Akeneo PIM

Akeneo是一个开源产品信息管理(PIM)系统,专为零售商寻求有效解决其多渠道需求而设计。(Akeneo is an open source Product Information Management (PIM) system designed for retailers looking for efficient answers to their multichannel needs.)

Github stars Tracking Chart



Name With Ownerakeneo/pim-community-dev
Primary LanguagePHP
Program languagePHP (Language Count: 12)
Release Count1169
Last Release Namev7.0.62 (Posted on 2024-04-19 14:25:22)
First Release Namev1.0.0-ALPHA1 (Posted on 2013-05-31 20:38:17)
Created At2012-08-10 09:27:26
Pushed At2024-04-27 03:16:36
Last Commit At2024-04-08 17:00:36
Stargazers Count0.9k
Watchers Count87
Fork Count511
Commits Count60.7k
Has Issues Enabled
Issues Count1329
Issue Open Count344
Pull Requests Count14847
Pull Requests Open Count153
Pull Requests Close Count4098
Has Wiki Enabled
Is Archived
Is Fork
Is Locked
Is Mirror
Is Private

Akeneo PIM Development Repository

Welcome to Akeneo PIM Product.

This repository is used to develop the Akeneo PIM product.

Practically, it means the Akeneo PIM source code is present in the src/ directory.

If you want to create a new PIM project based on Akeneo PIM, please use https://www.github.com/akeneo/pim-community-standard

If you want to contribute to the Akeneo PIM (and we will be pleased if you do!), you can fork this repository and submit a pull request.

Scrutinizer, Crowdin
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Scrutinizer Quality Score, Crowdin

Application Technical Information

The following documentation is designed for both clients and partners and provides all technical information required to define required server(s) to run Akeneo PIM application and check that end users workstation is compatible with Akeneo PIM application:

Installation instructions

To install Akeneo PIM for a PIM project or for evaluation, please follow:

Upgrade instructions

To upgrade Akeneo PIM to a newer version, please follow:

Testing instructions

To run the tests of Akeneo PIM, please follow:

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