
A visual for displaying two correlated KPIs within a single visual.

  • 所有者: microsoft/powerbi-visuals-dualkpi
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  • 许可证: Other
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Dual KPI Custom Visual

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DualKPI screenshot


Each KPI can be visualized as line chart or area chart. The visual has dynamic behavior and can show historical value and the change from the latest value when you hover over it. It also has small icons and labels to convey KPI definitions and alerts about data freshness. Customize colors, titles, axis properties, tooltips, and more, to create visually appealing and functional executive dashboards.


Dual KPI efficiently visualizes two measures over time. It shows their trend based on a joint timeline, while absolute values may use different scales, for example Profit and Market share or Sales and Profit. Each KPI can be visualized as line chart or area chart. The visual has dynamic behavior and can show historical value and the change from the latest value when you hover over it. It also has small icons and labels to convey KPI definitions and alerts about data freshness. Customize colors, titles, axis properties, tooltips, and more, to create visually appealing and functional executive dashboards.

Data fields

Values for the x-axis of both charts. Must be a date.

Top values
Values for the top chart. Number or percentage values supported.

Bottom values
Values for the bottom chart. Number or percentage values supported.

Warning state
This should be a column with only one numerical value. If the value is a negative number, a warning icon will be shown in the bottom left of the visual. The tooltip for this icon can be configured in the formatting pane.

Top - % change start date (mm/dd/yyyy)
This should be a column with only one date value that represents the date from which the percent change calculation in the top chart should start. By default the visual calculates and displays the percent change across the entire dataset. This date can also be configured from the formatting options.

Bottom - % change start date (mm/dd/yyyy)
Same as "Top - % change start date", but for the percentage change value displayed in the bottom chart.

Formatting Options

Title text
Set the title text at the bottom of the visual

Abbreviate values
If set to true, the data values shown in the chart will be abbreviate with standard SI units. For example, 100,000 would be abbreviated to 100K.

Top chart tooltip text
This text will be inserted into the tooltip for the data displayed in the center of the top chart. By default, the tooltip shows the percent change information. This text will be prepended to that.

Bottom chart tooltip text
Same as "Top chart tooltip text", but for the bottom chart.

Warning tooltip text
Text to show in the tooltip for the warning icon

Show stale data warning
Toggle on/off showing a stale data icon in the bottom right of the visual. This icon will only be shown if the stale data threshold is exceeded. For example, you can configure this warning to display if the data in the visual is more than a week old.

Stale data tooltip text
Text to show in the tooltip for the stale data icon

Stale data threshold
Number of days old the latest date in the dataset can be before showing the stale data icon. Default is 2 days.

Top - % change start date (mm/dd/yyyy)
See explanation above in data fields section for "Top - % change start date".

Bottom - % change start date (mm/dd/yyyy)
See explanation above in data fields section for "Bottom - % change start date"

Data color
Set the color of the plotted values

Text color
Set color of the text the overlays each chart

Chart opacity
Set the the opacity of the plotted values

Top chart axis min
Set the minimum value of the axis on the top chart

Top chart axis max
Set the maximum value of the axis on the bottom chart

Bottom chart axis min
Set the minimum value of the axis on the bottom chart

Bottom chart axis max
Set the maximum value of the axis on the bottom chart

Top chart zero line
Render an x-axis line at wherever y equals 0. This is helpful in charts that are displaying negative values. It helps to see at what point the data crosses into the negative range.

Bottom chart zero line
Same as "Top chart zero line", but for the bottom chart

Top chart type
Toggle the top chart between an area chart or a line chart

Bottom chart type
Toggle the bottom chart between an area chart or a line chart

See also Dual KPI at Microsoft Office store


编程语言TypeScript (语言数: 3)
最新版本名称1.2.18 (发布于 )
第一版名称1.2.18 (发布于 )
创建于2016-12-29 11:49:42
推送于2023-12-19 17:04:55
最后一次提交2020-12-24 16:52:18