
Scala编程语言。(The Scala programming language.)



Scala是“可扩展语言”的缩写。 这意味着Scala与你一起成长。 您可以通过键入单行表达式并观察结果来进行操作。 但你也可以依赖它来进行大型的任务关键系统,包括Twitter、LinkedIn和英特尔这样的公司。

对有些人来说,Scala感觉像一种脚本语言。 其语法简洁而低俗; 因为编译器可以推断出它们的类型, 所以它会退出。有一个REPL和IDE工作表来快速反馈。 开发者非常喜欢它,Scala在2012年JavaOne大会上赢得了ScriptBowl比赛。
同时,Scala是许多关键任务服务器系统的首选主要语言。 生成的代码与Java的一致,它的精确类型意味着许多问题在编译时被捕获,而不是在部署之后被捕获。
Scala运行在JVM上。 Java和Scala类可以自由混合,无论它们是驻留在不同的项目还是在同一个。它们甚至可以相互引用,Scala编译器包含Java编译器的一个子集,以便了解这种递归依赖关系。
Java库、框架和工具都可用。构建像ant或maven这样的工具,像Eclipse、IntelliJ或Netbeans这样的IDE,像Spring或Hibernate这样的框架都可以与Scala无缝地工作。 Scala运行在所有常见的JVM上,也可以在Android上运行。
Scala社区是Java生态系统的重要组成部分。受欢迎的Scala框架包括Akka、Finagle和Play Web框架,包括用于Java和Scala的双API。

也许最重要的是,在Scala中的编程往往是非常愉快的。没有样板,快速迭代,但同时具有强静态系统的安全性。来自Guardian的Graham Tackley说:“我们发现Scala使我们能够以更少的代码来更快地提供更多的东西。这让我们团队重新焕发了生机。“

(原文:,WRITTEN BY: Martin Odersky)


编程语言Shell (语言数: 11)
平台Android, BSD, Linux, Mac, Solaris, Windows
许可证Apache License 2.0
最新版本名称v2.13.14 (发布于 2024-04-29 13:23:25)
第一版名称v1.0.0-b5 (发布于 )
创建于2011-12-01 05:02:34
推送于2024-05-05 16:45:51


This is the official repository for the Scala Programming Language
standard library, compiler, and language spec.

How to contribute

To contribute in this repo, please open a pull request from your fork of this repository.

We do have to ask you to sign the Scala CLA before we can merge any of your work, to protect its open source nature.

For more information on building and developing the core of Scala, make sure to read
the rest of this README!

In order to get in touch with other Scala contributors, join
scala/contributors (Gitter) or post on (Discourse).

Reporting issues

Please report bugs at the scala/bug issue tracker. We use the scala/scala-dev tracker for coordinating bigger work items.

Get in touch!

If you need some help with your PR at any time, please feel free to @-mention anyone from the list below, and we will do our best to help you out:, username, talk to me about..., --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------, ----------------------------------------------------------------, ---------------------------------------------------, , @adriaanm, type checker, pattern matcher, infrastructure, language spec, , @SethTisue, getting started, build, developer docs, community build, Jenkins, library, , @retronym, compiler performance, weird compiler bugs, Java 8 lambdas, REPL, , @szeiger, collections, build, , @lrytz, back end, optimizer, named & default arguments, , @Ichoran, collections library, performance, , @viktorklang, concurrency, futures, , @axel22, concurrency, parallel collections, specialization, , @dragos, specialization, back end, , @janekdb, documentation, , @sjrd, interactions with Scala.js, P.S.: If you have some spare time to help out around here, we would be delighted to add your name to this list!

Repository structure

+--build.sbt                 The main sbt build script
+--lib/                      Pre-compiled libraries for the build
+--src/                      All sources
   +---/library              Scala Standard Library
   +---/reflect              Scala Reflection
   +---/compiler             Scala Compiler
   +---/intellij             IntelliJ project templates
+--spec/                     The Scala language specification
+--scripts/                  Scripts for the CI jobs (including building releases)
+--test/                     The Scala test suite
   +---/files                Partest tests
   +---/junit                JUnit tests
   +---/scalacheck           ScalaCheck tests
+--build/                    [Generated] Build output directory

Get ready to contribute


You need the following tools:

  • Java SDK. The baseline version is 8 for both 2.12.x and 2.13.x. It may be possible to use a
    later SDK for local development, but the CI will verify against the baseline
  • sbt (sbt 0.13 on the 2.12.x branch, sbt 1 on the 2.13.x branch)

MacOS and Linux work. Windows may work if you use Cygwin. Community help with keeping
the build working on Windows is appreciated.

Tools we use

We are grateful for the following OSS licenses:

Build setup


During ordinary development, a new Scala build is built by the
previously released version. For short we call the previous release
"starr": the stable reference release. Building with starr is
sufficient for most kinds of changes.

However, a full build of Scala (a bootstrap, as performed by our CI)
requires two layers. This guarantees that every Scala version can
build itself. If you change the code generation part of the Scala
compiler, your changes will only show up in the bytecode of the
library and compiler after a bootstrap. See below for how to do a
bootstrap build locally.

