exe is 32-bit. For 64-bit systems, download AtomSetup-x64.exe.

Atom will automatically update when a new release is available.

You can also download (32-bit) or (64-bit) from the releases page.
The .zip version will not automatically update.

Using Chocolatey? Run cinst Atom to install the latest version of Atom.


Atom is only available for 64-bit Linux systems.

Configure your distribution's package manager to install and update Atom by following the Linux installation instructions in the Flight Manual. You will also find instructions on how to install Atom's official Linux packages without using a package repository, though you will not get automatic updates after installing Atom this way.

Archive extraction

An archive is available for people who don't want to install atom as root.

This version enables you to install multiple Atom versions in parallel. It has been built on Ubuntu 64-bit,
but should be compatible with other Linux distributions.

  1. Install dependencies (on Ubuntu): sudo apt install git gconf2 gconf-service libgtk2.0-0 libudev1 libgcrypt20 libnotify4 libxtst6 libnss3 python gvfs-bin xdg-utils libcap2
  2. Download atom-amd64.tar.gz from the Atom releases page.
  3. Run tar xf atom-amd64.tar.gz in the directory where you want to extract the Atom folder.
  4. Launch Atom using the installed atom command from the newly extracted directory.

The Linux version does not currently automatically update so you will need to
repeat these steps to upgrade to future releases.





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