For history on how the current scheme was arrived at, see

Using the sbt build

Once you've started an sbt session you can run one of the core commands:

  • compile compiles all sub-projects (library, reflect, compiler, scaladoc, etc)
  • scala / scalac run the REPL / compiler directly from sbt (accept options /
  • dist/mkBin generates runner scripts (scala, scalac, etc) in build/quick/bin
  • dist/mkPack creates a build in the Scala distribution format in build/pack
  • test runs the JUnit test, testOnly *immutable.ListTest runs a subset
  • partest runs partest tests (accepts options, try partest --help)
  • scalacheck/test runs scalacheck tests, scalacheck/testOnly *FloatFormatTest runs a subset
  • publishLocal publishes a distribution locally (can be used as scalaVersion in
    other sbt projects)
    • Optionally set baseVersionSuffix := "-bin-abcd123-SNAPSHOT"
      where abcd123 is the git hash of the revision being published. You can also
      use something custom like "-bin-mypatch". This changes the version number from
      2.12.2-SNAPSHOT to something more stable (2.12.2-bin-abcd123-SNAPSHOT).
    • Note that the -bin string marks the version binary compatible. Using it in
      sbt will cause the scalaBinaryVersion to be 2.12. If the version is not
      binary compatible, we recommend using -pre, e.g., 2.13.0-pre-abcd123-SNAPSHOT.
    • Optionally set publishArtifact in (Compile, packageDoc) in ThisBuild := false
      to skip generating / publishing API docs (speeds up the process).

If a command results in an error message like a module is not authorized to depend on itself, it may be that a global SBT plugin (such as ENSIME) is
resulting in a cyclical dependency. Try disabling global SBT plugins (perhaps by
temporarily commenting them out in ~/.sbt/1.0/plugins/plugins.sbt).


We recommend to keep local test files in the sandbox directory which is listed in
the .gitignore of the Scala repo.

Incremental compilation

Note that sbt's incremental compilation is often too coarse for the Scala compiler
codebase and re-compiles too many files, resulting in long build times (check
sbt#1104 for progress on that front). In the
meantime you can:

  • Use IntelliJ IDEA for incremental compiles (see IDE Setup below) - its
    incremental compiler is a bit less conservative, but usually correct.

Bootstrapping locally

To perform a bootstrap using sbt

  • first a build is published either locally or on a temporary repository,
  • then a separate invocation of sbt (using the previously built version as starr)
    is used to build / publish the actual build.

Assume the current starr version is 2.12.0 (defined in and the current version is 2.12.0-SNAPSHOT
(defined in build.sbt). To perform a local bootstrap:

  • Run publishLocal (you may want to specify a custom version suffix and skip
    generating API docs, see above).
  • Quit sbt and start a new sbt instance using sbt -Dstarr.version=<version> where
    <version> is the version number you published locally.
  • If the version number you published is not binary compatible with the current
    starr, set every scalaBinaryVersion := "2.12.0-M4". This is not required if
    the version you published locally is binary compatible, i.e., if the current
    starr is a 2.12.x release and not a milestone / RC.

The last step is required to resolve modules (scala-partest, etc). It
assumes that the module releases for the current starr work (in terms of binary
compatibility) with the local starr that you published locally. A full bootstrap
requires re-building the all the modules. On our CI this is handled by the
bootstrap script, but it (currently) cannot
be easily executed locally.

IDE setup

You may use IntelliJ IDEA (see src/intellij/,
or ENSIME (see this page on the ENSIME site).
(Support for Eclipse has decayed and been removed, but could be resurrected by
a volunteer.)

In order to use IntelliJ's incremental compiler:

  • run dist/mkBin in sbt to get a build and the runner scripts in build/quick/bin
  • run "Build" - "Make Project" in IntelliJ

Now you can edit and build in IntelliJ and use the scripts (compiler, REPL) to
directly test your changes. You can also run the scala, scalac and partest
commands in sbt. Enable "Ant mode" (explained above) to prevent sbt's incremental
compiler from re-compiling (too many) files before each partest invocation.

Coding guidelines

Our guidelines for contributing are explained in
It contains useful information on our coding standards, testing, documentation, how
we use git and GitHub and how to get your code reviewed.

You may also want to check out the following resources:

Scala CI

Build Status

Once you submit a PR your commits will be automatically tested by the Scala CI.

If you see a spurious build failure, you can post /rebuild as a PR comment.
The scabot README lists all available commands.

If you'd like to test your patch before having everything polished for review,
feel free to submit a PR and add the WIP label. In case your WIP branch contains
a large number of commits (that you didn't clean up / squash yet for review),
consider adding [ci: last-only] to the PR title. That way only the last commit
will be tested, saving some energy and CI-resources. Note that inactive WIP PRs
will be closed eventually, which does not mean the change is being rejected.

CI performs a full bootstrap. The first task, validate-publish-core, publishes
a build of your commit to the temporary repository
Note that this build is not yet bootstrapped, its bytecode is built using the
current starr. The version number is 2.12.2-bin-abcd123-SNAPSHOT where abcd123
is the commit hash. For binary incompatible builds, the version number is

You can use Scala builds in the validation repository locally by adding a resolver
and specifying the corresponding scalaVersion:

$ sbt
> set resolvers += "pr" at ""
> set scalaVersion := "2.12.2-bin-abcd123-SNAPSHOT"
> console

Note that the scala modules are currently not built/published against the
tested version during CI validation.

Nightly builds

The Scala CI builds nightly download releases (including all modules) and publishes
them to the following locations:

The CI also publishes nightly API docs:

Using a nightly build in sbt is explained in
this Stack Overflow answer

Scala CI internals

The Scala CI runs as a Jenkins instance on,
configured by a chef cookbook at scala/scala-jenkins-infra.

The build bot that watches PRs, triggers testing builds and applies the "reviewed" label
after an LGTM comment is in the scala/scabot repo.

Community build

The Scala community build is an important method for testing Scala
releases. A community build can be launched for any Scala commit, even
before the commit's PR has been merged. That commit is then used to
build a large number of open-source projects from source and run their
test suites.

To request a community build run on your PR, just ask in a comment on
the PR and a Scala team member (probably @SethTisue) will take care of
it. (details)

Community builds run on the Scala Jenkins instance. The jobs are
named ..-integrate-community-build. See the
